Glory of Kings?

What is this?

The two questions immediately hovered in Lu Haotian's head. Indeed, shortly after Lu Haotian returned from abroad, he was not clear about the emerging games in China. Of course, he doesn't know the popular games abroad.

Before Lu Haotian returned home, he had never been in contact with a smartphone. His mobile phone was Nokia. Although it had few functions, it was practical.

These two functions are mainly used for making phone calls and sending text messages. SMS is very simple. It is a code composed of numbers. It doesn't take long. It was only a simple one to ask mu ruoxian to send a letter to xiaorou.

Lu Haotian, who did not understand the glory of the king, was soon despised by Jiang Leilei. Fortunately, mu ruoxian's standard was good and abused Di Renjie opposite for her.

Holding her cell phone in one hand, she seemed to have won five million lottery tickets. She held her hands to the sky happily and shouted, "Yeah!"

Then, Jiang Leilei hugged mu ruoxian's neck and said in a charming voice: "cousin, you are so powerful. How did you do that coquettish move just now? Come and teach me."

Lu Haotian, who had just quarreled with mu ruoxian, was pitifully hung aside by his children. He doesn't understand that a game can be so attractive?

If Lu Haotian had just become a mercenary many years ago, he would never have touched the game of King glory.

At that time, he was less than 20 years old, but his mind was equivalent to a successful man of 40. He was fighting with people almost all day. Where did he have time to understand the computer games that young people played?

Pay does not necessarily have a return, but do not pay, there must be no return. On the whole, Lu Haotian is lucky.

No matter Houston, or wall street, or Switzerland, banks in these places have his deposits. No more, no less, 30 million US dollars, about 200 million RMB.

After making enough money, the brothers settled down one by one, and the things on Lu Haotian's back were much lighter. Now he can return to his twenty-four years old without concern. It is not impossible for a young man to spend some time entertaining.

The university classroom is boring. Lu Haotian doesn't like it. In the past, most of the class time was sleep. The sentinel work is naturally followed by Wang Jiang.

Now most of the classroom time is to pull Wang Jiang together. What Lu Haotian didn't expect was that this guy was half a otaku. In the glory of the king, he was the greatest God at the king level.

Because he drove black with Wang Jiang, Lu Haotian faced no bad opponents. Although he was short of the king, he still let Lu Haotian, a novice, drink a pot.

The most obvious thing is that after playing the game for a few days, Wang Jiang's Duan was pulled again and again by Lu Haotian and fell to platinum.

Lu Haotian's technology has made rapid progress. There is no talent, but perseverance is important. After all, all college classes are used to play games.

To say how far the technology is, it took Lu Haotian four days to advance to platinum, the same period as Wang Jiang.

He smiled and patted Wang Jiang on the shoulder, which was quite instructive: "wait, next, let me lead you to the king!"

"Hmm!" Wang Jiang shook his fat body and nodded heavily.

Lu Haotian took out his pocket and handed Wang Jiang 20 yuan. He smiled and said, "go to the store and buy two bottles of iced black tea, and then take a box of Hongtashan."

"Brother Hao, also rich." Wang Jiang hurriedly pushed Lu Haotian's hand back, and the beads of sweat fell from his forehead. I don't know whether it was because of the heat or other factors.

Lu Haotian was amused by him and patted him on the fat pig's shoulder: "shit, I don't know you have money. The key is that I used to buy water with your money. Besides, my brother is sharing weal and woe. If I spend your money all the time, I can't make use of you. Are I friends with you?"

Wang Jiang took the money and stopped prevaricating. He was happy in his heart. Although Lu Haotian only bought him a bottle of iced black tea, this bottle of iced black tea is like the blood wine of Taoyuan. Lu Haotian really takes him as a brother.

Looking at Wang Jiang running away, Lu Haotian ordered another game of King glory. The selected hero is Cao aman. The reason why he uses this hero is his love for historical figures.

It seems very unlucky that the person on the line with him is Liu Xuande. At the sight of the hero chosen by the other party, Lu Haotian was angry and killed the opposite big killer directly.

After the war, Lu Haotian went deep into the tiger's den and beat the other party, which was called a mess. Lu Haotian felt a little thirsty and just Wang Jiang ran back.

He had two bottles of iced black tea in his hand and Hongtashan cigarettes in his pocket. Without raising his head too much, Lu Hao asked, "why did it take so long to come back?"

"Something has been delayed," Wang Jiang said lightly.

Lu Haotian returned to the city and raised his head to see Wang Jiang. It doesn't matter. He just laughed and had two more eye bubbles in his eyes.

In an instant, Lu Haotian pulled down his face and asked, "who did it?"

"Several high school students, the one who studied very well, didn't go to several 985 colleges and universities without paying their tuition fees." Lu Haotian said faintly.

"Shit, you don't have to tell me this. Just tell me where they are. If you dare to hit my brother, I'll return it ten times and a hundred times." after Lu Haotian finished, he drank the iced black tea in one gulp, and didn't even care to take the mobile phone on the table.

The two men came to the school basketball court, which is the only way to the store. When Wang Jiang pointed it out to Lu Haotian, one of the six of them was drinking a bottle of iced black tea.

"Is that the iced black tea I asked you to buy?" Lu Haotian's voice was like a human face, very cold.

Wang Jiang nodded and said weakly, "I bought iced black tea from the store and was robbed by them halfway..."

"Stop talking, I see. Aren't you just a bunch of little ruffians who learn better? I like to clean up such people best." after Lu Haotian said that, he strode forward and directly kicked the man who drank iced black tea.

"Bang!" at the first sound, the iced black tea rolled in the air for several circles, spilled a lot of drinks, and finally fell to the ground in line with gravity.

Lu Haotian is not an immortal roaring with ox fork. He has not reached the level that can break through gravity. So the young man who was kicked off sat on the ground and coughed. It seemed that he was choked.

One of the other five went to pat him on the back, and the other four stood in front of Lu Haotian. One of them directly grabbed Lu Haotian's collar and scolded: "fuck, do you want to fight?"

Lu Haotian smiled gently and looked into his two eyes. His tone was bland: "I don't want to fight, I just want to beat people."

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