The entertainment tycoon starts from singing behind bars

Chapter 139 Pippi Shrimp Showing Its Fangs

At the end of the message, there will be "needed" and "unneeded" options,

Click No, your video will continue to be blurred,

Select the need, he will tell you that the same device equipped with the same type of APP will be affected, and it is recommended to delete it.

When you delete the same type of fighting sound or slow hand, and then watch Pippi shrimp, you will find that the video has returned to HD.

In the 3Q battle that year, it seemed that both sides suffered a loss. 360 lost a large number of users, and QQ lost its reputation in the hearts of many users.

However, in the end, the market value of QQ exceeded 4 trillion, and 360 was only 110 billion. After seeing this, Chen Hanwen used this trick of killing an enemy with a thousand self-inflicts.

When Pippi shrimp users who installed Douyin read the information about Pippi shrimp, they felt angry.

Are you going to force me to choose?Don't think I can't do without you,

Apart from anything else, Pippi Shrimp was uninstalled.

However, after unloading Pippi Shrimp, after entering Douyin, I saw the jokes from half a year ago, and listened to songs from half a year ago.

After several years of development, Douyin is no longer the pure entertainment platform at the beginning. He is already a commercial platform.

The kind of grumbling and grumbling that was scared at the time is no longer a video that touched thousands of fans with an inadvertent smile.

Some of them limit the current without giving money. The videos they see are all promoted with money. Internet celebrities are also busy with live broadcasts, and PK has made money.

Many people lament that the Douyin of 2020 is no longer the Douyin of 2018, and it does not have the same feeling at the beginning.

But Bipipixia has dozens of new songs from Chen Hanwen, various dances, and funny videos.

In addition, Pippi Xia has not yet opened its live broadcast platform to the outside world, and Chen Hanwen’s songs are not authorized to the outside world. Internet celebrities have all worked hard to shoot video covers to attract fans.

The recommendation of Pippi Shrimp does not need to spend money, because Pippi Shrimp has not yet started to make money with the recommended location, so it is not limited, and a hot video can trigger countless recommendations in succession.

Therefore, a video can be up to tens of millions of likes and billions of views. Almost every user will scan it at least once and at most a dozen times.

After Douyin enters commercial operations in 2020, videos that haven't paid will be restricted even if they become popular.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to have a smile, swipe the screen on the whole network, and like the video on the whole network, nor will there be a cover of a song or a dance that swipes the screen on the whole network for a month.

The veteran short video app seems to have formed an inherent class. The big influencers with tens of millions of fans are all before 2019. After 2020, there will be no such popular influencers, except for Chen Hanwen.

When the frequency reduction of Pippi shrimp came out, the number of Pippi shrimp users was reduced by half.

How arrogant contemporary young people are, Pippi, are you forcing me to make a choice?Then I will fulfill you.

When Douyin, Slow Hand, and other short video APP platform owners noticed that Pippi Xiasao was operating, the user hid in the office and laughed.

It is said that Chen Hanwen met the pig teammates, and everyone thought it was a show operation by the management of Pippi shrimp, after all, Chen Hanwen has been live broadcasting.

Ma Jiao is now Chen Hanwen's fan girl, she now has no reason to believe that Chen Hanwen will succeed.

Her dad shook his head and said to her that Chen Hanwen was a poor hand.

However, Ma Jiao shook her head. She believed there would be a miracle.

The operation of Pippi Shrimp also shocked the entire Internet community, because Huaxia has never made a choice or an exclusive Internet company.

Pippi Shrimp is the first one, so 90% of the people said that Pippi Shrimp should have been sitting on half of the short video. Perhaps because of this method of forcing users to make choices, it loses popularity and will soon become lonely.

The popularity of Pippi shrimp video once dropped to 100 million, and only 60 million users watched Chen Hanwen’s live broadcast.

You must know that 7 p.m. is the peak time for entertainment. During this time period, there are nearly 400 million people watching short video entertainment, which is a quarter of China’s 1.6 billion population.

Therefore, short video is the largest traffic entrance in the new century.

Douyin also returned tens of millions of users due to Pippi Xia Sao operations, which is quite close to the number of users of Pippi Xia.

Douyin's chairman Huang Jianguo even predicted that the popularity of the lost Pippi shrimp will continue to decline, and Douyin users will surpass Pippi shrimp, regaining its position as the dominant short video platform.

However, in less than an hour, some people started to uninstall some short video apps such as Douyin and Manshou, and downloaded the Pippi Xia APP from scratch.

Yes, young people are so self-willed, they like this kind of arrogant and temperamental APP.

Of course, they won’t say that there is no such short video platform as Chen Hanwen’s 60 classic pop songs for male and female Internet celebrities, no ghost dance, no square dance, no funny jokes, stalks... etc. It’s really boring. , So they returned to Pippi Shrimp APP.

Modern young people have a kind of inertia, uninstalled software, will not easily go to download, unless similar software is really meaningless to play.

Like Pippi Shrimp, the recommended location is not to sell money, only high-quality works, plus Chen Hanwen from time to time to shoot some interesting stalks, funny videos, plus dozens of the latest popular music, hundreds of thousands of cover videos ,

If some people can't let it go after opening the Pippi shrimp, the audience will naturally come back.

"True fragrance", stems are popular in that world.

Douyin Huang Jianguo hasn't been happy for thirty minutes, but the number of Douyin online users has stopped growing and has begun to show a downward trend.

And the total number of Douyin users has also begun to decline,

It’s okay to have fewer online users. After all, not everyone has that free time. As long as the APP stays in the user’s mobile phone, there will always be a chance to open it.

And Pippi Xia forced users to uninstall, which is very scary. Huang Jianguo joined a dozen short video platforms to discuss countermeasures overnight.

Until now, they didn't know the real purpose of Chen Hanwen's challenge. It was too poisonous to destroy their reputation while cutting their foundation.

These companies are not 360 in another world, and they have no room to fight back.

Pippi shrimp can force users to make choices, and they don’t even have the qualifications to force them.

After discussing and discussing, finally Dou Yin Huang Jianguo said,

"We went to the court to sue Pippi shrimp for unfair competition."

"Yes, plus monopolistic behavior."

"We are not dead yet. If the monopoly cannot be slain, we will sue him for unfair competition."

However, the public is not something they can sue if they want. It was Friday and it was late at night.

So even if they want to sue, they have to wait two days for the public to go to work.

And even if it’s reported, you have to wait in line for the review, and you have to use means if you want to start the court immediately.

Thinking of this, Huang Jianguo's heart is ashamed, how many users will uninstall Douyin in three days!

Slow hands, when other short video platform owners also thought of this, they stopped discussing the complaint.

Because even if it wins three days later, Pippi will be fined several million, up to tens of millions of fines. However, by then the domestic short video platform will become Pippi Xia APP and other apps, they are all other, Pippi The shrimp family dominates.

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