The entertainment tycoon starts from singing behind bars

Chapter 131 PK begins (seeking subscription, seeking monthly pass, seeking recommendation ticket)

Chairman Douyin, after reading Pipisha’s announcement, contemptuously scolded secretly,

"Chen Hanwen of Gou Ri, want to be famous and want to be crazy. Douyin is just a short video platform. Where does the singer come from, do we want the Internet celebrities that we signed to play, crazy, Douyin Internet celebrities will play only when they are stupid!"

The slow-hand boss also laughed, "Does the slow-hand have a singer? No! Chen Hanwen is stupid, find the slow-hand PK live broadcast to bring the goods!"

Yiting, Yiyun, Yuncun, "We are just a music platform. Where do we find singers to play? Chen Hanwen's challenge is like a joke!"

The general manager of Guo's Entertainment watched Chen Hanwen's challenge video, and then sent a group message to the company's singer: "Chen Hanwen's challenge is destined to be a joke. You should ignore him, why should you go!"

The general manager of Brother Media also sent a message to the company's singer to explain not to play.

...Entertainment...Media etc.,

Basically all companies understand that Chen Hanwen is hyping for Pipi shrimp, and will bring attention and traffic to Pipi shrimp regardless of winning or losing.

Only when everyone ignores him and ignores him will Chen Hanwen lose face.


Fetion + Pippi Xia vigorously promoted, almost made it known to all, will things be that simple?

After a day of promotion, at 7-8 pm, the number of users of Pippi shrimp increased steadily, and soon exceeded 200 million online.

Fortunately, Pippi Shrimp had already prepared, and directly spent 1 billion renting servers to ensure that even if there are 1 billion viewers tonight, the system will not collapse.

The war of the century, who is not curious?

And the fans of the goddess of song who originally sent messages and couldn't tell the battle, the queen of the song, and the fans of the emperor and queens, have rioted.

This kind of opportunity to become famous in World War I, how dare your idol participate in it?

Some grumpy fans directly cursed in the group, and banning and kicking people was completely useless.

Fans who can usually play their minds in order to compete for the rankings, if they don't play in this situation, they are still fans, and they have threatened to leave the group if they don't play.

Chen Hanwen's challenge is really not something ordinary people can initiate.

Fetion, Alibaba, Thousand Degrees and other big promotions, covering almost the entire China Internet, according to the promotion fee, the minimum cost of 1 billion can be achieved.

In addition, it is not possible for ordinary people to cooperate fully with a 100 billion-level platform and use 1 billion leased servers.

In the end, if Chen Hanwen was defeated by three or two times, it would be a shame. So people who don't have the ability to plug-in Chen Hanwen really dare not be so arrogant.

After 8 o'clock in the evening, Chen Hanwen stayed in his newly decorated music room.

This is a 100-square-meter fully enclosed recording studio. The roof and walls are covered with cameras in all directions, and the room is full of various musical instruments.

That day, all the staff of Caiyu Entertainment returned to the company and were not out performing.

No one in Pippi Shrimp Company is off work, waiting to see this century war.

At 8:50, as soon as Pippi’s official account was launched, tens of millions of viewers flooded in.

Ten minutes later, at exactly 9 o'clock, Pippi Xia Live broke the number of Douyin Live Online and exceeded tens of millions, reaching 150 million.

At this moment, the total number of online users on all short video platforms is less than one-fifth of Pipixia, which basically siphones all online users.


Wu Di was very excited when he saw Chen Hanwen’s challenge to the video. He wanted a fair fight with Chen Hanwen. He believed that Chen Hanwen’s singing was due to the big push of the Pippi shrimp platform.

He doesn't think that his song writing is worse than Chen Hanwen, especially this kind of time-limited song writing.

His strong point is to write songs quickly, so this time he will step on Chen Hanwen's head and become famous throughout the country.

At 8:30, Wu Di opened up the Pippi Shrimp and opened the option to challenge Chen Hanwen.

Pippi shrimp video pops out, please enter the company name,

Wu Di didn't even think about entering Guo's Entertainment, followed by singer certification, Wu Di uploaded his own information to authenticate the star V number of Pippi Shrimp.

After the certification was completed, there was actually a queue, Wu Di ranked more than 10,000,

According to one challenge for half an hour, more than 10,000 people are afraid that he will never have his turn to play.

Seeing that it was 9 o'clock, Wu Di anxiously scratched his heart, and soon Pippi Shrimp gave a thoughtful reminder.

"With a reward of 10 yuan, you can advance 1652, reward 100 yuan, you can advance 6,365, reward 1,000 yuan, you can advance 12528, reward 10,000 yuan, and you can rank tenth."

Wu Di spit out and cursed: "Chen Hanwen is too shameless, this kind of money is still earned, mad..."

Wu Di charged 100,000 while cursing, and 10,000 ranked tenth. He thought, 100,000 would definitely be the first. He wanted to challenge Chen Hanwen first, and he wanted to become famous in one fell swoop.


At 9 o'clock, the official live broadcast of Pippi shrimp directly jumped out of a PK screen.

On the left is Pippi Shrimp Chen Hanwen, on the right is Douyin Zheng Fan, and the 30-minute countdown is displayed in the middle.

Zheng Fan is a male Internet celebrity who often dominates the Douyin Hourly Chart, ranking first, and at the Douyin Carnival, he can grab the top three in various evenings.

One of his fans spent more than 30 million to help him compete for the list. He is also the chat anchor, and the anchor who can’t sing well in cover songs.

Chen Hanwen's eyes lit up as an internet celebrity who was being fired up for this thing.

It doesn't matter to lose, what matters is to be famous in front of hundreds of millions of people, so he directly rewarded 5 million for the first game.

Obviously this 5 million is really worth the money. When Pippi shrimp’s official live broadcast pulled him in for an appearance,

The Pippi shrimp account he just registered started from scratch, tens of thousands of fans per second, less than 10 seconds, his live broadcast room flooded hundreds of thousands.

In addition, Zheng Fan is a little handsome, at least more handsome than Chen Hanwen. Suddenly, the number of online users in his live broadcast room has increased wildly. Ten of them can't see the beating numbers at all, and only the hundred can barely see the trajectory of the numbers. .

In the live broadcast room, Chen Hanwen bowed his hand to Zheng Fan. He did not watch the Douyin live broadcast, so he didn't know Zheng Fan, so he bowed his hand as a greeting.

Zheng Fan also gave his hand back. Anyway, he came to pretend to be b. It is impossible to write songs. 30 minutes can take as long as it takes. His goal is 5 million fans. Why don't you buy 5 million fans for 5 million? Loss, more profit,

You know that he has only two to three million fans in Douyin.

The official host of Pippi Shrimp took a minute to introduce the identities of Chen Hanwen and Zheng Fan, and then picked stories from the comment area.

According to the official rules, the summary of the story will be posted in the comment area, and the host will press the first story after the timeout as the test question.

The host was not long-winded, and soon the first story came out.

"I like music and travel. One day, on the streets of Chengdu, I heard a beautiful sound of music from a tavern, so I was attracted by the singing and couldn't help but walk towards the tavern.

When you walk into the pub, you can see that the environment is quiet. Most of the people seated in twos and threes are lovers.

When everyone saw me coming in alone, they couldn't help but cast strange glances. Seeing that the situation was embarrassing, I just wanted to push the door out.

But I didn't want to open the door and another person came in. This person felt that the atmosphere was not right and retreated towards the door. Because she stepped on my foot in a panic, the injury of the high heels was not a joke.

I yelled at that time.

The girl recovered and quickly apologized, helped me to an empty table in the pub and sat down, and asked me with concern whether I should go to the hospital.

I looked up at the eighteen or nine-year-old girl in front of me, smiled and said that it was okay and touched it, and it will be fine in a few minutes.

My eyes fell on the backpack behind the girl, and at a glance I recognized a guitar inside.


The girl finally calmed down. After sitting down, she told me a lot about her pursuit of music. We talked very speculatively. Finally, the girl asked me to be my teacher and let me teach myself guitar.

I readily agreed, and decided to stay for her temporarily.

In this way, we met every day to go to the bistro to practice guitar. Finally, in September, I learned that the girl had given up her studies for music and urged her to go back and continue reading and embark on her own journey again.

We have agreed not to contact anyone, but don’t forget to leave all the good things in this journey. If one day we become famous and the girl succeeds in school, we will return to the tavern at a certain agreed time. Pick up memories that belong to us.

Three years have passed. Seeing that the agreed time has come, I think she has learned something, but I am still unknown, so I decided not to go to the appointment. I took this opportunity to tell her that I did not break my promise."

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