On the evening of the first day of school, news broke out in Hogwarts: Harry and Ron did not board the train, but took a flying Muggle car to the school. As a result, they actually hit the precious Whomping Willow..

Fortunately for the little lions, because Harry and Ron's violation of school rules occurred before the opening ceremony, no points were deducted from Gryffindor.

However, Harry and Ron themselves were in a much worse mood, because they were seen by Muggles while driving, and the incident even made the news - in addition, Ron's wand was also broken in the accident, He could only manage to tie the two wand pieces with tape, but accidents still happened frequently while using magic.

Early the next morning, they discovered that the bad luck had just begun: Mrs. Weasley actually wrote them a howling letter, which was delivered to them by an owl during breakfast in front of the entire school.

When Ron tore open the envelope with trembling hands, Neville immediately blocked his ears with his fingers, and Harry was confused by their actions. But you immediately knew why.

At first he thought it was an explosion. The huge sound filled the entire auditorium and shook the dust off the ceiling.

"……I wouldn't be surprised at all if they fired you for stealing a car, let's see how I deal with you then. You probably haven't even thought about how your father and I felt when we found out the car was gone.……"

It was Mrs. Weasley's shout, a hundred times louder than usual, which made the plates and spoons on the table rattle and the echoes from the stone walls were deafening. Everyone in the auditorium turned around to see who had received the shouting letter. Ron huddled in his chair and could only see a red forehead.

"Your father almost died of shame when he received Dumbledore's letter last night. We worked hard to bring you up, but we didn’t expect you to do such a thing. You and Harry almost lost their lives.……"Harry kept listening for when his name came up. He tried his best to pretend not to hear the sound hitting his eardrums

"……This is so infuriating, your dad is going to be scrutinized at work and it's all your fault. If you don't behave according to the rules, we will take you back immediately!"

This letter made Harry and Ron feel ashamed in front of all the teachers and students in the school, and they became the laughing stock of everyone.


When at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Ye Ting once told Hermione and Zhang Qiu that Gilderoy Lockhart was just a pretentious guy. His books had no practicality, and he himself was not a powerful wizard. If He became the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, so don't expect to learn anything normal.

Hermione and Zhang Qiu didn't believe this at first. They thought it was just Ye Ting's misunderstanding of Lockhart.

But now, Gilderoy Lockhart only took his first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, and his true nature was revealed.

Let’s take a look at the content of his class:

After class, Professor Lockhart first gave a self-introduction that he thought was humorous, and then immediately arranged for everyone to take a thirty-minute quiz. The quiz had fifty-four questions. The questions are as follows:

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s secret ambition?

3. What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?

And so on, there are three pages, and the last question is:

54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday? What would be his ideal birthday gift?

It was so ridiculous that he completely treated the classroom as his fan meeting venue.

When he read the original work in the past, Ye Ting thought this guy was quite funny, but when he actually experienced all this, he felt that he had been fooled, so he tore the test paper into pieces on the spot and threw it in front of his face. door leave

"Can anyone tell me who the gentleman was just now?"When Ye Ting left, Lockhart's face was a little livid. Ye Ting's behavior made him very embarrassed.

After learning about Ye Ting's performance last semester, he said seriously to all the students in the audience:"When When I saw him slam the door and walk out, I knew immediately why he did it - oh, of course, it was all my fault, and I wanted to kick myself a few times."

He paused and showed a smile to everyone

"He wanted to be the most popular among the crowd, and in fact he had already tasted the sweetness of fame. He is smart, handsome, studies well, and plays Quidditch well. At Hogwarts, both wizards and witches like him and envy him. Oh, this is indeed a good feeling. But now, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, am a third-class Order of Merlin, an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance, and have won the"Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award five times. I am so famous and loved by everyone. When I came to Hogwarts, I immediately stole his limelight and made him no longer the one who received the most attention. He was jealous of me, so he immediately slammed the door and walked out. I can understand this feeling. I knew it was rude of him, but I forgave him because I was the one who made him jealous. Oh, what a terrible emotion, he should realize that he is still young and has plenty of time to become famous when he grows up. When I was twelve, I was as ordinary as he is now. In fact, it should be said that he is more ordinary than him."

Hearing what he said, Hermione couldn't bear it anymore. She stood up and said loudly:"Ting doesn't need to be jealous of you! His achievements and fame are much higher than yours. He won the International Wizarding Chess Championship when he was twelve years old. All wizarding chess players were no match for him; he invented the mobile fireplace at a young age, and the Ministry of Magic For this reason, he should be awarded a third-class medal of the Order of Merlin, but he never shows off like you do. I think he is right. You are just a vain and boastful guy. You are not worthy of being our defense against the dark arts. Class professor!"

After saying that, like Ye Ting, she ignored Lockhart's ugly expression and slammed the door and left.

At the beginning of the first class, Lockhart was so embarrassed.

However, his performance was even worse next. Oops.

For this lesson, he prepared a cage of Cornish elves, saying that he wanted to test the practical level of the little wizards. He released the elves and wanted the students to catch them all. But as soon as they left the cage, the elves began to wreak havoc in the classroom and hid under the tables.

At this time, Lockhart wanted to show off in front of the students and caught all the elves into the cage at one go. To save the lost face, but with an empty head, he waved the wand for a long time to no avail. In the end, even his own wand was thrown out of the window by the elf. In the end, he, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and a third-class Order of Merlin, reversed The honorary member of the Dark Magic Alliance, who won the"Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award five times, had to hide under the podium like the little wizards.

This was simply revealing his true colors. Except for some girls, many little wizards began to believe that Ye Ting and Hermione's words: Lockhart is just a show-off and a bombastic guy.

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