The Director of Music Department

Chapter 682: .It's really scary

"Akita-kun, Akita-kun, are you okay?" the film ends.

Suddenly someone found his friend's face pale, holding his heart in his hand, breathing quickly.

"Who can help poor Akita-kun, he has a heart attack!" Catamu Inoue shouted anxiously.

Soon an enthusiastic fan next to it came to check it out.

"I'm a doctor, where's the heart-relief pill on his body?" a beautiful female fan came over and asked.

At this time, Akita's hand pointed hard to the left pocket.

Soon Catalpa Inoue took out a small medicine bottle containing Jiuxin Pills.

Pour one out and give it to Akita.

After a while, Akita finally came alive.

At this time, the people from Toei in the theater also noticed the situation here, and someone called the emergency call immediately.

At the same time, he came to ask if Akita was well.

On the other side, there were media reporters present, but they secretly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Of course, it's impossible for the people at Toei to discover it, but they didn't stop it, but treated it as if they didn't see it.

In fact, before the premiere of "Midnight Ring", Toei had already put advertisements on major TV stations in the island country. Among them, many people laughed and despised the sentence: "Patients with heart disease, please do not come to watch the movie!"

People are like this, the more forbidden, the more they like it.

"How is the situation?" Wang Yifan also heard the news and asked Oshima Tsukamoto.

"It's just a heart attack. Fortunately, the other party carried Jiuxin pill with him, so emergency calls have been arranged." Tsukamoto Oshima said.

"That's good!" Wang Yifan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, this kind of thing is only for the premiere tonight, and this happened, so President Tsukamoto must take precautions, and it is best not to have anyone really scared to death because of this!" Wang Yifan is still more conscientious after all of.

Tsukamoto Oshima bowed and said: "Hi, Director Wang, please rest assured that we will officially release the show next. We will arrange staff to go to major theaters to stand by. Even in the Kyoto area, we will arrange vehicles and emergency personnel in advance to be ready to respond to emergencies. Incident!"

Of course, Tsukamoto Oshima is not kind, really afraid that someone will be scared to death, but this is also a great publicity for the movie itself.

How much can it cost to dispatch emergency personnel and vehicles in the core area?

But this kind of thing, as long as the island country’s media and ordinary viewers know about it, it will definitely be reported.

Some people may make fun of Toei for this, but for Toei, this is an opportunity to become famous.

The fact is also true.

At the end of the premiere of "Midnight Ring", many small media and self-media people waiting outside the venue who were not invited are looking for targets for interviews.

Ichiro Oda was very scared tonight. The point is that Ichiro Oda is still a senior horror movie fan, which makes him feel very embarrassed, but he is also very excited.

When Sadako crawled out of the big screen before, he was completely paralyzed in shock.

He felt better after he walked out of the theater.

"This gentleman, can you accept our interview with a short answer?" A reporter stopped an Oda Ichiro.

"Yes, but better hurry up!" Oda Ichiro, who was a little pale, nodded after hesitating for a while!

"So Mr. is a horror film fan?" the reporter asked again.

"Yes! I'm Oda Ichiro, a member of the Tokyo University Horror Association." This Oda Ichiro nodded, this time also showing his identity!

There are various associations in schools in island countries, and even associations are the main body of their school life.

The reporter's eyes lit up suddenly.

"So, do you think "Midnight Ring" is scary? Is it horrible?" The reporter looked at Oda Ichiro's face and asked.

Oda Ichiro hesitated for a while and said, "Hey, although it's a shame to say it out, I still want to say that it is really scary. Director Wang Yifan, first class!"

"You are a senior, are you scared?" the reporter asked again.

"Yes, I'm a senior, but even for seniors, "Midnight Ring" is an extremely horrible film. After I go back, I will definitely recommend it to the Horror Club to let them know what a real horror movie is! "

Oda Ichiro left, and the reporter went to find the next interview target.

And the result is the same as Oda Ichiro, most movie viewers said that this is an extremely good horror film.

After the premiere, major media reported on the grand premiere of "Midnight Ring".

"The "Midnight Bell" directed by Wang Yifan, who is from China and known as the light of Asia, held a grand premiere tonight. It is reported that the screening of "Midnight Bell" ended and fans were scared of heart attacks on the spot. Fortunately, the rescue was timely. This also proves that director Wang Yifan's previous claim that "The Ring of Midnight" should prevent the audience from being scared to death, it is not an exaggeration!"

"The premiere of "The Ring of Midnight" was huge. The film did not disappoint the audience. Some audience members were scared of heart disease. No deaths have been reported for the time being!"

"A strong contender for the best film of the year in "Midnight Ring"!"

The island media for "Midnight Ring" is generally more tolerant. In other words, Toei's money is in place. In fact, it's the same in any country, and the media is just watching it.

Movies like "Midnight Ring" have extremely hot topics and attention. Under normal circumstances, unless it is some small media, no, small media dare not report negative news.

In addition, "Midnight Ring" is indeed a film that suits the appetite of the audience in the island country. Therefore, the reputation of this film is excellent!

The next day, "The Ring of Midnight" officially began to be released.

On the Toei side, in accordance with Wang Yifan's request, first responders and ambulances are really arranged outside the theaters in major core areas at any time!

This was naturally reported by the media.

"To prevent "Midnight Bell" from frightening people to death, Toei deployed more than fifty emergency ambulances and paramedics in China!"

"Toei arranges the ambulance incident, is it hype or is it responsible?"

"The Furious Bell at Midnight is scary and true, as more than a hundred fans who attended the premiere proved it!"

This kind of news will only become more and more attractive to "Midnight Ring".

However, what Wang Yifan worried about still happened!

Island country, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Shochiku Theater under the Shochiku Theater.

The screening of "Midnight Bell" was not over yet, suddenly a group of people rushed out of the theater carrying a pale-faced male audience.

The man was rushed to the nearest hospital by the ambulance waiting outside. Unfortunately, the man stopped his heartbeat before he finally reached the hospital.

He was eventually sent to the hospital and died!

A thousand precautions, Wang Yifan did not expect an accident!

It's dead! Although in the previous life, the rumors of "Midnight Ring" scared people to death, it was a rumors after all, but now, it is placed in front of Wang Yifan, this is a fact!

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