The Domestic Hero

Chapter 821: The light is with you

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"Okay, son of flame, obediently surrender the jade algae soul jade, the bishop can make you less painful, otherwise, the bishop has to pick it up on your body."

Harrison raised his mouth, his eyes full of arrogance.

Wang Yan and others in his eyes are just worms in the urn that can be crushed to death at any time.

"You can rest assured that after your death, the earth will become the territory of Lord Demon Lord. The barbaric abyss demon will naturally not be stupid enough to be an enemy of Devil God." Harrison's evil spirit Ling Ran's smile is full of playfulness and tone Indifferently said, "Speaking of this, the bishop is still saving the earth and is the benefactor of this world!"

Harrison smiled coldly, and the madness radiated from the whole body, causing the wind around the sea to be turbulent, and the air was full of Xiao Sha, which made people shudder.

Wu Wu Jie, Zhang Wei Dao, and the five blood maids, all gathered around Wang Yan, unable to speak for a moment.

Wang Yan's expression was still calm, but there was a lot of sulking in the eyebrows. He and Nanlian and Ange beside him glanced at each other, and Nanlian and Ange nodded at him.

"Since you are committed to death, don't blame me."

Wang Yan stomped the deck under his feet, his expression was straight, and his tone said aloud, "Brothers, the party has begun!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hatch on the left side of the yacht was opened with a crackle.

"Harrison, you dare to collude with a repeat offender and try to subvert all mankind. It is really a sinful crime. The Holy Virgin represents the Holy See, and you and all the party leaders are all sentenced to death!"

With a loud drink filled with prestige, Luminous Lady Lulu spread out a pair of gorgeous light wings and flew out of the cabin first.

She wears a holy crown, wears a luxurious robe of sacrifice, has a golden body, is dignified, and is sacred and inviolable.

"Blebble." The little angel Babe followed, with a bottle, and a few sips of wine, before pulling out the sword and the shield, pointing straight ahead with a bold attitude, "What a **** demon, look at Ben Babe How can you be beaten to the point that you do n’t even know your mother! "

"Demon! Sure enough, there are many demons!" Nini, a bitter monk, got out of the cabin with interest.

"Wow haha, Pharaoh, you didn't lie to me." Nini's eyes immediately rose up. "Evil bastards, this lady's big stick, is already hungry and unbearable!"


There was a dull sound of armor treading on the ground.

The bright son Wright wearing silver plate armor and the holy knight Ronnie came out of the cabin successively.

"Pharaoh, the Holy Light will be with you!" The Bright Son, Wright, raised his hand and sprinkled a piece of pure Holy Light.

Holy blessing!

Wang Yan and others immediately felt a lot lighter in their bodies, shrouded in the evil spirits and hostility of the Love and Rose, and were immediately dispelled by the holy light emitted by the bright son Wright. Even the thick, disgusting **** smell in the air seemed to have alleviated a lot.

However, when the bright son, Wright, spotted Dr. Octopus, he couldn't help but a shock, and then there was a lot of anger and hatred coming out of his eyes.

"Dr. Octopus! I can't think that this Son can see you again, it's a gift from the Father!" The Bright Son's muscles were all trembling with excitement, full of eagerness to try.

"Dr. Octopus belongs to me, no one is allowed to grab with me. Today, this son can't beat him even octopus!"

As the so-called enemies see, they are extremely jealous. At first, the Bright Son was traumatized by Dr. Octopus, and he was humiliated and humiliated. The painful experience can not be easily erased.

But at this moment, there was an excellent opportunity to make him ashamed, why not make him excited and impatient, and resentment.

"Oh, who do I think? It turned out to be His Royal Highness." Dr. Octopus grinned and smiled meaningfully, "The last time our game was not finished yet, this time Dr. Ben will let you enjoy it Enough. "

The body of his half-man and half-octopus, and the eight thick tentacles, could not help shaking.

The disgusting appearance attracted the women present, a sigh of disgust.

"Son of Flame, I have always heard that you have a good relationship with the Bright Holy See, and it seems to be true." Harrison saw the young generation of the Bright Holy See, not surprised, but said with a smile, "But it came just right, the bishop just happened to You're all in one shot! "

Harrison's voice hadn't fallen yet, and the door to the right of Love and Rose was also opened with a "snap".


With a loud and powerful roar, the sheep-head demon King Bafo extinguished a black gas and rushed out of the cabin.

It is intertwined with a chain of hell, and its muscular body is like a black iron tower. As it landed heavily on the deck of the yacht, the entire yacht quaked it up and down.

Although the sheep-head demon Bafo is a **** creature, he is not serving the same monarch. What's more, there are only three Satanic demon gods in hell, and the three demon gods are eager to have the opportunity to kill each other earlier, so that they can be their own family and rule all **** territory.

"Harrison, how dare you!"

The Dark Lady Catherine, with her two hands and a black scythe full of people, walked out noblely behind the sheep-head demon Baffo.

She was dressed like a European aristocrat, and her manners were gentle and noble, but she was full of momentum, like a cold and sharp blade, Ling Ran was incomparable.

Especially when a breeze blew, she lifted the hair in front of her left eye. The scarlet light shining from the mark of the pentagram in the pupil of her left eye was full of demon and demon charm, as if it could be the soul of man at any time. It seems like pulling into hell.

"The little Satanic sect also wants to overthrow the dark council. It is extremely arrogant!" Another arrogant voice like Harrison came from the cabin.

Dark Son Stewart and Black Bat King Matthew flew out of the cabin one after the other, hovering left and right on the left and right sides of the Dark Lady.

The Dark Son, dressed in a black robe of the blood race, holds the magic sword and the devil's cage, and his body is full of anger.

The black bat king Matthew is not only a young blood Count, but also a mutant of the bat gene. At this time, his real body is revealed, just like a huge human-shaped bat monster, with four prongs exposed, fierce and fierce. .

"Half-dead corpse Cremans, you've escaped here." Gabriel, the necromancer, came out slowly with a thick wooden staff.

He was wearing a very simple gray robe, and his exposed skin was pale. The deep hood of the robe covered his face. Outsiders could not see his face clearly, but he could clearly feel the breath from the other party, which was very eerie.

Seeing the necromancer Gabriel, the half-dead corpse Klimmans' eyes narrowed, and he shrank obviously.

The half-dead corpse Cremans, as the inheritor of European undead magic, once naturally had a lot of contact with the orthodox inheritor Gabriel.

Although he is much higher than Gabriel in cultivation, the purity of the single-round magic inheritance is still far inferior to the other side, otherwise he will not fail a ritual, and he will become the end of a half-human half-corpse. .

"It seems that the rumors that the son of flame and the two saints are good, and there are so many companions hidden in the boat." Harrison bit his teeth, his eyes tightened obviously, and the arrogant momentum also slightly converged.

But soon, he smiled again evilly, "Son of Fire, just because these people want to fight our Satanist sect? But this is good, they will all be buried for you!"

"Oh, is it? If we are counted again?"

Harrison's voice just fell, and a contemptuous hum was heard from the cabin of the yacht.

Harrison and many of the demon criminals surrounding Wang Yan all shuddered in astonishment.

Anyone else come out? Is the cabin of that yacht a bottomless hole?

At the moment when everyone in the Satanic school was surprised, the heroic Gao Mingyue, with a sharp sword outfit, invited the moon sword in his hand, and walked out of the cabin door on the left side of the yacht.

On the right door of the yacht, a white suit, dragging the thunder of the sky, slammed the wings behind, passed the door, and hovered over the right side of the yacht. The arrogant momentum, It's as magnificent as the heaven and earth.

"How dare we dare to fight even our Chinese country's attention?"

The person who spoke was a young man with a long figure and a temperament.

His red hair, like a wildfire, bloomed on top of his head, a strong breath, so that the air around him was full of stars.

This person is really a small Yan Zun, Zhang Huang!

"Every Satan cult, who dares to be an enemy of all mankind, simply finds death!"

With a sloppy drink, a young man with a bear on his back and a rune machine gun in his left hand, and a young woman with a charming and charming body, came out front and back.

These two are the China National African Affairs Bureau, Xiong and Yuan Rourou.

"Uncle, here I come!"

"Pharaoh, I'm the best at this kind of group racking, I'll give it to you all!"

"There are even tentacle monsters? Lao Tzu let you guys know, what are tentacles!"

The last three people who walked out, the first to walk out of the cabin was a pretty girl, Sun Youmiao, with a ponytail and a flower pot.

Afterwards, she wore double-enchanted +1 "Li Ning" shoes, and her energetic legs and hairy legs jumped out of the cabin.

Not to mention that SCUD is now in C + level, and it is barely close to B level, but with the long experience of getting along with the Pharaoh and the experience of the competition, the high-level strongman can't beat it, but against the small, he is absolutely confident.

Following the Scud, the final appearance is to use the tentacles to apply to Dacheng's Little King Kong-Shentu Tianlu. To be honest, Shen Tu Tian Lu was a little depressed for the past two days. After drinking too much, he teased the high priest Berika, but was miserable by the big prophecy.

As soon as he appeared, he stretched out dozens of metal tentacles. These tentacles were large, small, and thick, and he vowed to follow the scene, and he was transformed into an octopus Satanist elite by Dr. Octopus. Higher than low.

See who is the real tentacle.

With the Light Holy See, the Dark Parliament, and the China National African Affairs Bureau, the most outstanding young generations of the three major international organizations, all present, this yacht that Wang Yan called the Love and Rose is full of spirits. Young hero.

At the scene, the extremely depressed atmosphere was swept away by these young people's vitality, and there was already a vague kind of vicious army that was about to form a Satanist sect.


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