The vision coming from the sky and the addition of yellow robes do not mean the end of the ceremony.

In this coronation ceremony, Ye Ting still has many things to announce:

Because all the people in the world are mine, and the imperial power is supreme, the emperor is the noble one. However, in order to hear the voice, the ministers are not allowed to see his face, so he is called"I". ,"I" became a self-proclaimed title that only the emperor could use.

He also claimed:"I have heard that in ancient times there were titles without posthumous titles, and in the middle ages there were titles that were given posthumously in deeds after death. In this way, it is meaningless for sons to discuss fathers and ministers to discuss kings. I cannot take it. From now on, the posthumous law has been removed.. I am the First Emperor. The generations to come will be counted, and the second and third generations will be passed down to eternity and will be passed on to infinity."

In fact, there is no eternity. With Ye Ting's lifespan, even if the Qin Empire is destroyed, he will not die.

Of course, his willfulness doesn't stop there.

At the coronation ceremony, Ye Ting announced that he would implement the national policy of the entire Qin Dynasty in the future.

The first is the unification of weights and measures.

For the Qin Dynasty, which has entered an industrial society, the importance of weights and measures is self-evident. As for the unification of writing, it facilitates communication between people and allows the people of this country to truly become a whole.

As for how the conquered people of the Six Nations spent time learning to adapt, and the culture of the Six Nations that declined due to the disappearance of the old characters, Ye Ting was not at all considering it.

In addition, at the coronation ceremony, the"Qin Code" was finally officially implemented throughout the world.

《The"Laws of Qin" is a derivative of the will of the First Emperor of Qin. It is a code that no one in the Qin Dynasty needs to abide by. It is the framework of the entire Da Qin. The machine of Da Qin will move forward steadily with the support of this framework.

The execution of Qin's laws is completely left to Ye Ting himself and Da Qin's artificial intelligence core - Oriana.

Yes, it is Ye Ting’s original mechanical maid, the clever girl Oriana.

After following Ye Ting to the world of Xingyue and receiving the inheritance of the Olympus mechanical civilization, this clever girl finally evolved.

As a rare primordial body that combines human and machine, Oriana quickly became powerful with the power of magical technology and became the core of the Ouranos plan.

That is the core mastermind of today's"Afang Palace".

In other words, the original ingenious girl has become the current Afang palace, the Avang Titan starship.

Among them,"A Fang" is the Chinese name Oriana gave herself.

As a miraculous creation of the Qin Empire, the core intelligence of Afang Palace is the most advanced in the entire empire.

Therefore, it also serves as the core intelligence of Daqin’s central control system.

《How to implement the Qin Law was naturally left to her.

The bureaucrats of Da Qin served as assistants.

After all, the law is ruthless, but people are always sentimental.

In most cases, the execution of laws by intelligent systems will appear cold. At this time, people need to provide certain flexibility and humanistic care.


The Qin Empire has been established and the system has been initially established. In the next period of time, the Qin Dynasty will temporarily stop fighting and go all out to develop.

It's not that Ye Ting doesn't want to conquer the whole world in one fell swoop, but the actual situation doesn't allow it.

The territories that originally belonged to the Six Kingdoms have not yet entered the stage of civilization, and the people of the Six Kingdoms have just joined Da Qin and are not ready to enter the new era. In other words, Da Qin needs to completely digest the Six Kingdoms before it can continue to expand its borders. Expanding soil.

Of course, unlike the agricultural country in the feudal era, today's Great Qin has entered an industrial society, and its model of recuperation is naturally very different from the historical Great Qin.

Naturally, the first thing to bear the brunt is mass and infrastructure construction.

The purpose of the former is to allow the people of the Six Kingdoms to adapt to the technological gap that spans thousands of years, while the latter is to make all the six kingdoms' homelands urbanized like Qin.

Because a large amount of power was concentrated in the hands of the emperor himself, the work Ye Ting had to face was much more complicated than that of past rulers.

Fortunately, the entire Qin Dynasty had a strong electronic and spiritual network to facilitate his governance.

The electronic network is similar to the modern Internet, and the spiritual network is Ye Ting's special spiritual link between the emperor and the common people.

Through Afang's exaggerated calculation power and his strong mental power, Ye Ting can fully manage the development of the country and handle all affairs by staying in Afang Palace.

In addition, the most important thing Ye Ting needs to consider is how to promote technological development.

Even in the world of magic technology, science and technology are the primary productive forces.

When talking about science, it is necessary to mention education.

Da Qin naturally implements education for all, and the most important one is ideological education.

For Ye Ting, necessary ideological education is indispensable. Directly twisting other people's will is undoubtedly the worst method. The most terrifying magic is to make people loyal through appropriate ideological education.

In today's Great Qin, since the core of the system is centralized power, as Qin Shihuang, Ye Ting is the core of the empire, so ideological education is much simpler.

There are no complex doctrines or lofty theories. The core of Da Qin’s ideological education is only one: loyalty to the emperor.

"The fire of human rejuvenation will eventually be ignited by the greatest figure, that is, the emperor who is respected by all people. The emperor is a black bird descended from the sky and the ancestral dragon of Kyushu. His wisdom and knowledge are outstanding, his courage and Unrivaled in magic, he reunited Kyushu and led mankind back on the journey to conquer the earth and space."

This is the description of Qin Shihuang in the textbook. In addition, Ye Ting's loyal ministers also compiled many oaths of allegiance to the emperor:

"The emperor is the beacon that guides us.

He is the tower of hope for mankind in this dark land.

We serve Him.

He is our greatest public servant.

We pray to Him.

He only thinks for us.

In this approaching darkness, the Emperor is with us.

In the soul, in the truth"

"Oh, Immortal Emperor: pity our trivial sufferings.

Oh, Master of Kyushu: bless your flock trapped in the mortal world.

Oh, guardian of light: guide our dark paths with light.

We are your warriors, we are your servants.

No hypocrisy, no lies, no arrogance.

Remember hatred, maintain hostility, store up anger.

With your pain and blood and sweat.

With your golden throne and your death. Guard us and make us strong by your destruction and your godlike reappearance of humanity. We fight for you." In short, the orders of the First Emperor are absolute. These concepts should be learned repeatedly every day since the children of the Qin Dynasty began to learn to read, otherwise they will be sentenced. As the Lord of China and the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Ye Ting has absolute power of life and death. : No one can resist whoever wants to live and whoever wants to die. Thunder, rain, and dew are all the kindness of the king. This is the core idea in the"Laws of Qin" and the core code of Da Qin. As the people of Da Qin, talents are still there Secondly, the most important quality is loyalty. It doesn’t matter if you are born mediocre. Just become someone who can only praise the First Emperor. As for what your path will be in the future, become an alchemist, a military general, a civil servant, a worker... Ye Ting and Zhinao will meet Make the most accurate assessment of each person, and then let them live a happy life as a part of the machine of Daqin. Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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