The Domestic Hero

Chapter 954: teacher and student

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"Teacher, are you talking about the wicked kid named Wang, is the legendary principal Wang?" An An asked with a look of innocence, weak and curious.

"Principle Wang?" The corpse man's smile sagged, and he answered with a displeasure, "It turns out that the principal you said refers to the stupid boy with the surname Wang. That's right, he is indeed the principal of this super-powerful college. If you call him President Wang, it's just right. "

"Then I joined the Xuan Corpse Sect and learned the Nine Nine Xuan Xuan Corps Dharma. When will it be even better than President Wang?" An An blinked his watery eyes and asked curiously.

"This?" The corpse man's expression was a little embarrassed, and he touched his chin. "The smelly boy with the surname Wang, although a little bit ridiculous. But I have to admit that he is indeed a rare wizard in the world. If you want to catch up with him, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. "

Seeing An'an's expression seemed a bit disappointed, the corpse Taoist hurriedly said: "You don't have to worry first, our nine-nine mysterious corpse is big ~ The Fa has its own strong benefits. When you practice to a high depth, one person is equal to an army. See you for the division The spiritual strength is very good. When you get started with the metaphysics, you will be given a bronze armor body protector to ensure that you are unmatched in the same grade. "

An An's eyes lit up and smiled sweetly: "Thank you teacher." She is not very clear what level the bronze armor battle corpse is. But this teacher is not bad in tone, and the treasures sent out will certainly not be bad.

"It's called Master." In the eyes of the corpse man, there was a little more spoiling. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the apprentice An An. At least, much more reliable than Liu Lang.

"An An, thank Master," An An said sweetly.

Corpse Daoren got the baby apprentice An'an, and he was not too concerned about the other two students who were qualified. With a complexion on his face, he waved and said, "The two of you, after you have visited the teacher, will be the registered disciples of the mysterious corpse. After practicing well, you will not be allowed to lose our corpse's face." Like that, it is not mentioned at all, named disciples, naturally there is no such treatment.

"Thank you, Master." The two students looked at each other, although they were a little unwilling, but they couldn't help it. Who made their talents worse than An Anlai?

Being able to rely on a teacher is better than classmates who can't rely on anything.

After that, some teachers entered the auditorium. There are scuds that are good at speed, burst bears who are good at power, and there are also druids, even teachers of professions such as magicians and priests.

In addition, the Prajna Temple and the Heavenly Master Mansion, as well as the Shushan Sword School and Guoshu also sent people to be teachers to support the construction of the Super Energy Academy.

Of course, with the exception of a small number of A-level teachers, all the teachers are B-level students, and they do not specialize in apprenticeships. They only serve as class teachers. In fact, this is the real way to open the college.

After all, the college is an academy, not a Jianghu school. As for the legendary lunar sword Gao Mingyue, there was a temporary mission to go out, and did not come to appear. Replaced by two B-level sword repairs.

After all the teachers in the class showed up, the first day of school had passed.

The next day, the students started the formal class.

More than one hundred students are divided into three classes. In the morning, the above subjects are unified, and they are all courses in Chinese studies, mathematics, physics, and even ideology, morality, and natural arts.

In the afternoon, it is true super exercise.

According to the different superpowers of the students, the school provides free introductory exercises. For example, those who exercise mental strength, there is forging magic. Exercise, there are body quenching and so on.

As for skills like martial arts and magic, everyone can choose one for free. However, all the following cultivation resources, as well as exercises and skills, have to be redeemed by accumulating credits.

Credits are the core foundation of the Super Academy. After one day of normal study, if no mistakes are made, three credits will be automatically accumulated. Credits can be used to exchange skills, practice resources, and even to ask teachers to teach privately or answer questions.

There are also many channels for earning credits. Every day, the college will publish a large number of tasks for students to earn additional credits, ranging from cleaning garbage to building colleges, they will get some corresponding credits.

It is said that a simulated combat mission system will be launched a month later, and once the completed combat mission is completed, a large number of additional credits will be earned.

However, once a mistake is made, or the teacher is violated, or the discipline is violated, etc., the corresponding credit will be deducted.

Under a series of rewards and penalties, many stabbing students have gradually become honest after suffering losses. To be honest, even if you do n’t want to be honest, there is no way. This is the Super Academy, not the ordinary colleges outside.

Every teacher is a terrible guy.

Their strength, at least, is a B-level. Once they are launched, they can wipe out the entire class of small chicks.

Just like some classmates, when taking a natural art class, mumbled to complain what kind of natural art do superpowers have to learn? As a result, the seemingly gentle Druid teacher ran away on the spot, turned into an ancient giant bear four to five meters high, and grabbed the student over to ask what he was muttering.

After the student was scared, he immediately became honest, and praised the greatness of natural art. He praised the war bear druid with great enthusiasm, and was blessed by misfortune.

Time, almost a month passed unconsciously.

This month, almost all students. All are reborn, ushered in a huge transformation.

This day.

In the lush woods, a figure walked slowly. His steps seemed to be slow, but he was extremely elegant and natural. Every step he walked on was like a shrunk forward for more than ten meters.

He wore glasses, seemed ordinary, and almost inconspicuous in the crowd.

But he is one of the key students of this class, Zhang Wei, who is good at space talent. In particular, he can twist a small area of ​​the body space to form a small space fold to hide his whereabouts.

Such application of the law of space, even Queen Wu's full-fledged teacher Wu Ya Ange is very interested, and often communicates with each other, and each has obtained many benefits.

As a result, Zhang Wei received the honor of being able to consult Mr. An Ge at any time.

Zhang Wei's steps were light and elegant, which seemed to indicate that he was in a good mood. Teacher An Ge is overbearing and powerful, even more glamorous. In her body, there is an endless and fatal temptation.

She is the perfect goddess in Zhang Wei's mind.

As long as she can see her every day and can say a word to her, Zhang Wei feels that life is completely complete.

Recently, he has gained some insights in the field of space. No, I ca n’t wait to go to Teacher Ange ’s villa and want to share it with the goddess in my mind.

Thinking of seeing Teacher An Ge soon, and being able to get along alone for a while, he was palpitated until his mind fluttered like a cloud.

Just two or three hundred meters away from the villa hidden in the jungle at Uya Ango, he suddenly had his eyes bright and had some ideas. Why not take advantage of the space field you just realized and make a little joke with Teacher An Ge.

His thoughts rose and his figure flickered.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei's body disappeared abruptly after a while. That was when he slightly twisted the surrounding space, forming a small space fold, hiding inside.

There are many stealth convergence techniques in this world, but most of them use the principles of light reflection and refraction to cause frauds to deceive the eyes.

But Zhang Wei's space folds are completely different stealth techniques. He really hides himself in the twisted folds of the three-dimensional space. Not to mention the light, even mental power cannot be detected.

The least practical aspect of this stealth technique is that it cannot be moved.

But inspired by Wuya Ange, Zhang Wei desperately felt the space field, and constantly explored, finally breaking through the restrictions. Now, he can constantly distort the space and keep moving forward.

The only drawback is that in order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, his speed is extremely slow. In a minute, I can't advance more than ten or twenty meters. In this way, he moved forward slowly like a snail for five minutes, but more than a hundred meters.

At this time, he was beside the quiet little lake in front of Wuya Ange Teacher's Villa. Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing secretly, how could he be so stupid? It should be closer to make this move.

Now it takes another six or seven minutes to "climb" in the past.

Suddenly, at this moment.

Wuya Ange swayed Miaoman's body, slowly pacing to the small lake. She was just over ten meters away from Zhang Wei, looking around, as if waiting for someone. Suddenly, she covered her mouth and smiled softly: "When do you want to hide? Dead face, don't hurry to die for my old lady."

Zhang Wei shook his heart and was shocked, didn't he? He was hiding in the folds of the space, and there was no movement. Teacher An Ge could even find him?

The goddess deserves to be the goddess.

I admire you!

Just when Zhang Wei admired it and was about to come out of the folds of the space, a wave of clothing fluttered aside, and a voice smiled bitterly: "Sister An Ge, it seems that I still have to practice well, and I was exposed at once. Whereabouts. "

He appeared in front of Wuya Ange.

"Wang Yan!"

Zhang Wei, hiding in the folds of the space, was shocked, and secretly had a bad hunch. That guy Wang Yan, why did he appear in Teacher An Ge? And it sounds like they are familiar.

Does Wang Yan even call her Sister An Ge?

"Giggle, you didn't use the breathing technique again. I smelled it a few hundred meters away." Uya Ange was so charming that he stepped forward and grabbed his breasts, and he was overbearing. Say, "Also, don't call me Ange Sister. You, but my student, call Ange Teacher."

Looking at her enthusiasm, Wang Yan drops a cold sweat, what's wrong with this? Are you addicted to playing games for teachers and students?

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