Altira's words made Ye Ting feel distressed.

Indeed, for Altira, there is almost nothing but fighting. As a descendant of a certain civilization that was destroyed by Yusei, she has to become Yusei's prop. All that is left in her life is endless battles and the destruction of civilization.

But besides that, she must want to try more like a normal girl.

Of course, as a talented warrior and commander, Ye Ting would not waste Altira's talents. With her level, she could serve as the commander of an army in battle and contribute to Ye Ting's expansion of territory and conquest of the earth.

But outside of that, Ye Ting is determined to let the girl experience a normal life.

As for the girl's personality change, Ye Ting figured it out.

In fact, the giant god Altira simultaneously possesses the calmness and tolerance of an elder, the illusion and loneliness brought about by a lonely position, and the calmness and coldness of an invader.

These three are the three elements of his basic personality.

Since Altira's character is made up of three elements, these elements are not mixed together, but are independent.

It's like having multiple personalities for humans, and Altira can switch attitudes towards others depending on its purpose - Personality OS.

Its character corresponds to the prism that symbolizes the three primary colors on Altira's sword.

Green: Girly side, delicate and cute.

Red: The warrior side, cold and fearful.

Blue: The goddess side, loving and gentle.

As mentioned above, it is basically a blue personality, switching to green when awakened and happy, and changing to red when fighting or angry.

These three colors of light represent Altira's character, just like a traffic light.

Perhaps after suppressing the warrior side on the moon, Altira showed only the green and blue parts.

But when he came to Earth, all three sides of Altira's personality were reflected in this body. Perhaps because the source of the body was the white giant who was the destroyer of civilization in the past, the dominant part became the red part.

But to Ye Ting, even Altira like this is cute, isn't she?

Regarding this point, except for Ye Ting, both Jing Ke and Yu Ji agreed.

After Ye Ting brought Altira back to Afang Palace and introduced them to each other, both Jing Ke and Yu Ji quickly accepted this female warrior who looked fierce but was actually quite natural.

On the contrary, Danterian and Bastet acted as if they were facing an enemy when they saw Altira, like cats with explosive fur.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed since the white giant severely damaged the original earth god, and the gods on the earth have long since changed, the terror of the white giant is still passed down to them.

This feeling, as if seeing a natural enemy, made the two of them very alert.

However, despite being like a god, Altira has no desire to fight.

"Gods are bad civilizations...but if they are Ting's companions, there is no need to destroy them."With that said, during the confrontation with the enemy, Altira took the initiative to pick up the Sword of the God of War.

After thousands of years of getting along with Ye Ting, this destroyer who once saw civilization could not help but destroy it. , over time, it became possible to distinguish between good civilization and bad civilization.

The one about Ye Ting is a good civilization, which can be preserved. The one standing opposite Ye Ting is a bad civilization, which must be destroyed.

Well, that's it.

Alti, the most capable of both sides, Now that you have stopped, the conflict will naturally not continue.

"The white destroyer actually took the initiative to put down his weapon, meow. In this case, I can’t be rude, meow."

"Yep, since the white abyssal insect with only the desire for destruction in its brain has given up the fight, I'll let you go a little bit this time."

So, a potentially devastating battle ended invisibly.

However, this did not mean that the relationship between Altira and the two former gods could get any better. After that, Black Cat Basil Te basically would walk around when he saw Altira. Even though Altira was very interested in soft and furry creatures like cats, and wanted to get close to Ye Ting's cats several times, but the only ones he could find were The white cat Feiju.

Naturally, Danterian will not avoid Altira, but as soon as the two meet, the little loli's venomous tongue will always be there. Altira is a pain in everything except fighting. Naturally He won't quarrel with her, so every time the two meet, it will become Danterian's one-man show until she feels bored.

In short, Altira's life in the Afang Palace is still very happy.

However, such happiness Everyday life will eventually end.

As time goes by, and a few years pass, the people of the six countries have basically integrated into the Qin Dynasty, and the entire Kyushu has basically entered modernization.

The Qin Empire's expansion in space has also been quite smooth. , with the help of the super host BB, Daqin's ecological integration research has taken a step closer. Coupled with breakthroughs in various disciplines, automation and the emergence of material compression technology, it is only a matter of time before the eradication of mountain tops to eradication of entire mountain ranges.

Materials Technology The development of deep well mining technology allows Daqin to carry out geological engineering at depths and temperatures that were unimaginable in the past. Magma hot spots can now be developed, suppressed and even migrated. Nowadays,

Daqin can even significantly affect the planet through a system of orbital refractors and shielding devices. Therefore

, under the coordination of BB and Oriana - BB mainly provides the computing power, and Oriana is responsible for the specific implementation,"BB will not do such tedious work as blacksmithing and digging," BB said —— Daqin's shipyard spent a year building orbital deployment-level shovels and drills.

The problem of reshaping the planet's crust and atmosphere on a macro scale has no easy solution.

After unlocking"Surface Shaping""、"Atmospheric recovery"、"Reshaping the Earth's Surface"、"Deep crustal engineering"、"After building technology trees such as"Climate Control Network", Daqin finally began to transform the surface and atmosphere of Mars into a livable environment.

In the process, satellites and spacecraft scanned the appearance of a huge creature that looked like a dragon without wings on Mars. It has a high temperature equivalent to the level of lava deep in the earth's crust, as well as an ultra-high level of mystery and energy. It is initially judged to be some kind of native creature of Mars, but it has lived deep in the earth's crust for a long time, so it was not discovered at the first time.

The intelligence in the spacecraft The computer concluded that even if the entire fleet of Great Qin was assembled, it would not be able to cause damage to this creature - or that the current concept of killing the fleet of Great Qin was not applicable to this creature at all.

Only strong men like Ye Ting, or Only rules holders like gods can threaten such creatures.

Preliminary judgment shows that this creature is not hostile to Da Qin and does not hinder their transformation work. However, the sudden appearance of such a powerful creature is still Aroused Da Qin's vigilance


Can anyone guess what this is.

The emperor's son descends on Feilu, his eyes are dim and worried; flowers are curling up, and Dongting waves are under the monthly pass;

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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