To be honest, Ye Ting is not the kind of person who is self-conscious and unwilling to share his knowledge with others.

Otherwise, he would not have decisively used his transformation spell in Dalaran. While establishing his own prestige, he also allowed Dalaran's mages to take their knowledge of transformation to a higher level.

In his opinion, although all his methods come from this magical knowledge, this knowledge is his greatest weapon.

But it was not this knowledge that made him strong.

In the final analysis, he can achieve what he does today because of his own wisdom.

Wisdom is the trump card, not magic. This is what he has learned from experience over the years.

First, even if his enemy has mastered all the magic he knows, in this vast sea of ​​magic, who can know what kind of magic he will use to fight? Although a magician must remain mysterious enough to be effective in combat, when the amount of magic he knows reaches a certain limit, it no longer matters whether he keeps it secret or not.

Secondly, not everyone has the wisdom to learn his magic. Not to mention other things, at least the magic of soul materialization, until now, few people in the entire Mystra Academy can understand it.

Therefore, today's Ye Ting has never been afraid to teach his magic to others.

The same is true today in Egypt.

So these apprentices were shocked to find that besides the power of God they understood, there were actually so many powerful supernatural powers.

In Ye Ting's words, although priests are the spokespersons of gods on earth and interpreters of oracles, mages like them are the ones who truly learn the power of gods and practice their will.

This also gave these magic apprentices an extraordinary enthusiasm for learning magic, and their hearts were full of a sense of mission, as if heaven was about to entrust them with a great responsibility.

Yes, unlike in Greece, in Egypt, Ye Ting did not train the mages into a group of humanists who opposed the rule of gods and pursued human beings to escape from the control of gods.

On the contrary, under Ye Ting's indoctrination, these people even tended to become fanatical believers.

Of course, Ye Ting's doing this does not mean that his attitude towards gods and people has changed. There is a reason for him to do this.

One of them, of course, is the difference between Egyptian gods and Greek gods.

As mentioned before, the Egyptian gods were not as bad as the Greek gods. Although they once walked on the earth, at that time they did not act recklessly like the Olympus gods and spread the world. As Pharaoh, he personally led the Egyptians to civilization from generation to generation.

After Ra came Shu and Tefnut, then Geb and Nut, then Osiris, and finally Horus.

Generation after generation, these gods led the Egyptians from primitive ignorance to civilization and established the pharaonic system.

It is precisely because of these responsible gods that among the four major ancient civilizations, Egypt is the civilization second only to ancient Babylon and the earliest ancient civilization in history.

But to put it nicely, these gods are responsible; to put it harshly, they are very lazy.

After Horus left his descendants on earth and left the mortal world, these gods have been upholding their most basic responsibilities and managing the world without interfering in it.

For example, Ra's sun boat still travels between the sky and the underworld day after day, but apart from these things, he never even sends down oracles to guide mortals.

Anubis, Horus and other gods are no exception.

They only complete their most basic duties and never interfere with anything else.

Perhaps it was this responsibility that allowed them to personally lead the Egyptians to establish civilization thousands of years ago.

It was also because of not interfering except for responsibilities that the god Amon took over the throne thousands of years later - Ye Ting seriously suspected that they just wanted to rest and find someone to take the blame.

In short, Ye Ting admires these gods who don't point fingers at mortals and perform their duties as if they were punching in every day. Naturally, he doesn't want to cause trouble for these rare gods.

Of course, the so-called magician is the agent of God's power. This statement has other purposes.

Firstly, it is to reduce the rebellious psychology of these people and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning. After all, in Egypt, the belief in gods is much more fanatical than in Greece - the madness of the Olympus gods has long made many people have They lost their awe.

Judging from the results, Ye Ting's method was successful.

Secondly, of course he helped Nitocris.

After all, the Pharaoh is the biggest spokesperson of the gods on earth. No matter what kind of priest he is, when it comes to representing God's will, he can't compare to the Pharaoh himself.

In other words, in Egypt, the Pharaoh was the greatest high priest.

So, what do these mages need to do if they want to fulfill God's will?

What could be more fulfilling the will of God than to finally be the king of Pharaoh?

However, Ye Ting's behavior also caused some side effects.

That is, these apprentices who learn Egyptian rune magic are not divided into schools like traditional magic teaching, but are divided into factions of believers of gods based on their beliefs.

Just like orthodox mage apprentices specialize in each school after learning basic spells, when these apprentices learn magic, they will also choose the gods they believe in and specialize in learning related rune spells. The rest of the rune spells are just dabbled in..

Those apprentices who believe in the sun god will learn spells about light, life, and exorcism of evil. These mages can not only act as healers, but also use blazing sun spells to blind their enemies. They are also the greatest nemesis of evil existences.

Apprentices who believe in Osiris and Anubis will learn spells about death, undead and judgment. Like necromancers, these mages use negative energy to fight the undead. The difference is that the general necromancer summons the evil spirits. Skeleton soldiers, and they use mummies.

The apprentices of Shu and Tefnut naturally learned the spells to control the elements of wind and water.

Geb's apprentices learn magic about the earth and the earth element.

The apprentices of Horus mostly learn spells about insight and control, as well as thunder and lightning spells - thunder has always been the power of the sky, judgment and judgment.


Compared with ordinary spells, the biggest advantage of rune spells is that they are easy to learn and master. After all, so-called runes are just the product of integrated and simplified rules. Compared with the most original and profound magic theory, rune spells are simpler.

But the disadvantage is that rune magic is relatively rigid and lacks flexibility. Mage like Ye Ting can make magic work like an arm and a finger, but rune magicians have never been able to do this.

However, in today's Egypt, the advantages of rune spells have been infinitely magnified.

It is precisely because of the relative simplicity of rune spells that these first batch of apprentices grew up rapidly within a few years, and were at least able to participate in the war in the form of a mage group.

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