As the black fire swallowed up the Philosopher's Stone, Quirrell and his conspiracy, the incident related to the Philosopher's Stone ended.

In the flames, the young wizards seemed to see Voldemort's broken soul. He screamed and escaped from the fire, but the terrible flames obviously caused him great harm.

At this time, Dumbledore finally arrived. He happened to catch this scene and watched Voldemort's broken soul leave.

This made him frown deeply.

Troubled times are coming.

He then turned to his five students.

At this moment, he had to face the fact before him.

It was these students in front of them who broke into the level where the Philosopher's Stone was stored and fought against Professor Quirrell and Voldemort who possessed him. During the battle, in order to save his companions and eliminate Voldemort, one of the students had to use a strong fire to kill Quirrell. Destroyed together with the magic stone.

Fierce fire has the property of burning magic power, so once a pure magical creation like the magic stone encounters ferocious fire, it will end up being burned to the point where nothing is left.

After hearing this fact from everyone, Dumbledore had to believe that he had lost the Philosopher's Stone forever.

But he didn't blame Ye Ting, because he really had to do it, after all, Harry was still in Voldemort's hands at the time.

In order to prevent Voldemort from resurrecting, destroying Quirrell and the Philosopher's Stone together with him, who was possessed by Voldemort, could be said to be the best choice Ye Ting could make at that time.

Now, Voldemort has to lie dormant again, lingering to plan the next conspiracy. As the greatest contemporary White Martial Arts Master, he must also seize the time to make advance responses to the Dark Lord's resurrection.


After leaving the principal's office, all the little wizards involved in this field were extremely tired.

In order to quickly get the Philosopher's Stone, they set out in the early morning and stayed up all night. In the process of passing various levels and finally confronting Professor Quirrell and Voldemort, both their physical strength and energy were completely exhausted. So they fell asleep immediately after returning to the dormitory.

Before Ye Ting went to bed, he did not forget to hide the magic stone in his pocket into a box that was locked with magic.

That's right, the Philosopher's Stone wasn't actually destroyed in the previous battle.

In fact, Ye Ting wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone a long time ago, but like Quirrell, he couldn't take it out of the Mirror of Erised, and he didn't want to be blamed by Deng for taking the Philosopher's Stone. Bledo's eye - he hasn't finished reading the Hogwarts books yet.

Therefore, he designed this plan at the beginning of the school year.

At that time, Hermione asked him to explore the room where the three-headed dog was, but he was temporarily delayed. He made up his mind to launch this plan at the end of the semester - because only then would Harry be able to fight against Voldemort took the Philosopher's Stone out of the Mirror of Erised.

Only then would he have an opportunity.

For this plan, he also specially prepared a fake magic stone in advance.

After reviewing the information, Ye Ting knew that the Magic Stone was a degraded version of the Philosopher's Stone and was entirely composed of magic power.

This means that Lihuo can burn it completely without leaving any residue.

So, he chose to turn a diamond into a fake magic stone.

As we all know, diamonds are composed entirely of carbon and are quite pure with no impurities. When diamonds are ignited they burn completely into carbon dioxide. This means that after the fake magic stone is burned by the fire and reveals its original shape, it will be burned like the real magic stone until nothing is left.

Then, he learned the Fire Spell and the corresponding unspelling spell in the forbidden book area.

After the final exam, he was ready: he planned to spy on Harry Potter, figure out the day when he went to get the Sorcerer's Stone, and then pretend that he happened to meet up with friends on the same day to explore the corridors of the fourth floor. and trapdoors.

At that time, he would either follow Harry or pretend to meet them by chance. In any case, he would find a way to enter the last room with Harry Potter and face Professor Quirrell.

As a result, the plan failed to keep up with the change. Ye Ting took Hermione and Zhang Qiu to visit Lori in the Forbidden Forest, and happened to meet Harry and Ron on the way back.

When Harry invited him to participate in the operation, he was actually quite surprised, because no one expected that the plan would go so smoothly - in this way, the chance of him being suspected by Dumbledore would be even lower.

Everything went according to his plan. Since Quirrell was injured in the battle in the Forbidden Forest, his combat effectiveness was reduced. Therefore, when Ye Ting faced off against Quirrell in the last room, he completely mastered the rhythm of the battle, allowing him to The situation unknowingly developed in the direction he wanted.

When Harry found the Philosopher's Stone, he deliberately exposed a flaw, allowing Professor Quirrell to break the wall and discover all this.

Due to Professor Quirrell's threat, when he asked Harry to hand over the Philosopher's Stone to him, Harry readily agreed.

In the following battle, he deliberately exposed his flaws and allowed Professor Quirrell to capture Harry. Due to his special feelings for Harry, Voldemort would not kill Harry immediately. He even suspected that Voldemort did not kill Harry. Damn Harry's abilities..

But since the Sorcerer's Stone has been transferred to Ye Ting, with Voldemort's character, he will definitely get the Sorcerer's Stone by threatening Harry's life.

This created a situation where the Philosopher's Stone had to be sacrificed, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat Voldemort and save Harry Potter at the same time.

In this case, he had a reason to destroy the fake magic stone with fire in front of everyone, so as to steal the real magic stone.

Fortunately, the whole plan was executed perfectly according to his ideas. He successfully obtained the Philosopher's Stone, and Dumbledore did not doubt him.


Soon, word of their feat spread throughout Hogwarts.

Everyone looked at them with admiration, and many people gathered around them asking questions, trying to understand what happened at that time.

Senior Penello also quickly found Ye Ting. Of course, the reason why she came to Ye Ting was not just to satisfy her curiosity.

"I've heard it all."In the corner of the common room, Penello lowered his head and said quietly to Ye Ting:"It's a pity that I wasn't with you at that time, otherwise I could have fought side by side with you."

"The situation was very dangerous at that time……"Ye Ting reminded, but Penello immediately interrupted him

"I know! She looked at Ye Ting with a complicated expression:"Of course I know the situation is very dangerous. You have to face a professor alone, and he is also possessed by a mysterious man. How can the situation not be dangerous?""

As he spoke, Penello began to get a little excited, obviously caught up in his own emotions:"I can even believe that picture. A first-year little wizard with four companions, you have to face such a powerful one. Opponent, but your companions are not very reliable. Two of the boys are both Gryffindor's reckless men. The two girls, Hermione and Zhang Qiu, can't actually help you. You have to stand up on your own. Go out and protect your comrades……"

At this point, her eye circles were already red, as if she was moved by the imaginary Ye Ting.

Seeing her like this, Ye Ting himself blushed a little. He was just doing it for the magic stone, but in the eyes of the girl in front of him, he was so great.

He sighed inwardly and decided secretly that he should be more careful in what he does in the future, so as not to damage his glorious image in the hearts of others.

After a while, Penello came out of her emotions. She solemnly asked Ye Ting:"Next time if something happens, remember to take me with you."

Ye Ting could only nod his head repeatedly.


Ps: There is only so much in the early morning, continue during the day

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