Gaia’s"big enemy" is the power of magic.

The miraculous power belonging to the third method continuously creates energy.

This is a miracle that comes out of nothing and violates the laws of thermodynamics.

Energy spurted out with endless force, and in just a few moments, a huge energy body was formed in the plane.

If this continues, one day it will reach a level of terrifying power that can reverse even the"heat death" of the world.

It’s humanity’s final fantasy.

And this infinite power turned into the driving force for the first method.

The law of negation creates new legal principles and continues to fulfill the will of the creator like the iteration of a program. The laws of any space affected by it are being subverted, and then new legal principles appear and spread around again like dominoes until the end of the world.

Originally, when Ye Ting connected the inner sea of ​​stars to the surface of the planet, although there was an earth-shattering noise, Gaia did not react at all.

Just connecting the two worlds will not have any impact on the earth and the life on it.

But when she noticed what Ye Ting did next, Gaia, as a restraining force, could no longer hold back.

Because subverting the laws of the planet can be said to completely change the ecology of the planet and bring about complete changes to the planet. These changes will completely touch Gaia's bottom line.

If something unexpected happens and the power of sin comes to the earth, then the entire earth and the life on it will die, and the earth will be finished.

This is something that Gaia, as a restraining force, will never tolerate.

So the inhibitions took action.

As a being with sovereignty over the planet, Gaia was born out of the soul of the planet, but has an independent will.

The chaotic soul of the planet did nothing, so the authority of the planet rested with Gaia.

Using this power, Gaia attempts to resist the First Law's subversion of the rules.

It is very difficult for Gaia to achieve this goal.

Because although Gaia has sovereignty over the planet, that's all.

Because both Gaia and the planet itself are just entities that exist under rules, and rules are the fundamental framework that regulates the world order.

No matter how powerful the NPCs in a game are, they can't resist the GM and the console.

This is what Gaia faces.

As magic, the negation of nothingness itself is a miracle belonging to the heavens, something that even the power of restraint cannot comprehend.

As a part of the root of creation, magic has an impact on the world that is even greater than its inhibitory power, and the first method of creating the rules itself is the best among them.

In other words, in terms of priority and authority, magic is completely ahead of restraint.

As a true"miracle", even if the wisdom of the entire planet is gathered together, this extraterrestrial law cannot be understood.

Of course, in the face of this kind of situation where the mouse pulls the turtle, Gaia does not have other means.

Although he does not fully understand magic, Gaia knows that although the first quantity was born from the root, the current user is not the root itself.

If it is the source itself, or an existence at the same level as Gaia, who is using the power of negation now, then Gaia will naturally be unable to resist.

Unfortunately this is not the case.

Gaia clearly knows that the person using magic now is just a mortal who is not even a god.

In a world with magic, magic exists similar to science - it is the tool of mages.

Using one's own spirit to leverage rules through magic to transform the world is the essence of magic.

If rules are the fulcrum and the caster's spirit is the force exerted, then magic is the so-called labor-saving machine - it can be said to be a lever or a pulley.

In short, it is a prop that allows the caster to use his spirit to accomplish miracles that he cannot accomplish on his own.

The same is true in the moon.

If we say that the"magic" lever of the Xingyue World can only accomplish the miracles that humans can achieve.

Then, the five magics of the Xingyue World are more advanced levers, and what they can accomplish are miracles that humans cannot achieve even with all their wisdom.

Unfortunately, neither the lever nor the pulley work on their own.

Only by exerting external force can miracles be achieved.

Magic has no limits, but external forces have limits.

At this moment, the so-called"external force" is Ye Ting's own ability.

It can be said that magic derived from wisdom belongs to the power of"skill" - using the power of magic to change the rules of magic can be said to be the ultimate in skill.

Facing this kind of power, Gaia's best response is force.

The so-called"One force can bring down ten societies""、""Using force to defeat skill" relies on the sovereignty of the world to block the entire world. While restricting itself, it also cuts off the source of the magician's power, making the first method unable to take effect.

However... it is ineffective.

Because, this power that tamperes with the rules, There was no magic from the outside world at all.

Gaia's opponent, the magician, was fighting against the general trend of the world with his own mortal body and his own strength. It was not until this moment that Gaia suddenly Shocked!

This power that affects the entire planet contains - double the miraculous method. The result of the confrontation came out quickly.

That was... Gaia's failure.

The materialized soul activated by overload, in a short time It gave Ye Ting a magic power like a perpetual motion machine that was comparable to the world. This power was by no means a power that a single planet could compete with.

Therefore, in the confrontation between"force" and"force", Gaia was defeated.

This is......What a terrifying opponent.

As a result, Ye Ting's rules covered the world's rules at an alarming speed, first in the inner sea of ​​​​the stars, and then on the surface of the earth. The rules created by the First Method spread quickly, and the lines of the rules spread in the void. As written in the book, the framework of the world is subverted step by step.

Gaia continues to lose control of the world at an alarming rate.

Since you can't fight against this force, then destroy the source of the power.

Since you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem..

In just a moment, Gaia made such a judgment.

After all, the power of the world can not only be used to control the sovereignty of the world.

As the restraining force of the planet, Gaia can also create natural disasters - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, strong winds Heavy rain, even void storms, magic tides...

No matter how powerful they are, as long as you are on the planet, you will inevitably be affected by Gaia.

Even if you are a magician, you are just a mortal body.

Even if these natural disasters can't kill you, they will affect your ability to cast magic.

And as soon as you show a flaw, it's my chance to turn defeat into victory.

This is Gaia's method._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation ,

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