The small conflict between BB and Hecate did not last long enough to interfere with Ye Ting's plan.

Both girls are pretty smart people/gods who know what is most important at the moment.

Keeping their dislike for each other in mind, both BB and Hecate quickly returned to their posts.

And Ye Ting picked up the baton

"So, let's start our ceremony——"

So, BB hangs high in the sky, and Hecate lives behind Ye Ting. Between the three of them, invisible chains connect them together - they are chains of thinking, transmitting thoughts and information.

"So come on, be happy about it! The voice is quiet, my shadow covers the world - BCHanne1 is all unfolded, the ultimate soul intellectual computer, the bottomless Klein bottle, the eye of the moon, in the name of the kingship of the moon, unfold it for me——"

Following BB's brisk instructions, Moonce11's projection in the sky began to shine with azure brilliance - that was a by-product of the continuous exchange of information in the form of light after the spirit calculation deduction was greatly turned on.

"Then, happily leave all the calculations to your BB, my creator~. Whether it's BB's hobbies or the way to achieve a future filled with the creator's dirty desires, all kinds of questions can be answered through Moonce11! ?"

"I don't want to know those weird things!"

Retorted with a wry smile, Ye Ting then ordered:"The task is to observe the coordinates of imaginary space. This should not be a problem for BB, right?"

"Hey, it turns out that in the mind of the creator, BB is so useless? The mere imaginary number space is completely overkill for BB."

BB pouted and complained.

What she said is not unreasonable. After all, the spirit world in Moonce11 itself is composed of imaginary number space. As the master of Moonce11, B's understanding of imaginary number space is basically unparalleled in the world. Out of the ordinary, I naturally have the confidence to say such a thing.

Having said that, the girls modeled after Sakura in the moon world basically have a good phase with the imaginary number space.

"Yes, yes, BB is the best," Ye Ting said while praising,"But our target is not the ordinary imaginary number space, but the potential imaginary number space all over the earth. The reference coordinates are the spiritual veins of the world."

"Yes! Then, Monce11 imaginary number observation mode is on!"

So, the real coordinates of the spiritual veins around the world were provided by Hecate, and were continuously sent to BB, and then BB converted them into virtual and real ones.

In fact, everyone has learned the basic method of this conversion in college. Anyone who majors in advanced mathematics should know it.

That is the famous"Fourier transform".

The so-called imaginary number space is also called Fourier space.

So don't look at Matou Sakura, BB, a cute little girl, in terms of mathematics They don't know how much higher they are than ordinary people. The so-called"Matou Sakura's teaching materials to teach you how to recover" may really exist.

Closer to home, in fact, what Ye Ting needs is not"calculating the coordinates of space, but"proving""Its existence.

Different from the real number space - that is, the real space, the imaginary number space is not a real space. Its existence needs to be maintained by spiritual information rather than matter. Revealing the imaginary number space relies on observation and proof, that is, it has been observed and proved. Imaginary number space only exists.

In comparison, the difference in computing power required to simply transform Fourier space using coordinates and prove the existence of imaginary space through Moonce11 is astronomical.

However, in just a moment, BB - or Moonce1 came up with the answer

"mission completed! BB Jiang's great success only proves that the imaginary number space covering the coordinates of a planet cannot trouble BB at all."

Turning around gracefully, BB happily announced the result, and then showed a strange look.

"But why is this answer a dynamic data? Although it looks irregular, it always seems to follow a pattern"

"You're so sharp," Ye Ting praised BB, and then explained,"In fact, the answer you proved is the proof of the spiritual activity of the planet soul - or the star soul."

"Planet Soul? Hecate was a little confused,"The planet...does it really have a soul?""

Although as a god, especially the goddess of the magic network, Hecate has always speculated about this, but this is the first time she has heard the exact information from Ye Ting.

"Although the answer can only be obtained through proof, I am certain that there is a soul on the planet."

Ye Ting's answer is unequivocal - although he found no direct evidence in the moon world, in another world called Azeroth, the existence of star souls has been widely proven: Don't you see that Aman'Thul is the leader? The star souls even created an organization called the"Pantheon", and then searched for similar people throughout the universe to incubate the world.

Of course, he would not use this as evidence, but there are other theories.

According to the Gaia hypothesis Speaking of which, the planet is an organic life form that can adjust itself.

In the moon world, Gaia does exist as a restraining force.

The will of the planet wanted to avoid the destruction of the planet and created Gaia, no matter Gaia is relative to the real star soul Anything can prove the existence of the Star Soul.

In Ye Ting's point of view, Gaia should be the subconscious of the planet, just like Alaya is the collective unconscious of mankind. (Subconscious = unconscious)

Because subjective consciousness often It is anti-instinct, while the subconscious mind is more biological, including the basic desires, impulses and vitality needed for survival.

Another term for the subconscious mind is the id.

Animals that only have the id will not commit acts of sacrificing their lives for righteousness. Because"sacrifice" has always been anti-instinct, only the subjective consciousness that includes the"superego" can make such a decision. What

Ye Ting wants to prove is the spirit of the planet, that is, the existence of"self-awareness".The way is the spiritual vein.

In the moon world, after the age of gods ended, magic was cut off. At that time, if humans wanted to exercise abilities beyond nature, they had to become a being called a"magician". And directly call the rules to control the world. Unlike the magicians of the Gods, magicians can only call the"small source", that is, the magic power generated inside the body, and the corresponding organ is the so-called"magic circuit".

For magicians, the"magic circuit" is Supernatural organs, and as a planet, it naturally has such supernatural organs.

That is the"spiritual vein". The spiritual vein is the magic circuit of the planet. The"big source" of human beings is the"small source" of the planet.

Therefore, the so-called spiritual vein , that is, the supernatural organ of the planet.

As for why spiritual veins can prove the"consciousness" of the planet, it is related to another theory.


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