The end of the world: mountain and sea disasters

Chapter 46 The Fruit of Friendship

The late-stage cold wave outbreak ended thirty-six hours later.

The severe cold of more than 60 degrees below zero has ravaged the Jinghu Forest to its extreme.

Perhaps the last wave of energy was completely exhausted.

On the third day after Yu Ke rescued the herd of frightened deer, the intensity of the snowstorm decreased significantly, and the Jinghu Forest area gradually recovered.

Although it is still hovering around minus ten degrees, this is the daily temperature in Jinghu Forest in winter, and it is back on track.

In the early morning, Yu Ke woke up in a warm bed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the frightened deer cub standing at the head of the bed, looking at him with a crooked and innocent face.

Living in a warm house for the past two days, they gradually got used to Yu Ke's presence and became more and more intimate.

"I'm sending you back to the forest today. Let's have a good meal before leaving."

After getting dressed and getting up, Yu Ke rubbed the forehead of the young horned deer, unlocked his phone, and asked it to play the morning news broadcast by the Danhang Municipal Disaster Prevention Bureau. This was his main channel for understanding the general situation of the cold wave in the near future.

He walked slowly to the window and looked out of the camp through the glass.

The sky was finally no longer gloomy and became much clearer.

The terrifying blizzard has turned into a common heavy snow in winter. The speed of falling snowflakes has slowed down a lot. The whole forest is covered with snow, and it finally looks like a winter snow scene.

Thinking that there would be sunny weather in two days, Yu Ke felt happy. He turned around and walked into the bathroom, washing up while listening to the morning news.

'The cold wave will officially end tonight. Starting the day after tomorrow, the Danhang area will usher in a week of sunny weather. In order to thank the citizens for cooperating with the cold prevention work, the city's public transportation will have a three-day discount period, and major shopping malls will Various activities will also be held and everyone is welcome. ’

The psychological pressure caused by the snowstorm for nearly a week on ordinary people can be imagined.

If this sentiment is channeled well, it can replenish the economic benefits lost by Danhang City due to the snowstorm, and can also alleviate the general depression of the people and avoid negative impacts.

In fact, even the range hunters, including Yu Ke, were given three days of leave. The range bureau deliberately arranged only some light daily tasks, leaving the rest of the time at their own discretion.

Last night, Yu Ke received a message from the group. Colleagues who were close to each other were going to have an outdoor barbecue. They each brought fresh prey, fruits and vegetables from the forest area, and gathered together to talk about various things that happened during the cold wave. .

Yu Ke had no intention of refusing this kind of emotional connection activity.

Being unfamiliar with the world does not mean that Yu Ke is a withdrawn person.

Perhaps he still has no hope in his heart, but as life continues, he is willing to integrate himself into life instead of deliberately excluding others.

He took off the gauze, threw it into the trash can, and turned his back to check the injury.

The three bloodstains have completely scarred and are no longer painful to the touch. This recovery ability is really impressive.

It was a pity that the uniform and cold-proof underwear were seriously damaged, and Yu Ke had no intention of repairing them. It happened that the hunting team Anseli gave him the opportunity to choose two items from the list, one of which was designated as a combat uniform.

'According to research from the International Meteorological Center, this cold wave is not a simple weather phenomenon. There are other reasons for its formation. Current observations show that the cold wave has not disappeared, but is just on its way to the next area.'

Yu Ke, who had just washed his face, was not surprised when he heard the news. Instead, he felt that it was expected.

There is no other reason. Just yesterday when he reported to the Forestry Protection Bureau that monsters appeared in the snowstorm, the reply given by the Forestry Protection Bureau was to deal with it carefully and avoid conflicts as much as possible. As long as they survive the cold wave, they will disappear.

When Yu Ke said that he had successfully killed the monster and wanted to hand over the body, the Forest Protection Bureau asked him to handle it on his own.

The content of the two replies convinced Yu Ke that the Forestry Protection Bureau had known about the existence of Wen Diego and had obtained corresponding samples, which was enough to prove the mutual relationship between Wen Diego and the cold wave.

This made Yu Ke think, how did Wen Diego follow the cold wave?

It would be too outrageous to know that the cold wave and snow clouds are flowing in the sky, and Diego Wen is following him running on the ground.

Such a large number will definitely be monitored by local governments or other organizations, not to mention that the moving speeds between the two are completely different. How can they achieve seamless coordination?

To solve these doubts, it is definitely not possible to rely solely on thinking.

Yu Ke didn't have this ability for the time being, so he had to hope that the General Administration of Disaster Prevention would find something.

After washing up, Yu Ke changed into clothes and left the sentry tower with a few cubs.

With the end of the blizzard, the herd of terrifying-antlered deer will return to Jinghu Forest. The forest patrol camp is certainly a good refuge. After all, the deer belong to nature, and there is not so much food for them to consume here.

You must know that the entire herd of Jinghorn Deer is a mutant creature with a huge need for food. Deliberately enduring hunger during the cold wave does not mean that it can maintain this state forever. If it really eats with an open stomach, the two days Yu Ke stored it will be enough. Got to bottom out.

Open the camp gate.

The frightened deer, who had been fed by Yu Ke again, gradually walked out of the camp and gathered in the open space outside.

The Jinghorn Deer King left last and spent the past few days recovering from his injuries in the camp.

With the medicine and food provided by Yu Ke, the recovery of the wound is much better than expected, and he should be able to return to his peak condition in about a week.

"If you have a chance in the future, come to my place as a guest and keep some delicious food."

Yu Ke didn't care whether the Jinghorn Deer King could understand his words or not, he just kept talking to himself.


After bowing his head and arching Yu Ke's face, the Jinghorn Deer King called out twice before leaving the forest patrol camp with his head held high.

Yu Ke stood at the door, watching them leave.

As a result, the deer herd didn't go very far. The Jinghorn Deer King suddenly stopped, looked back at Yu Ke, and suddenly let out a long hiss. Then a Jinghorn Deer in the herd, which was obviously larger than its kin, broke away from the group and headed towards Yu Ke. Ke is coming this way.

After getting closer, Yu Ke discovered that it was holding something in its mouth, which was the locator that Yu Ke had given to the Jinghorn Deer King before.

Reaching out to take the locator, the frightened deer walked around behind Yu Ke, tilted his head and rubbed the latter's face to show trust, and at the same time bent his knees to indicate that Yu Ke could sit on its back.

The meaning of this move is not difficult to understand.

The deer group recognized Yu Ke's kindness in saving them in the cold wave. However, as the leader of the group, the Jinghorn Deer King could not follow Yu Ke. Therefore, the Jinghorn Deer left behind was the liaison between Yu Ke and the Deer King. Such as this locator.

On ordinary days, the deer with stunning horns left behind was Yu Ke's mount, which could carry him around the Jinghu Forest.

If Yu Ke encounters difficulties and needs help, he can always let him go to Jinghu Forest to find the Jinghorn Deer King.

At that time, the Jinghorn Deer King will temporarily leave the group and come to help him fight against the enemy.

In case of danger, fight side by side.

This is the promise given by the Jinghorn Deer King to Yu Ke!

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