The Domestic Hero

Chapter 920: You sing me on stage

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"Jin Jie ~ Kill me?" "Vice President" Marshall laughed wildly. "President Emmons, things have come to this point. Are you still thinking about reversing?"

"It's just a half-step S-level magician." Saladin flew down from the seal, the robe was automatic without wind, and the magic surged inside him, angry, "Even if Dean Emmons doesn't shoot, we are a few It's more than enough to pack you up. "

Wang Yan is his friend, and Lydia is the girl he likes, and now these two are trapped in the flames. This made Saladin, who has been rarely angry, full of anger in his heart.

His whole body is equipped with the best magic equipment. At this last moment, his magic power is the most abundant.

"Half-step S-class? Hijab ~ His Saladin, now that this step is over, I will show you my true strength." Marshall laughed, his body twisted.

It turned out that his skin was wrinkled and old. Along with a twist, his figure rose more than half a meter, and his muscles swelled up. A strong breath erupted in his body, almost condensing the air.

It's just that his skin showed a metallic gray, and the whole body was surrounded by a cold and terrible breath of death.


Everyone changed their colors and cried out in horror.

Lich is the most taboo path of the magician. According to legend, in the ancient times, when some powerful magicians gradually grew older, they were unwilling to end their lives, so they desperately studied various longevity techniques.

In order to survive, they did not hesitate to collude with the kingdom of the dead and transform themselves into undead creatures. Although their flesh still exists, in fact their lives have ended and become undead.

Whether it is the traditional magic world or the bright Holy See, it is extremely resistant to the lich.

Especially the Bright Holy See, they are willing to tolerate some black magicians active, and will never allow the existence of lich.

"Marshall, you turned yourself into a lich." Emmons took a breath of air, a little unbelievable, "Aren't you afraid of sinking into endless pain forever?"

"So what? Emmons, I'm stuck in the half-step S-class, it's been fifty years." Marshall said frantically, "My life is about to run out, I'm not reconciled, not reconciled. You are An S-level does n’t understand my pain at all. Fortunately, I met the Lord. The Lord converted me into a lich and helped me reach the S-level. I really like this kind of power. "

Although it sounds crazy, the other two deputy deans and professors also showed a touch of emotion. If you can really gain strong power and continue to live, how many people can resist this temptation?

Emmons didn't say anything, and there was only regret and anger in his eyes.

"My Lord Black Devil Venerable, will inevitably return to the world. Today, he is more powerful than before, and he is bound to become the master of this world." Marshall is like a fanatic of a cult organization, venting his long suppressed emotions .

Black Demon Venerable!

Emmons, Saladin, and everyone were pale. A strong chill eroded them.

These four words are taboo.

Historically, the Black Death Demon King has dragged most of the world into hell, and he is synonymous with disaster.

Is that terrible guy, plotting to return to rule the world?

"President Emmons, and all of you, my colleagues for so many years." Marshall said rampantly and proudly, "Don't say I don't give you a chance, if you are willing to swear allegiance to the Lord, it can be transformed into a lich, I plead The Lord spares your life. "


Emmons raised his white beard and said angrily, "Our Starry Academy has inherited thousands of years and had a fierce battle with the Black Demon King in the Middle Ages. You want us to be loyal to the World Devil, don't even think about it."

"Jin Jie, since you refuse to surrender, don't blame me." Lich Marshall grinned, holding a magic battle, and the vast magic power surged like a vortex. "As long as you are killed, the tears of the starry sky The same can fall into my hands. "

Emmons ’eyes were dignified, and he said with a deep voice:" Fight, you help me hold on for a while, I will use mystery to stimulate my own strength. In short, never let him succeed. "At this time, Emmons ’s There was already death in his eyes.

"Dean!" A professor shouted.

"Don't say more." Emmons mumbled the best sober potion, and the magic in his body recovered at a rapid rate. But the evil cursing energy is also constantly engulfing his body, "His Royal Highness, Saladin, if possible, please control the tears of the starry sky, and save Lydia and the child of flames. After all, this matter is us The matter of the Starry Academy has nothing to do with the Son of Flame. "

"Are you sure you want to work hard?" Saladin frowned, knowing that the background of the Starry Academy was still very rich. As the dean, he had one or two kinds of desperate tricks at the bottom of the box.

But the more tricks that can reverse the situation at a critical moment, the greater the price to pay. Listening to Emmons's meaning, it is very likely to pay the price of life.

"President Emmons, don't come here. You've got a cursed dagger, and your body has run out of light. If you dare to cast a curse, you will definitely die." The lich Marshall was also nervous, fiercely. Say, "As long as you are willing to shed tears in the stars, I will take the lead and save your life. You can leave at any time."

"Leave?" Emmons smiled, grinning violently, "Star Academy is my lifeblood, Marshall, you let me give up the college for the sake of stealing lives, really you can think of it. Come on, let the dean See how much you have risen since you became a lich. "

With a stroke in his right hand, a simple and magnificent star staff was held in his palm, a wave of energy fluctuated around him, spreading around him, and an unhealthy flush flushed gradually on his face, as if a serious wound was dying. People, there are signs of returning to the light.

"Jin Jie, since you want to die, I will fulfill you." Lich Marshall grinned grinously, and a vast momentum pressed against Emmons and others. The deputy deans and professors could not bear the coercion and took a few steps backwards.

It was at this very moment.

An indifferent voice sounded: "Well, Emmons, you are a real waste. As the dean, you can actually make the academy fall to this kind of life and death. As long as I know this, I should be the dean."

Everyone was shocked by this remark. At this point, is there still a strong man hiding in the dark?


The lich Marshall passed a trace of astonishment on his gray face, and shouted angrily, "Who is secretly hiding in the dark? Do you know that my Lord is the Black Demon Venerable, do you want to fight against him?"

But Dean Emmons, somewhat stunned with surprise on his slightly flushed cheek, coughed and said, "Babbitt, are you here to get down?"

Babbitt! ?

"The Dark Ode" Babbitt.

Everyone's complexion became suspicious.

Just a few moments ago, Babbitt also led the students to come and stir up, and had a fierce conflict with the Starry Sky Academy. If it wasn't for the Son of Flame, the entire Starry Sky College's face would be lost.

At this time when the Star Academy was in danger, the sudden appearance of Babbitt made the situation more complicated.

A man wearing a pure black cloak and wearing a hideous black mask on his face, as if coming out of a dark hell, was silent and heart-rending. Everyone's eyes focused on him.

"It turned out to be the 'Dark Ode' Master." Lich Marshallpi said with a smile, "Your Excellency is here, are you coming to find Emmons? Isn't it better than the two of us to join forces and learn the lesson of the rampant and embarrassing Emmon?" S. "

Babbitt glanced scornfully at Marshall through the black mask: "Why, just like you immortal garbage lich, are you worthy to join forces with me?"


The lich Marshall was furious and sneered, "Babbitt, my lord is a majestic black demon Venerable, do you dare to disrespect him?"

"Black Demon Venerable, just a little mouse hiding in the dark. If he really has the ability, do not go to the light of the Holy See?" Babbitt sneered sarcastically. "That's just you garbage. What character is he? "

After all, Babbitt no longer ignored Marshall, but looked at Emmons coldly: "Old stuff, you wronged me before attacking the magic train of the students, I went to investigate. It turned out that there are some messy guys , Took aim at the Starry Sky Academy. I wanted to remind you, but I didn't expect you to be more useless than I thought. It was counted like this after three or two times. "

Emmons' flushed old face stiffened, but he was relieved in his heart and said: "Babbitt, in fact, I don't want to believe that you will do anything to attack the students. I also thank you for coming at the last minute. Hope You can help Star Academy to survive this catastrophe regardless of previous suspicions. "

"Babbitt, don't believe his confusion. Don't forget, how did Starry Academy treat you? They deprived you of your schooling and drove you out of the college." Lich Marshall was anxious and hurried to persuade Said, "As long as you are willing to kill Emmons with me, you will be the dean of the Starry Sky Academy in the future. Or you can just stand by and watch, and you will have everything to choose except for the tears of the starry sky."

"Oh, I'm going to be the dean of Babbitt. Do you still need your kind of undead garbage to give it?" Babbitt sneered, and a powerful dark magic came out like a black missile. Lich Marshall blasted away.


Lich Marshall barely parried and was bombarded more than ten meters away.

"Whatever Star Academy does to me, it is also my alma mater." Babbitt's voice sounded inside the Starry Sky Tower. "You daring to invade Star Academy, you all die to me!"


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