In a special training camp, the eight captains reported their numbers after the training.

Except for two teammates who were injured, everyone else was in good spirits.

They completed their training and became a glorious special force. They did not live up to the leader's expectations.

The chief looked at them and nodded in satisfaction: "You are doing a good job, and you can graduate from the special training camp honorably. Now you are all kings of individual soldiers. Remember, since you are a king, you must have a king. Look like."

"I'm waiting for the day when you become famous."

"Now I announce... The training is over perfectly from today!"

"It's over!" Everyone sighed and didn't know what it was like. The initial hardship is still vivid, but now that it is over, they are a little bit sad about this period.

Although after the training, he will be sent to Africa to become a member of the UN peacekeeping force, but everyone knows that this period is the most difficult.

The peacekeeping troops dispatched by China to Africa are basically all specially trained individual kings. In Africa, they are like a jungle, and this tiger is also a super protected animal.

"Be happy and don't cry mournfully." The chief smiled softly.

"Come on, I'll teach you to sing a song, a soldier's song, my waist is straightened!" The leader's tone increased a bit, and the team immediately adjusted their emotions.

"Let me sing a sentence, follow along!" The chief coughed slightly and sang:

"We who are soldiers are different, just because we all wear simple uniforms."

"We who are soldiers, are there any differences, just because we all wear simple uniforms"

"As a soldier, what's different? Since we left home, it's hard to see Dad Nian."

"What is the difference between people who are in the army? Since they left home, it is difficult to see parents."


After the chief sang it again, he only felt sad and very uncomfortable in his heart. He waited to look up at the soldiers.

Seeing that teardrops have hung from the corners of their eyes, they are all veterans of more than a few years, so they can naturally feel the meaning of this song.

In the end, even if the chief no longer takes the lead, they can sing by themselves.

I don't know if I sang it several times, but no one wants to stop. This song made them intoxicated and wrote their lives.

Our soldiers are like this.

China has drafted 1 million troops this summer.

Chen Hanwen’s song was just when he was enlisted in the army, so soon all the recruits gathered where they sang it.

This song by Chen Hanwen is being broadcasted in all provinces and stations across the country to practice it for recruits to join the army.

This is also the only song that has not been approved by the military and no order is required. All soldiers can't help but learn.


In addition to "We are soldiers", tens of millions of Chinese immigrants, tens of millions of Chinese traveling abroad, millions of Chinese residing abroad, and countless ordinary people in China, as long as they listen to the song "Chinese", Involuntarily raised his chest, full of pride, and hummed softly,

In addition, almost 60% of domestic enterprises sang the song "Unity is strength" when they are engaged in team building or morning exercises.

The three songs directly drained 250 million people for Pippi shrimp that day. Short videos such as Douyin, Slow Hand, Bilibili, Huohai and other short videos all added up to less than Pippi Xia daily active users.

The total number of downloads by users of Pippi shrimp has exceeded 1 billion, and it has officially become a large-scale Internet entertainment platform.

Chen Hanwen’s first 20 videos, plus the following three free big songs, his copyright is only authorized to Pippi shrimp,

Therefore, any Internet platform cannot use Chen Hanwen’s music as BGM.

And any internet celebrity who is not live on the Pippi shrimp platform cannot sing Chen Hanwen's songs.

This is really a person. Chen Hanwen is not yet a singer. He is only a music creator, singer and internet celebrity certified in Pippi Xia and Douyin.

From August to September, no matter who the queen of heaven released new songs, there were no waves.

Music, it’s not that you are a song written by a great god, it must be popular to sing it.

However, Chen Hanwen used a song from another world that came out of the free market, which is completely incomparable.

So during this period, everyone is scared. Before the influence of Chen Hanwen's new song has faded, no one wants to release a new song for Chen Hanwen to step on.

Douyin, Slow Hand, Huohai, Bilibili and other short video bosses, crying without tears,

When Chen Hanwen did not show up, no one believed that a singer would affect an entire industry, but now he believes.


Although Chen Hanwen's three songs were very popular, the incident of his voice did not pass.

In fact, the relevant departments did not ask Chen Hanwen to delete the video. The people who sent him the information were from Xu Ke’s father’s jurisdiction.

Chen Hanwen caused such a big sensation, naturally it won’t be deleted and there will be no trace.

The authorities higher than Xu Ke's father have invited Xu Ke's father to have tea.

Xu Ke's father hadn't found Xu Ke when he was invited to drink tea by the relevant department.

When the police found Xu Ke in the suite of a leisure club, he was still asleep. After being woken up, he saw the police and said with a grin:

"My dad is Xu xx, you dare to catch me."


Because Chen Hanwen randomly posted videos, the next day, a group of police officers came from Pippi Shrimp Company.

They did not punish Chen Hanwen or Pipixia, but were stationed in the content editing department of Pipixia. They were cyber police.

Immediately after that, the China Central Propaganda Department, China Navy, China Air Force, and China Army military districts opened official accounts in Pipixia and released publicity works.

Soon, various functional departments also opened official accounts.

This shows that Pippi shrimp has been the focus of official attention.

At this time, Chen Hanwen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and chose to break the boat. He also had no choice. He had lived in fear for these two days.

Pippi shrimp looks very powerful, but it is actually very fragile. As long as Guan Fang shuts down business for rectification, Guan Fang decides for a month or six months, and he can even ban it directly.

The government wants to ban a piece of software. The reason is very simple. If information is safe, Pippi cannot refute it.

Chen Hanwen's recklessness not only scared the black hand behind Xu Ke, but also scared Guo Jiansen.

At that time, although their calls were electronic tones and their numbers were virtual numbers, if Chen Hanwen was released, it would have a certain impact on the Guo family.

Therefore, Guo Xiaohui was forced to plead guilty the next day, so Chen Hanwen's crime of deliberately hurting others was also washed away.

In this final trial, not only will Chen Hanwen's previous criminal imprisonment record be eliminated, the state will also give compensation.

So at the end of the trial, Chen Hanwen personally appeared in court. In the court, when the judge announced that the case was closed, Chen Hanwen smiled and walked to the dock Guo Xiaohui and said:

"Director Guo Da, have you ever thought that you will end up like this?"

"I'll cuckold you." Guo Xiaohui said blankly.

Chen Hanwen was not angry either. He was already numb to the word green hat. He smiled wickedly and played a recording of less than one minute on his mobile phone.

"Give me 10% of the shares of Guo's theater, and this matter is over."

"Make Guo Xiaohui innocent."

"Forget it, I just edited the recording of our conversation and put it on my Pippi shrimp to attract a wave of attention."

"Don't, I have something to say."

"Then let Guo Xiaohui go to prison for 6 years."

"...Okay! It's a deal."

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