The Domestic Hero

Chapter 846: Boss, can you lick your sisters one by one?

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Wang Yan frowned slightly.

He is now a half-step S-class strongman, and his mental strength is also very strong.

Even if the foreign man hides very well, Wang Yan still smells a touch of blood from him. Well, that breath seems to be the breath of blood.

Wang Yan has a deep relationship with the blood clan. The little prince Rose Duke is a direct descendant of Dracula, the top strong among the blood clan. His five close-knit maids are also noble ladies of the blood race.

Even the Dark Virgin was later transformed into a blood race by the little teacher.

Today Wang Yan knows that the origin of the blood race is not from the earth, but a pan-cosmic race. From the root, the root of the blood is a parasitic blood virus. Through the spread of infections, ethnic groups continue to spread throughout the universe.

In theory, any race with blood can be transformed into a blood race.

Even the angelic family can't escape the magic palm.

According to legend, there are twelve archangels under the command of the **** of light, each of which is a famous demigod. But one of the archangels named Miriam was transformed into a blood clan by a holy clan in the blood clan and became a blood angel.

Under the suppression of the Bright Holy See for many years, the blood angel almost disappeared on the earth. Shen Mengting was transformed into a blood angel due to yin and yang, and was finally killed by Wang Yan.

But now Shen Mengting has been transformed into a zombie by the Jiuyin Xuan Corps Dafa sacrifice. In theory, she should belong to a pinnacle golden armor general. Now what kind of species is she, even Wang Yan can't tell.

But Wang Yan can now be very clear that the foreign man who is eating with Wen Ruhan is a blood race, and he should still be a blood count and a B-level strongman.

Don't underestimate a blood Count. On the territory controlled by the Blood Clan, the territory of a Blood Count is usually a city, and he is the king of the underground world.

So, does Wen Ruhan know that he is a blood race, or does he not? Wang Yan couldn't help frowning and thinking. Do you want to eavesdrop on their conversation?

"Mom ~"

Not waiting for further investigation by Wang Yan, the Nuan Nuan girl jumped from her chair and happily ran towards Wen Ruhan.

Afraid of her accident, Wang Yan hurried to keep up.

"Nuan Nuan? Why are you here?" Wen Ruhan's pretty eyes were a little surprised, but he was still busy holding Nuan Nu.

"Miss Wen, what a coincidence." Wang Yan hurried to her and said with a smile, "You are also eating here? I happened to have dinner with friends." During the speech, Wang Yan also signaled to Tan Wenzhuo a bit.

Wen Ruhan slightly relaxed his expression, and whispered a little embarrassedly: "I'm here with customers."

"Hello, this gentleman." The foreign man stood up and gracefully extended his hand to Wang Yan. "My name is Paul Edward, from the United States. I am very happy to meet you."

"Hello, hello. My name is Wang Yan, and I am very happy to meet you." Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and shook hands with him. This Paul Edward was disguised very well, but Wang Yan still sharply captured a trace of hostility and contempt in his eyes.

"If Mr. Wang doesn't mind, let's have a meal together." Paul Edward invited gentlemanly, and said a bit of Huaxia.

"Is this inappropriate?" Wang Yan hesitated slightly.

Paul Edward said with a smile: "There is nothing inappropriate. Mr. Wang and Miss Wen are friends, and naturally they are my friends."

"Xiao Yan, if you like, just accompany me." Wen Ruhan looked at Wang Yan with some begging.

"Okay." Wang Yan greeted Shen Mengting from afar, and then sat down. Nuan Nuan is also very happy, sitting next to her mother, looking at Paul with a little hostility.

"Xiao Yan, Mr. Edward is the heir of a large consortium from the United States." Wen Ruhan once again introduced in depth, "This time I invited him to Huahai City, hoping to make a deal with him."

This sentence sounds like an introduction, and it seems to be secretly explaining to Wang Yan.

As soon as this remark came out, even her own cheeks were faintly red, and she was a little confused. Why did she care so much about Wang Yan's view of herself? Is it ...

She quickly put aside her misunderstandings and introduced: "Mr. Edward, this Wang Yan is my friend and works in a state unit."

The word friend is obviously somewhat ambiguous. From the introduction of the two, Wen Ruhan obviously wants to get closer to Wang Yan.

"Mr. Edward is really young." Wang Yan smiled and complimented.

"Where and where, Mr. Wang is also a rare young talent." Edward's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hostility towards Wang Yan was obviously even more serious. He slowly stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll lose my company first."

After Edward left.

Wen Ruhan let out a sigh of relief and whispered to Wang Yan with a little blush: "Xiao Yan, you listen to me to explain this matter. I admit that I have something to hide from you, but it is absolutely not malicious."

"Sister Ru Han, it's okay, I know you are suffering." Wang Yan smiled and said he didn't care.

Wen Ruhan felt soothing, and said: "In fact, I am not a senior executive of a multinational group, but a large director of a multinational group, and the head of China Business. I'm sorry, I have been hiding You matter. "

"Big director?" Wang Yan pretended to slightly slap, "It turns out that sister Ru Han is still a super rich and disrespectful." Most of the people who can be called multinational groups are not small units. Wen Ruhan claimed to be a big director, and adding a big word would certainly not be small.

"Xiao Yan, it's not what you imagined." Wen Ruhan was anxious, blushing softly.

"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding. I know Sister Ru Han, a single woman with a young child, will always be alert to outsiders. It's reasonable and reasonable." Wang Yan said that he understood it very well, and he didn't feel a little blamed. meaning.

"Huh ~" Wen Ru Han Jiao gasped, and the mustard in her heart finally dissipated. "Yeah, your character is really good, very sunny and healthy, don't care about anything."

Her words, if listened to the gang of villains at the youth conference, it is estimated that even the teeth would be shocked. Just kidding, the character of Son of Flame is good? Very sunny and healthy? Don't care about anything?

"Sister Ru Han means, I have to worry about it?" Wang Yan deliberately pretended to be very hurt, and said, "Goddess Hao, how do you want to compensate my injured heart?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Yan secretly said that it wasn't it?

Sure enough, Wen Ruhan blushed slightly and gave Wang Yan a look with his teeth bitten: "The child is here, what are you talking about?"

"Mom, it's okay to be warm." The little girl blinked her watery eyes and said with a milky voice, "I didn't see and heard what people would do." Then she lay on the table and covered her. ear.


This little thing is really clever, and I don't know where I learned it from. Now the children are all very precocious, this child is only in the first grade.

Only in this way, the two adults were embarrassed by her.

Wen Ruhan looked at her daughter, and looked at Wang Yan, biting her shell teeth and whispering, "Not much to say, I'll cook for you a big meal."

"Yes, that's the way to go." Wang Yan nodded with a smile.

In the distance, Shen Mengting was eating the steak bit by bit, as if he was "fighting" with the steak, but her eyes under the sunglasses were still hanging on Wang Yan's side.

In fact, Shen Mengting was still quite convinced of Wang Yan, and in a blink of an eye, he was so speculative with the other party, blushing and blushing in a few words.

"Boss really deserves to be the boss." Tan Wenzhuo admired even more. There was a beautiful woman like Mr. Shen in front of him. He had the courage and ability to pick up other girls.

Although he has three girlfriends, none of them can match President Shen, or the young woman in the distance. Temperament and appearance are far from the same level.

Boss Wang Yan, domineering!

"What light do you put in your eyes?" Shen Mengting put a knife and fork on the tender and juicy steak and asked Tan Wenzhuo coldly.

Tan Wenzhuo had a chill in his head, and his tail vertebrae had a creepy feeling. He panicked and said, "Mr. Shen, what are you talking about?"

"Do you admire Wang Yan?" Shen Mengting smiled coldly, his eyes sharp as a sword.

"No, there is nothing wrong." Tan Wenzhuo deserved to have three girlfriends' little love sage, and quickly shook his head into a rattle. "For Wang Yan's behavior, I firmly despise it and deeply despise it."

"Despise? Ha ha, why did I hear that you have three girlfriends? Huh, Yiqiu raccoon dog." Shen Mengting drank the ice water and said indifferently, "Look back at your debt, write 200 million more."


Tan Wenzhuo's face was dumbfounded, and he almost burst into tears. This is Wang Yan's elder sister, what's the matter with Xiaotan? This is simply a fire at the city gate and pond fish, which is really miserable by Wang Yan's boss.

You said you can't tease your sisters one by one? After a while, this one, after a while, I feel better, but my brother.

In fact, just earlier.

A lighter-sized fireman followed Paul flexibly outside the house. This is the technique of Wang Yan's flame avatar. The tricks learned from Uncle Cannon, although they have not yet achieved cultivation, have been able to use them skillfully.

He certainly did not go to the bathroom, but took the opportunity to make a phone call, the content of which was spoken in English.

Fortunately, Wang Yan's current English proficiency is not low, and he was able to appease Wen Ruhan while continuing to eavesdrop.

"Williams." Paul said solemnly. "Don't you say that Wen Ruhan doesn't have a boyfriend? Why is there a handsome white face beside her?"

"Okay, I'll try again. If it doesn't work, I don't have much time to waste, so I'll be hard." Paul's eyes showed a trace of vigilance. "Hua Xiaguo is a place that hides the dragon and lies the tiger. After a long time, I am afraid Will get in trouble. "

"Sister Ruhan, do you know someone named Williams?" Wang Yan asked casually at the dining table, his eyes narrowed slightly.


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