The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1890: Alien interception (middle)

Vinia led the team to evacuate from the flight area while fighting, and ran down the steps amidst the sound of explosions. Suddenly, a strong light shot in from the breach in the steel wall, and then the bulkhead shone with a fiery light. Collapsed while jumping.

The Eldar gunship that split the breach passed overhead, followed by the jet bike, and immediately threw a barrage of lasers.

The two malicious fighters were hit by gunboats and motorcycles, and the armor on their chests was ripped off. The pharmacist could only hastily collect their gene seeds, while the other malicious fighters immediately poured bombs on each other for cover.

At this time, Vinia saw clearly what was supposed to be the gunboats of the Comorian predators. They were no longer the red and black that I had seen in the past, but turned into a simple and elegant white and green, and the pattern on the flag was also a strange white big Tree.

Strange, these spirit races are really weird.

The same goes for the Eldar soldiers coming down from the gunship, their armor also looks like a combination of the more "mild" Comorian style layered armor and the Ark Eldar plate armor, and even the skirt armor, which looks like Kind of like an ancient warrior.

Soon, star darts and beams of light swept across the sky, among them were jumping lightning.

The malicious fighters took cover and fired alternately, retreating while fighting, and quickly entered the cabin at the end of the passage, and then without an order, the door was sealed within a few seconds, and then they continued to move deeper.

Soon, they arrived at the core area of ​​the orbital station. They did not encounter other enemies in the middle, and arranged for two people to activate the backup energy. Others went straight to the control center.

The control center is a huge cylindrical structure, which is almost equivalent to a small ship. The trembling staff were confined to their posts. When Vinia arrived, he found that the other three companies were already here, including Castor and his detractors, these elite fighters seem to have just seen a hard fight, everyone is wounded, and some are missing arms and legs.

At this time, the control center was completely dark, only the emergency lights and the fluorescence of a few devices, which made Castor's sharp face even more gloomy. Then he shook his bloodless lips and said in a low voice:

"It's a trap, we...we're surrounded by enemies."

Castor's voice was flat and hoarse with anger.

"The Spirit Race is everywhere. Their firepower is very fierce and their numbers are large. We lost nine battle brothers in a row."

Vinia snorted coldly and walked to the communication console.

"Stop **** complaining! I lost a dozen people too!"

Then he stared at the communications officer shivering on the chair.

"Can you contact the fleet?"

"Big... my lord, energy."

"Backup power has been restored."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire control center lit up, so the communication officer hurriedly tried to connect to the communication.

Soon, communication was established, first loud noises, then frantic sounds mixed with explosions and roars.

"Chapter Master, Chapter Master? Can you hear me?"


Then came the voice of Malicious Warrior Chapter Master Huckob Welch.

"How are you doing?"

"It's too bad, the Eldar are everywhere, we need to evacuate or support!"

"There is no way to evacuate you!"

Suddenly, Hakob's voice was full of pain, and even the other malicious fighters in the control center turned their heads.

"Our fleet is surrounded by enemies... that warship... I have never seen such a alien warship... It tore the Spike apart in one shot, our instruments couldn't even lock on to it , can only aim manually...I have already sent a letter..."

After Hakob's voice disappeared, there was only silence in the central hall.

Vinia originally wanted to try to go deep into the escape area of ​​the orbital station and use the escape pod there to escape, but now he gave up this useless idea.

It should be full of Eldar scum by now, and even if they could get there, the escape pod would explode on the way.

He looked around and said:

"Everyone heard, we are alone now, but our anger and hatred coexist, I don't want to hear any talk about escape, the aliens are bound to attack us, like waves hitting a cliff, they won't stay here for long , there are a lot of imperial troops around."

As he spoke, Vinia scanned the crowd with his eyes, Balk held his bolter as if in thought, and Castor stood proudly in front of them holding a plasma gun.

"Strange, how did the Eldar know that we would come here?"

After a long while, Balck spoke slowly, and uttered the question he was thinking about.

"And where did the equipment and supplies here go? Could it be that the Eldar could evacuate the entire orbital station quietly under the eyes of a bunch of people? Or is there someone cooperating with them...or , all the information we got from the beginning was false?"

"I heard that the wizards of the Eldar are very proficient in prophecy and divination."

Castor attempts to answer these questions.

"Perhaps, they have been planning for a long time."

"I still feel like it's full of doubts..."

Then, as if on a signal, they heard the bombardment from outside begin again.

Malicious warriors immediately deployed defenses everywhere, and drove the mortals inside to take up arms as well, or simply used them as bait and sandbags to attract alien fire.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the Eldar blew up the wall and blasted open the nearly one-meter-thick explosion-proof door, and the malicious fighters immediately dispersed among the workbenches and bunkers.

Vinia leaned against the edge of the hall, letting the dust and smoke obscure his silhouette.

"Save bullets, don't shoot at random, those pointed ears are fast, be sure to fire before firing."

Before he finished speaking, a laser shot hit the column beside him, burning a large crater, and then the malicious soldiers began to fight back, one after another grenade exploded near the gaps in the wall and the gate, and the scorching white streamer exposed the soul. Clan—they are soldiers similar to cabal warriors or ferocious avengers, dressed in ancient armor with skirts, moving like insects, the weapons in their hands are constantly fired, and they leave immediately after shooting, never standing too far in the gap Long.

They didn't even rush into the central hall, they just kept exerting pressure from the outside, the faint muffled sound of the star dart guns and the shocking howls from the explosive chamber intertwined with the craziest battle movement.

"Damn alien bastards! For the Emperor! Fight them off!"

Vinia just hit a strange-shaped shoulder with a bomb and tore off the opponent's arm, but that person was immediately dragged away by his teammates, and then a stream of white energy flashed across his shoulder The company commander of the malicious warrior snorted, and saw that half of his shoulder armor was gone, and the incision was flat and bleeding out—a part of his muscles had also been cut off, but luckily no bones were injured.

Suddenly, he heard Leonard's roar.


Vinia looked up and found that several Eldar wearing spider-like armor quietly appeared on the steel dome of the central hall, and Leonard, who had issued a warning before, had been shrouded in a strange silver mist.

Those fogs were mixed with thin and fast silk screens, making it difficult to see clearly, but the air around Leonard seemed to be shining.

In the next second, blood and pottery steel spurted from his body, and then his entire torso was torn apart. After a short lag, he fell like a toy that had been pushed down.

"Damn it!


Vinia immediately shot at those weird aliens, but they had already changed their postures, and their bodies flowed in the physical space like water. When the bomb hit the dome, the dimensional spiders disappeared.

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