While feeling the power of faith, Ye Ting discovered a huge secret.

That was the birth of Alaya.

In the world of Xingyue, the birth of Alaya is related to the end of the age of gods.

It can be said that the departure of the gods left the fate of mankind to itself, so Alaya was born.

As an inhibitory force, Alaya's essence is the collective unconsciousness of primates, a prayer for humanity to avoid extinction.

However, when humans leave their destiny to the gods, Alaya is quite weak - after all, when everything about humans is controlled by the hands of gods, does the so-called survival of humans still require human autonomy?

However, even if the fate of mankind is left to the gods, it does not mean that the collective unconscious does not exist.

It can be said that Alaya was born at about the moment when human beings were born as the primates of all things.

《In the world of"Lelouch of the Rebellion", there is a place called World C, also known as the Sea of ​​Hearts. It is a collection of human hearts and memories expressed in the form of space, and"Lelouch of the Rebellion" The so-called power of Code and Geass is the power to manipulate the C world and change the hearts of others.

In this world, the final boss is the father of the protagonist Lelouch, Charles of the Holy Britannia Empire.·DI·The ultimate goal that Britannia wants to achieve through the Order is to use the artifact"God-Killing Sword""——The Sword of Akasha kills gods and fundamentally changes mankind, eliminating lies and creating a world where everyone can understand each other.

And this so-called god is actually Alaya.

So where does the conflict between the gods and Alaya come from? Why can the existence of gods suppress Alaya?

And why can Alaya in the moon-shaped world be able to control the power to determine the fate of the world like Gaia?

After studying the power of faith, Ye Ting got the answer.

The answer lies within.

As mentioned before, the materialization of the soul comes from the eternal movement of the soul, and the eternal movement of the soul comes from never-ending thinking. Thinking and emotion are also a kind of energy.

Based on the above examples, Ye Ting deeply believes that this power is the source of Alaya.

After all, isn’t the so-called sea of ​​​​heart filled with all kinds of human thoughts and emotions?

In the moon-shaped world, there are two restraining forces, one is Gaia, which represents the survival of the earth, and the other is Alaya, which represents the survival of mankind.

Comparing the two, the former will try to let the human world survive even if it erodes the entire planet; the latter will try to keep the human world alive as long as the world is fine.

As for the so-called inhibitory power, it is because both of them prevent and inhibit the magician - or the magician from reaching the root.

Alaya's restraining power prevents people from going to the source because it is a power that people cannot obtain. Wanting to get in touch with the source activates the inhibitory force, because if an almighty human being appears, the probability of the end of the world will increase. The restraining power of Gaia will limit human access to the source simply because human actions may cause the destruction of celestial bodies.

But in addition, Alaya also has certain conflicts with Gaia because of humans and Tunisia.

So, we are also children of the earth, why among all things on earth, Gaia, only humans can produce the power called Alaya?

If you want to understand this, you need to understand the difference between human beings and all things.

Ye Ting concluded that human thinking is different from everything in the world. The active and responsible thinking of human beings is unmatched by other species. This is why humans can become a species that dominates the world with a weak body.

And it was the power of these thoughts and emotions that contributed to the birth of Alaya, which could even compete with Gaia.

Another proof lies in the heroic spirits.

Although the Heroic Spirit Constellation itself is independent of the timeline and is a high-dimensional record belt, similar to the Akashic Record, the Heroic Spirit itself is different.

As the sublimation of human beings, the heroic spirit itself belongs to an aspect of Alaya.

Referring to the fact that the birth of heroic spirits contains the power of human legends, fantasies and worship of heroic spirits, Alaya is also similar.

Compared with other worlds, Alaya in the moon-shaped world is different.

Perhaps because of the existence of the root, or perhaps for other reasons, the Alaya in the moon-shaped world has transcended Alaya itself, just like the birth of the astral consciousness of Gaia, miraculously gaining relatively independent power.

In order to survive in the future, in order to avoid the doomsday future called"Steel Land", the two inhibitory forces work together to make Xingyue's world repeat itself, as if they are constantly blocking each other, so as to find a future that can save everything.

Just like Doctor Strange negotiated with Dormammu countless times and looked for opportunities to defeat Thanos countless times, inhibition created infinite parallel worlds just to find a future that would not reach the end.

With such power, Gaia and Alaya (if there is one) in the ordinary world are completely unable to do it.

Ye Ting believes that such an Alaya can basically be equivalent to a mutant heroic spirit - but it is composed of the thoughts of all humans. (The existence of Gaia is basically the same.)

In other words, it is precisely because the moon-shaped world has the rules of heroic spirits that there are inhibitory existences like Alaya and Gaia.

The energy of thinking is also very poisonous, and even gods can only use it to deal with"faith"."、""Worship" part, and the soul material flower indiscriminately transforms all of this into pure energy, but it is only energy.

But Alaya is the combination of all of these, whether it is human joy or sorrow, love or It is hatred, even all the so-called evil in this world, is part of Alaya.

Alaya is strong because of all this, but it is also all this that restricts Alaya.

In heroic spirits and gods, human beings Beliefs and fantasies are both sources of power and limitations - heroic spirits with rumors of being sick and weak can never be infinitely powerful, and gods worshiped as gods of war cannot use the power of faith to make people yearn for peace.

And when all human beings have faith and rely on gods When the time comes, Alaya will also be restricted by the gods.

This is Ye Ting's research on Alaya.

So, can the power of Alaya be controlled by one person?

This can affect the world and create countless Can parallel worlds, even the power that can resist Gaia, be in the hands of humans?

Maybe this is a promising idea?

Through his trip to Egypt, Ye Ting gradually learned a lot about the secrets of this world.

From this, A huge plan emerged in his heart.

This plan starts from ending the Age of Gods

"If you want to control Alaya, then create Alaya first."

Ye Ting thought like this

"This time, Alaya will be born in my hands!"


There is only one update, but the main line of Xingyue’s world is already clear.

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