When Ye Ting returned to Greece, the Trojan War was already over.

Although Aphrodite has now joined the magical pantheon, and the Trojan War caused by the dispute between the three goddesses over the golden apples has not happened at all, this does not spare Troy.

Because for the Olympian gods, the Trojan War was necessary.

As mentioned earlier, in order to maintain the Greeks' belief in gods, the entire Greece has always maintained a divided trend - generally speaking, royal power and divine power are relative.

In addition, war and various Warcraft issues are also excellent ways to teach people to believe in gods. The closer it is to life and death, the more fate is swinging, the more people pray for the external force of God.

In fact, this method has been used by various god sects.

On Earth, medieval Europe was in chaos so that the Pope could maintain his authority.

On the contrary, the Chinese state, which has maintained unity for a long time, has imperial power above the gods, and even human emperors have the ability to canonize gods (self-proclaimed).

In those worlds where gods really exist, such as the world of Abel Toril, known as the continent of Faerûn, there are many countries and even city-states on the continent of Faerûn. It is precisely because of such contradictions and divisions among humans that various Only gods can compete with each other for faith.

Therefore, the Trojan War was completely planned by the gods.

However, after all calculations, the Trojan War was not completely planned, at least it was just the consensus of most gods.

Through this war, the gods are also resolving their disputes.

Around the two sides of the war, the gods were divided into two factions.

Ares, the god of war, Hephaestus, the god of fire, Poseidon, the god of the sea, Hera, the queen of the goddess, and Hermes, the messenger of the god, stood on the side of the Greek coalition.

Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, Aphrodite, the god of love, Apollo, the sun god, and Artemis, the moon god, all sided with Troy.

In fact, the real person standing behind the Greek coalition was Zeus, but as a god-king, he was not suitable to personally express his position when these countries that believed in Greek gods went to war with each other, so naturally he did not take action.

The reason for the war was naturally because of Paris, the prince of Troy, but this time it was a fight between"gay friends".

In short, the pitiful handsome man was competed by two gods - Zeus and Apollo.

Paris was originally a handsome man favored by the sun god Apollo. In fgo, he also has such a skill: the favor of the male god: B combines the favor of Apollo.

Even though Paris was embarrassed, he was actually very happy.

Almost the same skill as Goddess Favor.

It's close to a curse.

It is enough to prove his relationship with Apollo.

However, although the two men were inseparable, Zeus fell in love with him.

Speaking of Zeus, he and Paris are from the same origin.

In the past, Zeus once had a male lover, Ganymede. When the god king saw him, he was attracted by Ganymede's unparalleled beauty. A bear ignited in his heart, so he turned into a huge eagle and captured him. He left him, took him to heaven to become his lover, and poured wine on behalf of the Goddess He, the goddess of youth.

You know, Hebe is the daughter of Queen Hera.

In the end, Ganymede was even named Aquarius (for pouring wine) and enjoyed eternal divine status.

And Ganymede's identity was the son of Thros, the king of Troy at that time.

Hera was naturally extremely jealous of Ganymede, so the seeds of her conflict with Troy were planted.

Also a prince of Troy, Ganymede can be regarded as the ancestor of Paris.

Tros begat sons: Iros, Asarachus, and Ganymede; Iros begat Laomedon; Laomedon begat Tithonus, Priam, Rampos, and others. , thus becoming the ancestor of the Trojan branch.

And Priam was the father of Paris.

According to the genealogy, Ganymede can also be regarded as the great-grandfather of Paris.

But Zeus doesn't care about this.

Because of Ganymede, he was naturally deeply impressed by the beauty of the Trojan royal family, so after Paris appeared, he immediately fell in love with this beautiful man.

So, similar to the choice of the golden apple, this time Paris still had to make a choice.

However, what he wanted to choose was not a goddess, but a male god, and he was"the most charming male god in his mind."

However, between the bearded Zeus and the handsome Apollo, Paris finally chose the latter.

Apollo was naturally proud of himself, and Zeus couldn't get angry in front of his son.

But by this point, he still had a grudge against Paris.

It just so happens that Olympus needs a war, and Troy has recently become the most powerful among the nations, so let's start a war.

It happened that Hera was instigating something behind the scenes, so, for some ridiculous reasons, the war was about to break out.

Of course Apollo couldn't allow his gay friend to be implicated by him, so he naturally sided with Troy.

It was not convenient for Zeus to take action, so Hera jumped out and sided with the Greek coalition.

Anyway, Apollo's mother was not Hera. The two sides were tit for tat, so the gods naturally took sides.

Artemis and Apollo were siblings. Although she found it ridiculous that her brother (who she considered a younger brother) started a war for this reason, who else but her could stand on Apollo's side in this situation? So Artemis chose to support Troy.

Aphrodite felt that the first love between Prince Paris and Apollo was true love. Paris did not fear the power of the God-King and chose true love. If he echoed her concept of love (which is a little disgusting), he would naturally support true love.

But the real reason is because of Artemis. As the god of love who aspires to become Ye Ting's perfect lover, Aphrodite believes that she must unite generously with his other lovers, including those who have not officially entered the family. Artemis.

On Hera's side, Aphrodite stood in line and immediately attracted Ares and Hephaestus.

For Aphrodite, Ares can be said to love and hate her. His love is for her beauty, but his hatred is for not getting what he wants. The goddess he pursues has always been unpretentious to him, and even took away his subordinate Amazon. A clan - even if the reason is that he voluntarily gave up the Amazon clan because of the Argonauts, just to vent his anger on the gods whose plan failed.

Hephaestus, on the other hand, lost face because his engagement was annulled, but this god of fire had no fate as a protagonist and could only stand up and cause trouble at this time.

As for Poseidon and Hermes, the former is brother and sister to Hera, and the latter is the son of Hera like Ares and Hephaestus, so they naturally support their mother.

Seeing that Hera's side had a large number of people, and there was a faint push from Zeus behind her, Athena gave up and jumped out to stand on the Trojan side.

Going against Zeus was what she was most willing to do.

The most coincidental thing is that, except for Poseidon, all the gods in Greece are members of the family of Hera and Zeus - in mortal terms, they are the legitimate wives and legitimate sons of the god kings, and Poseidon is the son of Zeus and Zeus. Hera's brother, they are very close to each other and can be regarded as the core supporter of Zeus.

On the other hand, the gods on the Trojan side are on the contrary. Aphrodite is a goddess born in the waves, but her power comes from the ancestors of the Olympian pantheon. The brothers and sisters of the sun and moon gods and Athena are equivalent to the bastards in the family. It was just that she was suppressed (especially Athena) because she was more capable than her legitimate son. The Trojan War started like this.

This also laid the foundation for the split of the Olympus gods.

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