There is no doubt that Jehovah sent Gabriel to receive the visitors, which is enough to show his importance.

Gabriel holds an important position as the chief guard in heaven and is responsible for guarding the entire heaven. Even among the archangels, Gabriel is relatively high.

In addition, the artifact made by Jehovah, the Trumpet of Doomsday Judgment, is kept by her, which is also a reflection of Gabriel's status.

However, despite being the chief of the guard, Gabriel's character is not serious or proud. On the contrary, among the angels, Gabriel is recognized as a gentle eldest sister and is highly respected by all angels. However, for Gabriel's While preaching, the angels showed clear respect and indifference. This allowed Gabriel, as the chief of guard, to manage the angels very well.

At the entrance to heaven, Ye Ting met this famous person in the Bible.

She was a standard blonde beauty with a flawless figure and appearance. From a distance, she looked like an orchid in an empty valley, pure and beautiful.

""Gui'an, distinguished guest," although he is an archangel, Gabriel still bowed seriously in front of Ye Ting,"my name is Gabriel, the archangel who is on the left side of God.""

Gabriel, a gentle and polite host, can indeed easily gain the favor of the guests. From this point of view, Jehovah's choice is not wrong.

However, under Gabriel's gentle appearance, there is indeed a terrifying fighting power And destructive power, just looking at the golden horn tied around her waist is enough to prove this - as long as this doomsday horn is blown, the doomsday will come, and at the same time, no matter where you are, the door to heaven will open, endless The heavenly army will dominate the battlefield.

In short, it is a weapon that is enough to start a divine war. The gentle Gabriel paired with the"horn of doomsday judgment" is both a welcome and a deterrent to the visitors.

However, among the guests this time, Neither Ye Ting nor Altira, who was holding his clothes by his side, could be threatened by a mere doomsday horn.

Ignoring the terrifying artifact, Ye Ting's attention was entirely devoted to Gabriel.

""Gui'an, Ms. Gabriel," he calmly greeted Sister Angel, and Ye Ting praised with interest:"Even I have to admit that Jehovah has done a good job in raising a child like you.""

He called her"child" and called her by the familiar name of the Lord. From Ye Ting's attitude of treating himself as an elder, Gabriel suddenly felt that the identity of this mortal in front of him was a bit unusual.

"Are they really the Lord's old friends... It sounds like they were very familiar with each other in the past."

Thinking of this, Gabriel's originally gentle attitude became a little more humble.

"Thank you for your praise. The Lord has always cared for us. So please come with me."

"Then I'm sorry to bother you. Also, don’t call me a guest. My name is Ye Ting, and this is Altira. You can call us by our names."

Although he had his wings on his back, Gabriel did not flap his wings and fly, but honestly walked to lead the way for Ye Ting and the others.

By the way, for ordinary angels, the number of wings represents their class and strength, but At the stage of an archangel, wings are no longer a symbol of strength. An archangel can be an archangel no matter how many pairs of wings he has.

Along the way, Gabriel kindly introduced them to the scenery of"Genesis·Elysium Paradise".

For example, the golden hills above are composed of seven rotating hills. Everything here has a slight or obvious golden color, shining brightly under the sunset. It is a wonder in heaven. Another example is the emerald green field, which is a A vast natural wilderness. There are no buildings or man-made objects to destroy the pure natural beauty of this place, and there are no palaces or halls of gods carved on the trees or under the mountains. The animals in heaven roam freely in this plane, in peace with angels and holy spirits. Coexist and share the bounty of nature.

The Garden of Eden is the place where Adam and Eve lived and was once the paradise of the Holy Spirit.

The land here is fertile and fruitful, and the beauty of nature is unparalleled. Along the rivers that meander through all its areas, the long There are tall trees, swaying reeds and lush pastures.

Hundreds of miles away from the river bank are green plains, then rolling hills, and finally degenerate into rugged barren land, but the sculptures of the wind remain So that it does not lose the beauty of art.

The Holy Spirits here live in peace and tranquility, which is more or less the life they expected in their previous lives. Unless you want to work yourself, there is no need for that because the land is so Prolific enough to meet all the needs of life. Even so, there are still remaining market towns and cities left by the Holy Spirits, formed by those who like this way of life. For the Holy Spirits in heaven, No matter which way of life they live in, they feel beautiful and happy.

However, the place today is even more desolate.

Another example is the Realm of Bright Water, where there is a large lake emitting white light - it is the pool of angel reincarnation and the birth of angels. The land and hometown are no less beautiful than the Garden of Eden.

The habitable lakeside is full of exquisite cabins and elegant manors. Angels may not encounter other intelligent creatures all day long in the Garden of Eden, and the bright water The scene in the temple appears prosperous and lively - full of the laughter and laughter of angels.

In other words, this kingdom exists for the laughter, luck and beautiful things of angels. This can be easily seen from every face and every building. This was also the most prosperous place that Ye Ting could see along the way.

Finally, they crossed the silver ocean and came to the foot of an extremely sacred seven-story mountain.

This is the core of Paradise, Paradise Mountain.

The Holy Mountain of Paradise towers into the sky. , standing alone in the boundless holy water of Wangyang.

Here, justice, kindness, order, grace and mercy are the eternal rules.

Here, vigilant eyes stand firm against any form of evil.

Here, everything is beautiful..In the past, Heaven Mountain was the most desired place for every believer with a bright heart, and Jehovah would always give the most devout believers the opportunity to visit Heaven Mountain. The only way to reach Heaven is through the first and last way to enter it. The bottom layer, Lunia, is also known as the Silver Sea. Believers will always find themselves on the waves of an ocean that surrounds Heavenly Mountain. There are very few portals from other planes that can lead to other places in heaven, except for the Silver Sea.

A series of portals connect the seven levels of heaven. Each portal to a higher level is located at the physical vantage point of the adjacent lower level. Moving between levels is the same as climbing Mount Heaven.

But what makes climbing Mount Paradise more than just climbing is that each level has multiple trails leading to the next level. These paths can only be discovered by believers who understand the true meaning of order and goodness. Thus, reaching the summit is accompanied by a series of trials during which believers and supplicants are slowly purged of those who do not conform to the ideals of Heavenly Mountain.


If anyone feels that the names of the various scenery in paradise are familiar, then congratulations, you guessed it right.

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