Fortunately, Chen Hanwen Space's mobile phone has a built-in powerful search function, which can search for videos, music, or novels.

After Chen Hanwen went back, he searched for the names of several products that invested the most money in advertising.

One is an advertisement for a dairy company, and his new product is a yogurt.

The other is a food company, whose products are all kinds of biscuits.

Another is a diamond advertisement for a jewelry company,

The first three companies are very proud. After listening to Pippi’s advertising strategy, they all left a hundred million yuan in advertising funds. According to Pippi’s rules, it takes 500 million effective clicks to spend advertising fees, which is undoubtedly very cost-effective. advertising.

The first two Chen Hanwen searched out were two advertising songs, and Chen Hanwen did not expect that the previous owner of this phone had even downloaded the advertising video.

In the third paragraph, I found the chapters and plots of several rebirth novels. It was about the protagonist's costume b. With this idea, I sold the idea to a jewelry company.

Huaxia is jade, pearls, gold, etc. as jewelry, diamonds are not very popular in China, but Westerners like it.

Most of the diamond mines are in Africa, and Africa has been in war all the year round. China jewelers control many raw diamond mines in Africa under the background of the motherland of the United Nations, the world's superpower, and the largest number of UN peacekeeping forces in Africa.

In recent years, global anti-war sentiment has risen. African diamond ore is the source of many wars. Therefore, diamonds have an unpleasant name called blood diamonds, which greatly affects sales.

Chen Hanwen read some of the novel routines. He felt that this ad slogan was indeed worth a thousand dollars, because this ad slogan could directly reverse an industry market.

In the popular sense, Qianjin should be a thousand taels of gold, which in turn means a thousand taels of gold, or a thousand taels of gold.

The current market price of gold is 230 per gram, and a thousand taels is equal to 50,000 grams, so a word is worth 11.5 million, and a total of ten words is charged 115 million.

Diamond advertisements are a thousand gold words. This can be discussed with advertisers in detail, and it can be regarded as a gimmick. I will not consider it for the time being.

So now Chen Hanwen's goal is the first two products.

Xiaoyu came back from get off work and sat on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Chen Hanwen came out and said to her: "Little fish, do you want to make money?"

"Think, think!" When Xiaoyu heard Chen Hanwen's words, her eyes glowed. The last time she invested because she didn't follow the big devil, she lost 35 billion.

So no matter what the big devil does in the future, she doesn't care about it.

"This time we make some pocket money. I'm creative. If you perform, we will divide the account." Chen Hanwen said with a smile when Xiaoyu looked like a small money fan.

"It's just pocket money!"

"Not much, the total is 200 million. How much we can eat depends on the results."

"Fuck! Two hundred million! Pocket money, uncle, you are floating!" Xiaoyu thought that pocket money was only tens of thousands, and suddenly lost his energy.

Caiyu Entertainment now has millions of income every day, and she also has 20,000 to 300,000 yuan. Naturally, she doesn’t like tens of thousands of dollars.

When Chen Hanwen said 200 million yuan as pocket money, the swear words came out. When did the big devil pretend to be b? Whose pocket money was 200 million.

Chen Hanwen said that pocket money is almost the same, 200 million advertising budget, even if they eat 80% of it, only 160 million, deducting the platform fee, only 80 million.

After 55 points between the two, there are only 40 million left. For Chen Hanwen's current ability to earn 100 million yuan in one song, writing two commercial songs only earns 40 million yuan, which is really a huge loss.

If it wasn't for the commercial song, and it could only be sung by girls, he really didn't want to take it out.

Xiaoyu is even more at a loss than him. What he earns is that the copyright fee is not distributed to Caiyu Company. Xiaoyu's performance belongs to an artist's performance.

With the 55 share of the b-level contract that Chen Hanwen asked her to sign, she would also divide 20 million to Caiyu Company. In addition, she had to pay 45% of personal income tax, and finally 11 million was the income she deserved.

Of course, Chen Hanwen wouldn't make it clear, he was just leaving something beautiful for Xiaoyu.

Otherwise, tell her directly that she can only earn 11 million at most, and she might not be motivated. After all, from 200 million to 11 million, there is too much less.


On the seventh day after the business was closed for rectification, the official Pippi shrimp did nothing but quietly.

And the video content is mostly full of Chen Hanwen's 13-song parody show and two square dances.

Chen Hanwen's 13 songs were recorded and recorded by about 120 million people, and the two square dances have more than 20 million videos.

It is said that the Pippi shrimp video was brought by Chen Hanwen alone, and no one was dissatisfied. That's why Ma Jiao said that he would not dare to buy all the shares of Chen Hanwen.

Everyone playing Pippi Shrimp is like entering a Chen Hanwen's music show, with 13 songs with singing and dancing, various accents, but these 13 songs are all the best in the boutique.

According to the inertia of popular videos, a burst of models will be hot for at least a month.

And Chen Hanwen has produced 13 hits in a row, so he is not afraid of Douyin, slow hands, etc. the platform will resume operations.

When the enthusiasm for 13 songs is over, he will release a new song to teach those people a lesson to see what a singer can beat the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

He is so arrogant.

So on the seventh day, he was only busy with two things, one was shooting commercials, and the other was litigation.

There were also two lawsuits, one in which Wang Shufang and Guo Xiaohui framed him and wounded him and were imprisoned for 6 months.

The other one was a bit big. He was going to take all the companies that had just been unblocked to court, including individuals such as the well-known big V and Internet celebrities.

Douyin, Slow Hands, blogs, etc. have more than millions of black Chen Hanwen’s comments, videos, and blog posts, etc., although they are definitely deleted after being rectified,

But will it be deemed non-existent if it is deleted? Will Chen Hanwen be deemed non-existent after suffering more than two months of online violence from the day he caught the rape?

After Chen Hanwen was released from prison, he made no rebuttal, only making money. He really thought he was weak and could be deceived!Do not!He will never be able to fight tens of thousands of black fans with the keyboard, and the weapon of law is what he should do.

His personal team of lawyers collected evidence a long time ago, and the information printed in the screenshots of the evidence was enough to fill a van.

Involving tens of thousands of defendants, Chen Hanwen is ready to take the opportunity to fight a case with the most defendants in the century.

He prepared tens of millions of attorney fees and handed it over to the lawyer’s representative to attend, and the official Pippi Shrimp video was broadcast live.

In addition to venting your breath, more importantly, this is a huge advertisement.

After all, Douyin, Slow Hand, Bilibili, blogs, etc. have no bottom line to allow big V influencers to publish works wantonly slandering him, swearing and insulting him, and finally being shut down for rectification. They themselves represent these companies. They are all bad companies.

So as long as the case is not closed for one day, these companies will be hacked for one day.

Moreover, they were originally identified and then closed for rectification, so Chen Hanwen was not afraid that the lawsuit would not be won.

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