The Domestic Hero

Chapter 942: "Childish" games

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Uncle Pao remembered it, as if the heroine of a love action series in her memory was named Bodo. She has a changeable image and skilled skills, and has become an enlightenment teacher who does not know how many teenagers.


Uncle Cannon's cold sweat, the inner waves can't calm for a long time. This stupid boy didn't know when he was awake. Even taking advantage of this opportunity, he countered the routine of Linghu Yaojue.

That cold sweat in my heart, young people now, is really too good to play.

"Cao Jinglue, your eyes are not right." The master lady Linghu Yaofei just thinks that the situation is not right, but even if she is more knowledgeable, she will not recognize the image of a famous "artist" after all.

"Cough, where is it." Uncle Cannon coughed awkwardly and said, "I just didn't expect that Xiao Yan and Yao Jue would play very well. They were right, right."

"Is this the case?" Linghu Yaofei's charming eyes seemed to contain some doubt. But in the present situation, even if she wants to break her head, she can't think of the original image created by Wang Yan's "help" Yao Jue, which turned out to be a love action movie from a certain series.


At the same time, in a private room.

Linghu Yaojue didn't know what the plan was. He heard Wang Yan's dementia, and immediately squinted slightly, and said with a smile: "Wang Yan, you too. If you obediently obey, the teacher will reward you. . "

Rao is Wang Yan who knows to be fake, but she is also made **** by her image, which is almost difficult to control. In my heart, I hurriedly meditated, even if the mantra was centered on my heart, my blood was stabilized.

Yes, Wang Yan is indeed acting.

At the beginning, Wang Yan did it without notice. But then, he came awake in a flash.

At the beginning, Wang Yan inherited the golden body of the immortal King Liuli in the remains of the Buddhist sect, and was once refined by Wenxinliantai. To the demon, the resistance of illusion is quite strong.

After the first line of sobriety, I read the centering mantra many times, and then depressed the endless desire in my heart ~.

Just wanted to see Linghu Yaojue, what the **** are they doing? Secondly, it was also seen that the other party did not seem to be malicious to himself, and in turn made fun of it.

After some laughter, Wang Yan had figured out what was going on. The main ambassador who wants to come to this scene should be the master lady and the uncle gun.

Obviously, they are still in the villa and are not disturbed.

What's more, Wang Yan now knows clearly that there should be some special ingredients in the lunch wine. Without the hands of the maid and the uncle, he didn't believe it.

It seems that the master lady really wants to keep the water from falling outside, and wants to match herself with Linghu Yaojue. The reason why this matter is doing so anxiously now, I am afraid that I did not expect to be promoted to S level so quickly.

As soon as Wang Yan was promoted to S rank, the so-called "taboo" also became a shadowless thing. And he also has two genuine girlfriends, and the two sages of light and darkness, invited Yue Jian Gao Mingyue and others are entangled.

It seems that the master lady is really anxious for her sister.

In this regard, Wang Yan is really a little speechless, his own pure Yang is really sweet and sour.

Between the sudden changes in his thoughts, Wang Yan continued to pretend to be cute, and said indifferently: "Bo Duo is wet, what reward are you going to give me?"

Linghu Yaojue's mouth was covered with a smile, and then he smiled sweeter than honey: "As long as you are obedient, the teacher's reward will definitely make you satisfied. Come, you first sing a little bee to listen . "

During the talk, she secretly turned on the phone camera and recorded all this. There was another indescribable refreshing feeling in his heart, which could charm Wang Yan and obey him at his mercy. This feeling is really cool.

"Little bee, I can sing. I can sing." Wang Yan raised his watch with excitement, but before he could speak to Linghu Yaojue, he said embarrassedly, "Before, old Poto wets you All are rewarded first. "

Linghu Yaojue fainted, and his heart was filled with anger. Wang Yan, this stinky boy, was really difficult. Even if it is enchanted, it is a big basket for breaking things, it is really difficult to wait.

"You sing first and the teacher will reward you."

"If you don't sing, don't sing, unless the teacher rewards you first."

"Okay ..." Linghu Yaojue continued to say with a smile, "The teacher will reward you first, you must sing well. You talk about it, what kind of reward do you want?" Boy, this girl is out, so you must record your most embarrassing and embarrassing video, and then give a bad breath, then see if you dare to succumb to me again.

At this point in development, Linghu Yaojue also seems to have forgotten her sister's account of her task, but it has been compared with Wang Yan's.

"Hmm ..." Wang Yan said after two seconds of contemplation, "I still want the last reward, teacher, you put on a nurse costume and I have an injection game."


Linghu Yaojue almost didn't catch his breath. Wear a nurse costume and play an injection game with him? What is this and what? What kind of messy teacher-student relationship is this?

Is it true that the goddess teacher in Wang Yan's mind is his kindergarten teacher?

This game is so naive, she can't help but succumb to it.

Unfortunately, Linghu Yaojue didn't even know that this game was not only naive but also very "adult". If she knew the truth, she was afraid that a big move would immediately burst into Wang Yan's face.

After some entanglement, she was helpless, so she had to use illusion again to replace her fatally tempted teacher costume with a nurse costume. She also took a syringe and smiled charmingly: "Xiao Yan Come, come, we have an injection. "Straight in my heart, this is really a childish to extreme breaking game.

"Bodo is wet, you are so beautiful. It's just that the skirt is longer ..."

"Then I'll make it shorter." Linghu Yaojue, who already knows Wang Yan's "hobby", has no longer been entangled in this issue. She also understands that entanglement is useless.

She put all her bets all over her head. It's like a gambler who loses his eyes, ready to make a complete turn by the last set.

After several adjustments, Wang Yan was finally satisfied with her nurse's appearance.


"Xiao Yan is sober." Outside the house, the master lady Linghu Yaofei completely saw that something was wrong, and a little embarrassment appeared on Qiao's face. "Lao Cao, what now? Yao Jue has fallen into it."

Uncle Pao hurriedly withdrew his eyes from the stunning "nurse outfit" and said innocently: "We are too small to look at Xiao Yan, and I can't help it."

The afterglow in the corner of the eye is always hanging to the mirror indiscriminately. He whispered in his heart, this stink boy, too good to play? Why is it so creative! !

My wife seems to be proficient in illusion, otherwise ...

Before his thoughts were over, he was grabbed by his ears, and the hum of Princess Linghu Yao was heard from his ear: "Cao's name, what's your eyes gurgling? Don't think of this as grandma, no Know what is going on in your head? Some things, do n’t even think about it. "

"Oh, it hurts, the lady is gentle, the lady is spared, and the husband is no longer afraid." The world's strongest man is known, and at this time, his teeth grin to his wife.

But he whispered in his heart, why should Xiao Yan be good, can't he be a master? Everyone is human. Why is the gap so huge?

Xiao Yan, it's a real hardship to be a teacher.

"There is also Xiao Yan, which is too naughty. He has clearly sobered up, but he deliberately teased Yao Jue, and he is not afraid that Yao Jue will get angry in the end," said Linghu Yaofei.

Uncle Pao's cold sweat, the same thing, after Xiao Yan got out, she was only said to be too naughty. He Cao Jinglue couldn't even think about it.

In front of the apprentice, his brilliant life was like a tragedy.


"You are satisfied now." Linghu Yaojue made a few provocative gestures according to Wang Yan's meaning, smiling on the surface, but in fact the teeth were already biting straight, "You can sing the little bee Right? "

"Pordo is old and wet, and I remembered it suddenly. The game of nurse injections is now outdated." Wang Yan continued to pretend to say, "I heard last time that there is a game of police and bad guys that is more fun. Otherwise, you become a policeman. come and see?"


Linghu Yaojue slipped a drop of fragrant sweat off his cheek, and suddenly woke up, could it be that Wang Yan was already sober, is this kid deliberately playing himself?

For a time, her heart was chilling, more, but it was shy and annoying. Feeling her for a long time, Wang Yan all made fun of her.

"Police and bad guy games." Linghu Yaojue's pretty face appeared a smile, not a smile, "This happens to be my favorite game."

As she said, her figure wobbled, and a policewoman uniform appeared on her.

Linghu Yaojue, who was already familiar with Wang Yan ’s habit and taste, did n’t need Wang Yan to give any more instructions. She changed her uniform into a **** look, and she also had a shackle in her left hand and an electric baton in her right.

"Is this the case?" Ling Hu Yao Jue narrowed her eyes and smiled very charmingly.

That voice, that gesture, is really ecstasy. Even Wang Yan, who had been awake, couldn't help but swallow his throat and swallowed slightly.

But Wang Yan is also very alert, forcibly meditating on the mantra to keep himself awake. Linghu Yaojue tried to cover up, but the air between his brows was looming.

The only explanation is that she found herself teasing her.

Wang Yan grunted and said, "Bodo is wet, although I really want to sing to you. But my mother made dinner for me, and I will not be with you for the time being."


Linghu Yaojue can't tell where, her tricks have been seen through. Immediately, her eyes flicked and said: "It's still early, you still stay, and play with the teacher."

As soon as the words fell, the seven fluffy foxtails flew up and overwhelmed Wang Yan. She's so powerful, I don't know how many times stronger than the two-tailed peak coquette that Wang Yan encountered.

If you give her seven tails, Rao is based on Wang Yan ’s current strength, and getting out is not easy.

At the same time as those seven tails, Wang Yan will be entangled.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared into a phantom like a wave of water, and fluttered away.

"Thank you Poduo for your kindness. It's not too early, we will play again next time." During the speech, his voice came from all directions, and there was no way to tell where he was.

"Wang Yan, how dare you!"

The anxious Linghu Yaojue fluttered empty, shrouded in thought, trying to find him out.

Suddenly, bang!

The space was trembling violently, and the isolation formation under Linghu Yaojue's hand was broken completely. In an instant, Wang Yan has disappeared without a trace.

In this situation, Linghu Yaojue is confusing, which is really typical of not eating meat, but also annoying. I thought that I had controlled everything by charm, but I didn't expect that I was like a marionette, and Wang Yan took his nose away.

Annoyed that she stomped her feet.

At this time, Wang Yan was like a falling meteor staring straight into the sky.

Today's Wang Yan's strength cultivation is already extraordinary. In the country of China, such a character has already been called the first-class land fairy.

Put it in ancient times, even if the emperor Gui Gui saw him, he had to be respected by three points, and he didn't dare to provoke easily. It's no wonder that the strong man who has reached his level has almost escaped the constraints of the world, and it can be called turning the cloud into the rain.

It used to be a while before Wang Yan flew into the stratosphere.

But now, he takes a few steps in the void, as if stepping into the sky. In a few moments, it has already stepped into the calm stratosphere.

"Hush ~"

Wang Yan was lying in the air in a vain, slightly relieved. Unexpectedly, this ordinary family gathering would hide such a situation.

Fortunately, he was clever enough, otherwise this tossing down, he has been eaten and wiped away by Linghu Yaojue.

Wang Yan did not mean that Linghu Yaojue was not beautiful, nor did he say that he was completely unimpressed. But after coming down for so many years, Wang Yan has very sincere feelings for Sister Nanlian and Sister An Ge.

No matter what happens, Wang Yan still has to ensure their status first.

No matter how good and beautiful Linghu Yaojue is, Wang Yan will never touch her without real feelings. This is responsible for herself and her.


"Sister ~"

In the villa.

Linghu Yaojue blushed and threw himself in the arms of his sister, and said with a smirk slightly red, "This time, it's too shameful. This is going to be spread. How can I be a man in the future?"

"It's a bad sister, this action is too hasty." Linghu Yaofei was also a little embarrassed. She was in a tense and stable situation, and finally got it like this, which was unexpected.

"Otherwise." Uncle Gun said with a suggestion. "I'll get the stink boy back. Yao Jue, how can you fix it?"

"I don't want it." Linghu Yaojue bit his shell teeth and said with a blush, "He doesn't like me, I don't want to force him. However, today he must tease my hatred, he must be reported. Wang Yan, You wait for me. "

Uncle Pao and Master Lady Linghu Yaofei looked at each other, both of them saw unsightly glances from each other's glances. Fighting with Wang Yan, Yao Jue seems to be tenderer.

If you go on like this, Linghu Yaojue is estimated to be defeated.


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