When Solomon was 17 years old, David died and he inherited the throne of Israel.

Perhaps because of the legacy left by Moses and Ozymandias, as the two most powerful countries in the surrounding area, Israel and Egypt have a good relationship.

Solomon, who succeeded to the throne, married the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh. With the help of the Egyptians, Israel developed extremely powerful and prospered for a while.

The Pharaoh of Egypt at that time even captured and burned the city of Gaza owned by the Canaanites who disobeyed Israel, and gave it to Solomon.

In order to make the country stronger, Solomon on the one hand strengthened his position through marriage and married the daughters and sisters of kings from various places; on the other hand, continuing the tradition left by King David, the Solomon Empire still focused on commerce, and all governments Institutions all serve trade, and the maritime trade he developed rotated between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, and even reached as far as Africa.

The kingdom was established through commerce and taxation, while also expanding the influence of Israel and Christianity.

Many countries that had been conquered by the Israelites in the past, as well as many other small countries, were impressed by Israel's prosperity. Different from the past military conquest tactics, Solomon successfully made the neighboring countries famous by prospering the country and building new palaces and wonders. Come to pay a visit and visit.

As a result, the Christian faith gradually spread in another, gentler way.

Because of this, the Lord was quite satisfied with Solomon.

However, even so, Israel's prosperity was still inferior to that of Egypt.

Not only Jehovah but also Solomon sensed this.

Egypt's ability to maintain unity and prosperity for thousands of years naturally has many important factors: such as the excellent bureaucratic governance system, the class circulation brought by the official examination and education system, the continuous wealth brought by finance and commerce, and the continuous wealth brought by magic. Various powers and conveniences, etc...

And Solomon found that he and Israel could imitate most of the excellence of Egypt, except for one thing that was missing - the power of magic.

In the world of Xingyue, although Ye Ting brought magic from the outside world, the origin of real local magic came from the analysis and degradation of divine power.

For example, the magic with Egyptian characteristics comes from the divine runes developed by Egyptian priests, which reduce the power of gods to be controlled by humans.

Based on this alone, Solomon cannot imitate crudely - otherwise, should those who learn magic worship Jehovah or worship the Egyptian nine-pillar god instead?

So, there is only one plan for now, pray to the gods to show favor and grant magic to the Israelites.

Legend has it that Jehovah appeared to him in a dream and sent him an oracle

"You are qualified. Say your wish. It will come true."

Compared with more gold and greater power, Solomon was more thirsty for the power of wisdom.

So he took this opportunity to make his request to the Lord.

The Lord was extremely satisfied with this.

He said - this answer is Qualified for proof of"real wisdom".

But the real reason is naturally to allow the Israelites to master magic.

Although the priests and priests of Israel can also master magical arts, the power of magical arts comes from God and is also a reflection of God. A kind of consumption of power.

Compared with this, the power of magic is obviously more economical.

Of course, humans mastering the power of magic means being self-reliant, which means the need for and belief in gods is reduced. Even if Jehovah does not see this, he will Knowing that the power of magic must be controlled - even in Egypt, because magic originated from gods, and magic is a direct degradation of divine magic, it maintained a certain degree of belief in gods among Egyptian magicians, and did not cause the same problems as in Greece The conflict between ordinary mages and gods - the conflict between human power and divine power.

However, maintaining this system is not a simple matter. Egypt had strong men like Ye Ting who deconstructed Egyptian magic step by step, and added Compilation became the magic of Egypt.

Even Ye Ting took decades to complete this step. If it were replaced by someone else, even if the gods did it themselves, it would be a huge project.

And even Jehovah obviously couldn't find it. A person like Ye Ting can do this kind of thing.

But Israel doesn’t have magic or similar powers. If Israel just wants to become an ordinary country, that’s it. But if it wants to be comparable to Egypt, it must either vigorously develop priests and Priests, personally give them more power, or they must have magical power as assistance.

But soon, Jehovah thought of an idea.

Although as a god, he was unwilling to spend too much divine power to strengthen priests, he also There is no way to create magic to train a mage, but doesn't he still have a bunch of captives to exploit?

Those gods sealed in the ring have long been devalued and slandered among believers due to the loss of faith and divine power. , have long since lost their original godhood, and have fallen into empty divinity, but no divine power, empty status, but lost their noble existence.

Gods in this state are clearly regarded as demon gods by him.

Compared with the powerful Although gods and demons are also very powerful, they have lost the authority of most rules and are no longer worth mentioning to real gods.

So can they be used as the energy source of"magic"?

Of course, this way The"magic" is said to be"magic", but in fact it is still divine magic in disguise, except that the source of power has changed from praying to gods to using demons.

Anyway, today's Jehovah has no more gods to conquer, no more faith to plunder , the sealing ring is no longer of much use to him - although the demon gods can also be used as his thugs, with the angel army, it is completely unnecessary for him to use these former enemies as thugs.

So, in the dream After praying to God for wisdom, Solomon woke up and found ten rings on his hands.

These were the ten sealing rings, which were the proof of wisdom recognized by God.

Later, among mortals, this was also Known as Solomon's Ring, it is also a source of magic that can control angels and demons.

However, even with this ring, King Solomon only performed a miracle once, but this showed his wisdom even more.

He only had to let the people know once that"the king has the protection of the gods"",""The king has mastered the wisdom from God". In his view, more miracles will only frighten the people or make them fall.

Even so, the power of the devil is gradually spreading in the mortal world to"summon Magic as the core of Israel's magic has gradually been mastered by some people._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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