The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1139: Fox friends

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"Yes, yes, I'm gray, can't it be gray?" Wang Yan said with a hippie smile, "Okay, well, we're back to business. This time our unit attached great importance to your visit, and several leaders discussed After a while, I think this model is very good. It really should be a lot of communication and learning. So, we decided to send a young team to learn from your descendants and visit. "

Wang Yan was secretly complacent, and his idea was good. If she passed by herself, it is estimated that the goddess Shiva would not even meet. But take a delegation and go to the descendants of the gods in the name of learning to visit, that is a business between units.

No matter how big your opinion of Shiva, my goddess, must be in accordance with the rules, the reception should be arranged, right? At that time, you can act on your own.

And Wang Yan also calculated that Shiva Goddess could not refuse this matter. You can't just lead the delegation in the forefoot and come to China to rub and eat, and this blink of an eye will refuse the Chinese delegation to the door?

"You ..." Goddess Shiva was also powerless. If Wang Yan wanted to come to India, she would definitely slap him back without saying a word. But the matter of delegation is the matter between units.

Even if she is a shiva, she can't completely overwhelm her personal feelings above her unit?

"Director Linghu just sent me to the plane this morning." The goddess Shiva was wary and suspicious. "Why didn't I hear her mention this?"

"Oh, that's the meeting just started." Wang Yan laughed carelessly, "I and Secretary Linghu proposed this plan. I think that China and India are superpowers in the Asia-Pacific region, regardless of population. The land area is still very strong. And each is in a state of leaping development. But our two countries have little communication in various fields, they are very strange to each other, and there are many misunderstandings. Learning can promote the common development of the two countries, and can ... "

"Shao Hao crooked, don't tell me these mantras." As soon as she heard Wang Yan's idea, the Shiva goddess was even more vigilant. She sneered again and again, "You tell me honestly, are you again? What the **** are you talking about? Could it be that you hit me in the face and want to catch up with India to continue fighting? "

"Look, Your Goddess, Your Goddess." Wang Yan said with a smile, "It's common for us young people to talk and fight with each other, why bother to be so cautious? You also know that I am now It ’s the principal. Since I became a principal, I ’m naturally under pressure. I have to think about the next generation of the motherland. For me, I ’m taking young people out to see and see, broaden their horizons, and have no other meaning. By the way, personally , Also very interested in Indian cuisine and culture. "

Every word that popped out of Wang Yan's mouth, the goddess Shiva was half a word of unbelief. But the guy Wang Yan, every sentence is full of routines, it seems that if he does not agree, it is humane, ignorant of the world, or even stinky shame that takes advantage of him.

For a time, Shiva Goddess was speechless, and she couldn't think of any reason to refuse him. She couldn't help but be angry: "Okay, you don't have to talk any more, don't you just want to rub your rice? The non-bureau sent a letter, about the time, this matter took the formal channel. Now, I am going to have dinner, and I will ignore you by hanging up the phone. "

Originally, the goddess Shiva returned to India today, and accompanied by Lei Bang, the bad mood recovered slightly. However, she never imagined that she had just settled down and was poked over by a phone call from the Son of Flame, making her mood worse again.

When eating, the more you eat, the more you feel like you are throwing a handful of flies into when you are eating delicious food. Feeling unhappy, he crossed his knife and fork, and said to the officials on the side: "Call me to teach the elders to a meeting to discuss how to deal with the reception plan for the visit of the Son of Flame."

She was disgusting and big headed. This time, the visit of the Son of Flame, in terms of national dignity and the dignity of the descendants of the gods, should be treated with great ceremonies, and absolutely must not lose the etiquette of the great nations.

However, at the same time, to prevent the guy from the flames from coming, it is really big. The guy who is the child of the flames is not a good stubborn. It ’s nice to say. It ’s a lot of wisdom. It ’s cunning and shameless.

If you want to prevent him from messing around, you will have a headache.

Right next to the Shiva goddess, Lei Hong saw that her temper was hot because of her brother, her head shrank suddenly, and she sullenly ate her meal.

Looking at Lei Bang ’s appearance, Shiva Goddess was also distressed, and comfortably said, “Hang ~ you can rest assured, this is not your fault, it ’s all your fox and dog friends. Afterwards, you just need to talk to you Hupenggouyou sever ties, just keep the distance. "

In addition, recently, I will try to find a way to let you enter the Shiva Temple to visit the statue of Shiva Goddess. Through the eye of destruction left by Shiva Goddess, you can understand the rules of destruction, and you will also have the Thunder Law. Touch the effect of bypass. "

Listening to the goddess Shiva's nagging, Lei Hong's head shrank, his brow furrowed, and his expression was a bit melancholy, and he silently pulled out a bottle of Erguotou from his suit pocket. Before the Shiva goddess responded, he gushed a bit.

"Boom ~ Why are you drinking it again?" Shiva's pretty face froze, and she felt a little uneasy and a little shy.

Panic is that once Lei Hong drank alcohol, what would happen next was incalculable.

It's a shame that once Lei Hong drank alcohol, what would happen next was incalculable.

"Slap ~" Lei Hong's cheeks were flushed with two blushes, and Erguotou patted the table, and the servants around him were shocked, and he glared, "Indira, what do you say ? "

Lord Shiva's face changed, she waved her servants out, and then looked at Lei Bang with a little grievance, "Boom, I, I just care about you. I, what am I doing wrong? You? Want to yell at me like this? "Her exotic eyes were watery.

Lei Hong snorted, staring at the eyes and said, "First, Yan is my brother. I, my Lei Bang, in this life, just like this, a brother. No, you are not allowed to insult ... him." Stuttering when speaking, but the feelings are very sincere, and the tone has an undoubted feeling.

"Of course, I still have a sister who worships." Lei Hong burped and glared, adding.


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