The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 61 The dragon has its own tricks

If he really did this, he would feel like a hopeless fool!

As the saying goes, there is no turning back when the bow is fired.

Mediocrity is the biggest original sin in this world!

Being good at everything also means not being good at everything.

If you don't take a path to the extreme, you will never be able to reach the top of the pyramid.

Some people may object that some people in the real world are extremely good in all aspects.

But did they go to the extreme? No! None!

Looking at the great scientists in previous lives, which one has not been studying one field all his life?

If Rand does this, it will definitely not be beneficial to his own strength.

It's okay to abuse vegetables, but against those same extraordinary creatures, or legendary dragon species, and future gods, can his advantage be highlighted? In the end, it can only be said that it will become mediocre.

The two aspects of growth have already been seen through by Rand, who has been a dragon for seven or eight years.

His physical growth represents his physical strength, strength, and magic power.

The growth of magic seems to represent his talent for studying magic.

Some are like the difference between roots and understanding in martial arts and fairy novels.

If his magic growth is high, he may be able to develop and improve his own spells.

Convert it into a game character.

Physique represents one's all-round basic attributes, and magic growth represents the number and strength of skills.

Both of them can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But Rand chose the former.

The basic attributes are improved in all aspects, so that the dragon has no shortcomings.

The skills may be extremely powerful, but how embarrassing would it be if they themselves are not powerful enough to use them?

He never regretted his initial choice.

The simplest reason is still.

Skills can be learned from other people!

So... how can he learn the powerful spell that Silver Dragon used not long ago?

There are no useful talents at hand.

Go and learn from that silver dragon?

Totally impossible.

He doesn’t know where he is now. Even if he is opposite him, it is impossible for him to teach him!

After all, one of them is a metal dragon and the other is a five-color dragon.

He just beat up the silver dragon again!

Yinlong would only help him if he was mentally ill.

Rand was silent, looking up at the sky. Under the blue sky, there were white clouds floating continuously, as well as the occasional birds and animals flying by.

As he watched, Rand's dragon face unconsciously showed distress that even an orc could see.

Master! It really doesn't work! Let's just catch a few human mages! These guys have always been pretty smart! Maybe they have a way!

The orc leader, Gewu Skullbreaker, suddenly said at this time.

Rand was shocked, and a certain thought in his mind suddenly became clear. He turned his head, looked at the orc with bright eyes, and patted his body repeatedly with joy.

The orc leader staggered and almost fell down.

Well said! GPU! I didn't expect you to be full of idiots!

He actually has such a smart side! Well said! If we don’t have the ability ourselves, why not go directly to a capable human mage?

There are many of them anyway! If one doesn't work, just two! If two don’t work, then three! Five! Ten! a hundred!

But we are not kidnapping! But another way!

Listen up! We should be like this...this way...

Wonderful! As expected of the master! The half-orc shaman on the side immediately gave a thumbs up.

The little black dragon opened his mouth on one side, and suddenly looked a little unhappy at the half-orc shaman. Why was the old thing saying what he just wanted to say?

Is this old thing targeting me? Want to take away my status?

The little female dragon also peeked at the old shaman from time to time.

So, a week later.

The sun is high and the sun is shining brightly.

Several people wearing black robes, covering themselves tightly, and a few middle-aged spell casters who looked a little depressed, were walking on the business road from the Kingdom of Haisen to the Kingdom of Lane.

The caster looked around for a while, then couldn't help but frown and said:

“You said our employer is on this business road?

But it looks like no one lives here at all! Also, I seem to have heard before that there is an evil dragon on this road.

Is it okay if you are so arrogant?

Relax, Lord Spellcasters! Those are just rumors. If there really is an evil dragon, how dare we leave? Aren't we afraid of death?

One of the people who wrapped himself tightly said, his voice sounded a little old.

Then tell us! How far is the destination? A spell caster looked a little impatient.

Destination! We'll be there soon, um, there's still about five kilometers to go.


All right! Then we will walk five kilometers, if I find you are playing tricks on us!

Be careful I use magic to burn you to death!

The casters kept their temper and threatened.

We continued walking for nearly half an hour.

Until now, their feet were sore and they were just about to complain.

The man in black robe in front finally stopped.

This made several spell casters feel happy, and they didn't wait to speak.

I saw the man in black robe take out a wooden stick from his arms and light it, and then a ball of flames shot up hundreds of meters into the sky.

Boom! ! !

Then the flames exploded suddenly, making an extremely loud sound that could be heard clearly within at least several kilometers.

Damn! What are you doing?

When several spellcasters saw this, they became increasingly uneasy and couldn't help but ask.

The magic radiance surged around them, and tiny ice crystals, flames, and pure blue missiles condensed.

I'm calling my master, don't worry, he will be here soon, don't rush to do it!

Don't you want to complete this mission? Don’t want so many Jintars?

The man in black robe turned around and spoke calmly.

No! Something's wrong! We've obviously walked five kilometers! But except for the green forest on the side, looking elsewhere, there is no place where people can live within a few kilometers!

You bastards! He must be lying to us, right?

Come to think of it! With a reward of 100 quintals, how could you choose us without even choosing anyone?

But no matter what you want to do to us! I can only tell you! Wrong target!

Don't look at me like this, but I'm actually a level 5 spell caster!

A spell caster shouted, feeling extremely regretful.

Not long ago.

This group of damn men in black robes mysteriously found them, who were just frustrated because they had no money to buy magic materials, and took out a big bag of Jintar and dangled it in front of his eyes.

They spoke words full of temptations and prepared for him a sweet dream called getting rich!

But now, the dream is broken!

He wakes up!

Other spellcasters are also facing a powerful enemy.

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