The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1127: Blood angel

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But obviously, Shen Mengting used a declarative tone rather than a request statement.

Naturally, not long afterwards, a luxuriously decorated private jet departs from the PD airport and points directly to the kingdom of heaven.

The decoration of her private jet is very stylish, the whole is a luxurious five-star presidential suite. Even, there are several beautiful flight attendants, and full-time chefs.

It wasn't until the plane reached the stratosphere to cruise that after drinking half a cup of coffee, Wang Yan hesitated a little and said, "Meng Ting, why are you flight attendants like ...?"

With Wang Yan's eyesight, it is natural to see at a glance that the flight attendants, including the chef, have been transformed into blood angels. This approach has obviously violated the rules of China Super Energy.

Shen Mengting drank red wine in a leisurely manner, and said calmly: "I have already discussed this with Director General Han and the couple of Yan Zun. My point of view is that blood races all over Europe and America can develop their blood , Why can't our blood angels do it? "

The blood angel, which has always been a rare race, has always been considered extinct. According to legend, Lucifer was one of the twelve archangels under the **** of light.

Later, Lucifer was lured by a blood ancestor, accepted her first embrace, and turned into a fallen angel. But because the angel's bloodline is very special and has a strong tendency, after becoming a blood clan, the light power in the body and the blood clan power react chemically and become a brand-new blood clan power, and their wings also become scarlet.

As a result, the fallen angel Lucifer became the ancestor of the blood angel, and his strength was more powerful than the original. Against the other archangels, he could achieve one enemy and four, and even he confidently faced the bright Father and God, he also had the power to fight .

Such a naked ~ naked betrayal of the Father of Light, naturally makes the whole vein of Light extremely angry. Compared with the enemy, anyone hates traitors even more.

After a long battle, the fallen angel Lucifer was finally destroyed, followed by a longer road of blood angels that cleared the world. The Light Holy See has never shown mercy on suppressing blood angels, preferring to let go of blood clan rather than let go of blood angels.

As a result, the blood angel is now almost extinct. The last time the Bright Holy See attached such importance to the appearance of blood angels in China was for this reason.

Wang Yan was blocked by Shen Mengting's words, but her words were not unreasonable. Nowadays, the world is more and more open, and blood races are gradually going from darkness to light.

Even a large number of film and television works were filmed, which successfully washed the blood image.

As for the light church, the influence on the world is far less than before, and the battle with the dark church has gradually become more peaceful. Especially under the background of the abyss invasion, it has caused the major organizations to converge and reduce the internal friction between each other.

After all, the forces of darkness are no longer good, and they have survived and proliferated on the earth for so long, which is half of their own. In the face of the fierce abyss invasion, it is certainly a force.

Of course, unless it is those who have ulterior motives and are prepared to rely on the invasion of the abyss to stir up the wind and rain and the fish in muddy water. This kind of people, whether they are indigenous people or aliens, are all under severe attack.

Any force that dares to cover this existence will also be attacked by the group.

In short, it is the general direction and policy of the world ’s major superpower organizations to unite and defend the planet. Even if there is something small in his heart, he dare not violate this general direction and principle, otherwise, Yan Zun will teach him how to behave.

"Since Uncle Gun comes forward, I think it should be okay." Wang Yan nodded and said, "I'm not worried about you, I'm afraid you will develop a bloodline without permission and cause death."

"Then I ask you, if the light church wants to kill me, for example, the bright lady is okay to buckle my big hat, who are you going to help?" Shen Mengting tasted the wine elegantly, showing a charming smile and tiger teeth.

this problem……

Wang Yan touched his nose, which seemed to be a fatal killer problem. If he said that he would help the bright saint, would President Shen immediately drop him from the plane. If you help Shen Mengting instead of the bright saint, it seems that you are not honest enough and a bit treacherous.

Fortunately, Wang Yan is not an idle person, he said with a smile: "Meng Ting, personally, of course, I don't want to have a conflict between you and the Bright Saint. From an emotional point of view, I definitely stand by you On this side. If the Bright Holy See is holding on to historical issues and insists on encircling and suppressing you, I will dissuade them. If I do n’t listen, I will naturally go to war. ”

Shen Mengting's eyes lighted up, and she was slightly satisfied with Wang Yan's answer, and his expression was much softer. She just grunted and said, "If it is not a problem left over by history, but I really did something bad? Will you help the Bright Holy See against me like the last time, and destroy me?"

At this point, it was embarrassing to ask Wang Yan. Last time, Shen Mengting was killed in this way. However, at that time, the two were in a hostile state. If they did not kill Shen Mengting, they might be killed by Shen Mengting.

"This, Meng Ting, you are also joining the China National African Affairs Bureau anyway." Wang Yan said helplessly, "As a civil servant, is it the bottom line of not committing crime?"

"Then I'm willing to commit a crime?" Shen Mengting squinted, as if remembering the grievances and grievances with Wang Yan at that time, he hummed, "What's wrong with me just wanting to destroy the whole world? Are you going to be the same at the time I killed? "

"will not!"

Wang Yan shook his head seriously and said, "You are my girlfriend, if you really sin, or want to destroy the world. I will personally arrest you and put you in demon prison!"

"You!" Shen Mengting's face changed, and a glance of sadness passed in his eyes. Obviously, she was angered by Wang Yan, and she was arrested and detained in a demon prison.

Although those words, it was just that she tried Wang Yan. She herself did not expect to harm the world and the people.

"However, I will accompany you." Wang Yan's eyes are full of deep sense, "No matter how long you stay in the demon prison, I will be with you. You are my girlfriend, even if you have done evil, I will also bear with you. "

"You ..." is also a word for you, but it stirred the opposite feeling in Shen Mengting's heart. Before it was sad and angry, but now, it is a little bit angry, but more is gratification, a warm flow slowly flows through her heart, making her innermost comfortable.


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