11 – 1-11. Company S’s husband is having a good time.

There is a woman.

Heaper Boy has blonde hair.

Eyes like cheap glass beads.

Even the skin color looks like it would have been covered in dirt on the street.

No matter where or how she looked, she was a prostitute who could not be compared to herself.

Her body is like a b*tch that exists just for the sake of pounding.

It was like a sow showing off her whole body and appealing to the men around her to eat her.

It’s disgusting to look at. Don’t they know that every single thing like that lowers a woman’s value?

‘And Hyunseong said that…’

What is so good about her that she is smiling so brightly?

I feel dirty the whole time I watch it.

It’s disgusting and creepy.

Especially when I saw her liking that b*tch, I felt like I was feeling nauseous from inside.

‘Trash Hannam Chung bastard.’

As expected, Hannam’s blood cannot be faked.

It was indescribably disgusting to see a man who had been well taken care of by his own hands suddenly transform into a horny male.

Going into a hamburger shop, picking up a cheap burger without knowing what’s in it, eating it, and saying you like it.

Going to the beach in an unknown town and eating cheap junk food that you wouldn’t eat even if you paid for it.

Taking pictures of the sunset as if I was living a really good life

‘I don’t like it.’

I didn’t like everything.

How can a person change so much in just a few days without confidence?

As expected, he is Hannam. Hannam’s DNA does not change easily.

That gene had no choice but to come out unless it was contained throughout its life.

“Dirty bastard….”

You’re going to roll around with that b*tch, right?

I will drink alcohol and have s*x without using a condom.

And when he comes back, he’ll be talking about chastity before marriage and all that.

‘She was playing around like a rag.’

In the first place, I didn’t do it because I wanted to.

Hyeonseong didn’t look after me, made me lonely, and Hannam’s DNA continued to pressure me, so I had no choice but to run away.

If I were a gentleman like the Western men over there, who loosens up when I want to loosen up and tightens when I want to tighten, would I be like this?

In the end, the audience burst into applause because the food that cheap prostitutes buy and eat just because they don’t like it suits their taste.

“Do you think I… Will forgive you?”

It has exceeded the limit.

Even if I crossed the line, I crossed it.

Why did they allow me to travel abroad alone in the first place?

This was done out of a broad mind that was considerate of having alone time and that understood men’s time alone.

But I sent him off to spend some alone time, and then he ended up hanging out with prostitutes.

“Dirty bastard…Dirty Hannam bastard…!”

I pressed report.

It didn’t matter what the crime was.

I wanted you to quickly disappear from my eyes.



A new post appeared as soon as I pressed the report button and switched to the home screen.

To be honest, I wondered why anyone would care about a prostitute or a sucker, even though it was a post and all. But you never know.

‘What if something big happens like that?’

I’m definitely not looking at it out of curiosity.

It can only be confirmed at the level of a method, and has no further meaning.


I clicked the link to check the post.

A shot taken at a restaurant with a prostitute next to her.

Strangely enough, the interior of the store looked familiar.

I feel like I’ve seen this a lot somewhere──, but this is the restaurant I told you to make a reservation for!

“Yoo Hyeon-seong, you really….”

Are you going until you reach the end?

I’m taking a yellow-haired prostitute with me to the restaurant I originally made a reservation to go to.


I was shocked and dumbfounded.

What do you think that other b*tch knows about restaurants?

Do you think you know what table manners are?

I guess the only thing she ate during her lifetime was the crumbs that fell on the man’s lower back.

‘I should go to a position like that with an educated woman.’

Learned and knowledgeable.

With appearance and manners appropriate for the location.

In other words, it was a restaurant suitable for people like myself.

Despite this, Hyeonseong takes that low-class b*tch, not himself, to a restaurant…?

“…Just try to come back.”

Jiyeon picked up her chopsticks and put the cooled rose tteokbokki into her mouth.


The sauce has cooled down and become lumpy.

Tingting tingling bursting rice cake.

It was just tingling and feeling greasy.

None of the other sides were to my liking.

The fried food is soggy and the fried dumplings are dry.

The mini hot dog had no crunchy taste and was just suitable as a dog snack.

“….It really makes people feel like sh*t!”

I went straight to the delivery app.

The star rating is of course 1.

They tell me to pay money to buy and eat this waste of food.

These days, self-employed people say they are having a hard time, but the difficulty is because they are so full.


“Did you know that? Each fork has different uses depending on its size and location.”

Salads starting from the smallest one on the left.

Go to the right and fish.

The one on the far right is for eating.

“They say the fork placed in front of the bowl is for eating dessert.”

Nova holding a small fork in front of her in her hand.

“At first, I thought all forks were the same, but then I got scolded…”

He smiles while stroking the handle of the fork as if it’s cute.

“Well, it’s all good memories now. Thanks to you, I can come to a place like this and stay without any problems!”


Nova’s plates were always perfect.

From deboning fish to picking up pasta.

Without splashing sauce somewhere. It was a dining manner that seemed classy at first glance.

‘On the other hand, I….’

I know about drinking manners, but I don’t know anything about restaurants.

In the end, I ate both the fish and the salad with the same fork, so I guess that’s all that needs to be said.

I felt a little embarrassed myself and took my hand off the tableware. Nova tilted her head and asked.

“Where are you going?”

“It’s not that…It’s nothing.”

“Huh. That’s why you put down the dishes like that.”


I looked at the dishes.

It looks like a fork and a knife crossing each other.

“If you put them across from each other, it means ‘I’m going to leave for a while.’ If you put them in a row like this, it means ‘I had a good meal.'”

From noble mtl dot com


I feel really embarrassed. Can I go hide in the mouse hole?

As she lowered her head, covering her face with one hand, Nova smiled and told her not to worry.

“Honestly, how can you live your life worrying about all these things? That’s why I prefer places like the hamburger place I ate at for lunch rather than restaurants!”


I felt very considerate.

So I felt even more embarrassed.

‘I asked to come first, but what kind of bullsh*t is this?’

We had to have dinner after the sun went down.

I remembered that I had made a reservation at a restaurant and went straight there.

Luckily, they didn’t seem to care about the dress code, so I went inside and started eating, but it ended up being a place where I could show off my ignorance.

‘I want to disappear…!’

If possible, go to a place where no light enters.

I exhaled as I washed my face, feeling indescribably embarrassed.

“Don’t worry too much. In the first place, this is a place to have fun, not a formality, right?”


People must have manners and manners.

How can I bear it when I am showing off my ignorance to the whole world?

Body and shoulders that keep crawling. Just as her body was slowly leaning in front of her, she asked me.

“Food. How did it taste?”


“Was it delicious?”

“That’s right….”

This is what I thought the whole time I was eating.

“It was amazingly delicious.”

“Then that’s it.”


If it’s delicious, that’s enough.

No matter what you eat or how you eat it, as long as you are satisfied, that’s it.

“I don’t know if you’re trying to please the high-ranking people over there, but you’re here to eat, so why bother worrying about manners? It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it doesn’t make the other person uncomfortable.”

For example, what if you put pineapple on top of pizza?

Nova naturally called the waiter and ordered an additional cube steak.

“To give another example…Yeah.”

Cut the prepared morning bread in half for dipping.

Put some of the remaining salad on top and top it with the cube steak that came out just in time.

Finally, top it off with half of the remaining morning bread.

“This. How does it look?”

“…Does it look delicious?”

“Thank you for the compliment, but I’m not looking for that answer right now.”

Nova shrugged her shoulders.

“This bread on the side. It’s made only for dipping sauce.”

“Salad is meant to stimulate and refresh the appetite.”

“The cube steak served here is made from quality beef and is made just for the enjoyment.”

Everyone has a designated role and position.

“But the thing in my hand—isn’t it all a mess?”

Instant hamburgers that completely ignore each person’s role and position.

“But this is also delicious.”

Ah~ I take a big bite of the hamburger, which in a sense is almost like a lot of money.


The sight of the world shaking with its eyes narrowed as if it tasted delicious.

As we all stared blankly at this strange act that was difficult to accept immediately, Nova smiled and handed me an instant hamburger.

“A bite?”


Bear asked.

The bread was not crispy. Rather, it was soft and soft.

The crunchy texture of the salad bounced around in my mouth, and the meat juice was so strong.

To put it bluntly, it is a combination that cannot be harmonious at all, and it is natural that it does not fit.

A very natural dissonance.


But this is not it again.

Bread specialized for dipping sauce absorbs enough of the remaining dressing from salad and meat juice to neutralize the taste.

Thanks to this, the taste of the meat is pleasantly conveyed, and the crunchy texture of the salad helps you not to get tired of it as you slowly start to bite into it.

An incompatible combination.

But strangely enough, they come together again.

“My teacher often said this.”

Nova spoke to me who was quietly amazed.

“Have actions and attitudes that fit your purpose.”

“…..Actions and attitudes that fit the purpose.”

A word that calmly touches the heart.


“Is the reason you came here to ‘entertain’ me?”

“Is it to have a ‘fun time’ with me?”


A brief laugh came out.

I take a quick sip of the wine placed next to me.

“Today…I learned a lot from Nova.”

A word of my sincerity that drove away the shame.

Nova’s eyes widen at my words──

“I…I’m sorry! That, I never meant to teach you…That, that, uh…!”

“Huh? Ahahahahaha!”

─I burst out laughing at the unexpectedly cute reaction.

‘Oh…Really, really.’

This woman is dangerous.

The more I’m with her, the more she makes me want to walk to hell.

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