The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: new strategy

Chapter 1850 New Strategy

After dropping his arms, Huron stood up.

"I think you will understand that my visit to Angstrom this time is extraordinary. If I don't achieve my goal, I won't be able to go back to New Badab."

Suddenly, a cruel smile appeared on his thick lips.

"Today, all the main commanders are here, but a certain atmosphere here makes me realize that there is another guest who is unable to attend today, but is clearly with everyone. Who is that person?"

When everyone heard this, you looked at me and I looked at you, with doubts on their strange faces.

Then Huron spoke the answer.

"This person is Soshyan!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Soshyan made a big move and took Angstrom by chance. Although I admit that this is indeed a bit clever, it is a bit too naive. It seems to have made a big deal, but in fact, when the strength is insufficient Put in a quagmire from which you cannot get out. Here, I can tell you an important decision. You all attack with all your strength. I have ordered Ingvar to contain the White Scar fleet, and Hong Suo will also stop it. Against the empire's attack, Soshyan of Angstrom will be alone and helpless, and the troops I brought will launch an attack from the other side of the galaxy, attacking from east to west, and annihilate the main force of Soshyan in one fell swoop, leaving him without a chance of death land!"

As he spoke, Huron picked up the wine glass from the tray held up by the servants, and the other Chaos Lords followed suit.

"Cheers to turning the tide of the Maelstrom!"

When everyone raised their cups, the necrotic lord standing beside Zhu Fu suddenly lowered his head, and whispered to the old comrade beside him:

"Huron's thinking is too naive. The empire relies on the Forge World, and its troops and equipment are constantly flowing. Attacking from both sides also means that the troops are more dispersed. With the current strength of the Red Pirates, the Titan Legion alone can't handle it."

"Careful, if you have anything to say, go back and talk about it."

"I don't feel optimistic."

After saying this, the Necrotic Lord closed his mouth.

Soon, the Red Pirates started a new round of attack according to Huron's deployment. This time, the focus of the two sides changed from one to two. Before, the two sides were around the planet Angstrom 4, but now due to Huron's Lun launched a new attack from the second direction, and the two sides added another battlefield, which was the satellite of Angstrom 3-Radium Guard 2.

After a brief understanding of the situation, Huron also agreed with Mogaro Calle's plan to advance step by step. After all, Angstrom, which relies on orbital defense and a large number of fighters, is really difficult to capture with the existing naval power, and it is likely to lose money again. The bottom is upside down, so using the planets and moons in the system to build strongholds and summoning demons to slowly flood the defenses of the forge world is indeed a good choice.

However, Huron felt that the progress of attacking from only one direction was too slow, so there was a second battlefield.

Angstrom 3 is relatively close to the foundry world, but it is a gaseous planet itself, and the only thing it can settle on is its satellite, and among them, Radium Guardian 2 is the largest, and the other satellites are too small to have little tactical value. Huron plans to capture Radium Guard 2, and then try to summon demons here to attack Angstrom or interfere with Angstrom's defenses, creating opportunities for subsequent attacks on Forge World.

Soon, the fleet of Red Pirates approached Radium Guard 2.

Naturally, all these actions cannot escape Angstrom's large-scale detection equipment. Although there is a certain amount of subspace interference, the technical priests have overcome all difficulties and still ensured their surveillance of the entire galaxy. This is also the reason why the Red Pirates' repeated attacks were frustrated. The movement of their fleet and troops cannot escape the surveillance of the Empire, unless they have the ability to destroy the monitoring instruments and radars on the Angstrom circular orbital station that are bigger than the mountains.

Of course, they do work on it.

After Suoshyan knew that the Red Pirates had made new moves, he responded immediately and mobilized his forces to support Radium Guard 2.

In fact, that satellite has long been reinforced into a strong fortress, and underground bunkers extending in all directions have been dug out inside the satellite. A large number of cathars are defending in the cave-like stronghold, and the red pirates will be smashed here.

Therefore, although he mobilized his strength, Soshyan was not in a hurry to throw in support immediately. He wanted to wait for the moment when the Red Pirates' attack weakened to launch a counterattack and bleed the opponent more.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Radium Guard 2's Skitarii can inflict enough damage to the opponent—

"command, 0-0-1-0-1"

Amidst the sound of binary blessings, the rail rifle made a sound of lightning and thunder, and then shot a wide beam of light that shattered the air, splitting a huge figure in two that was trying to find cover in a narrow passage.

At the same time, with the sound of heavy footsteps, a troop of cavalry-level breakout heavy-armed servants slowly ran over, and the arc cannons on their arms were shining with death arcs.

As a cavalry-class armed servant, the Breakthrough has a highly recognizable crawler chassis like other cavalry-class ones. The Breakthrough is not only equipped with deadly hydraulic claws and a heavy-duty electric arc cannon, but also has a center like an iron tower. Armor protection, which makes it suitable for the role of frontline assault breakthrough.

Under their command was Chaplain Nassau Mastenbrook.

"Accompanying the army" is not only a position, but also a title of mid-level priest, representing the successor commander of the cathar system.

Most chaplains tend to be robed Mekhanites whose flesh has been mechanically augmented several times, often carrying a dizzying array of weapons, especially their distinctive spherical bodies.

This kind of modification commonly seen in military priests is mainly based on a unique driving source device, which allows them to float more than ten centimeters above the ground. On the other hand, it also makes the military priests almost a giant battery that can be guided softly and drive the divine source to power the units he commands.

At the same time, there are a large number of auxiliary equipment on the priest's body, from the telex overload server and high-energy converter, to the brain core stimulation device, all of which fully reflect the pure power of the machine and in the Most of those cataracts and holy war machines are also under his chants to the machines, advancing and destroying all kinds of heresies.

But this also makes the figure of the chaplain look very bloated, and with the round metal body, it may even be a bit comical.

Nassau Mastenbrook was an exception. Among the priests accompanying the army, there were a few people like him who were more concerned about the shape. Therefore, they would not shape the body into a spherical shape, but a shape they liked more.

Nasu chose to keep the upper body in human form, and the lower body is composed of jellyfish-like thin metal tentacles. A large number of devices are installed in the backpack behind him, and the backpack is also shaped into a thin and thin cyborg form without a lower body. It looked like a deformed brother was on his shoulders.

What he did was also related to an experience in his past.

Nasu once had a twin brother, but died trying to save him during an expedition into the ruins, so Nasu remodeled his accessory backpack according to his brother's former appearance.

It may seem weird, even heresy to some, but Nassau thinks it's a reasonable way to mourn.

At least, he could remind himself that he was once a human being, with a blood relative.

(end of this chapter)

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