Lu Haotian patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "don't talk nonsense. Just lead the way."

With that, Jiang Yangshuo reluctantly took them and more than 20 of his friends into the campus.

To Lu Haotian's surprise, the guard turned a blind eye and didn't care at all. Is the supervision of this school too loose?

When Lu Haotian and his colleagues went to the football field of Huyang foreign language school, Lu Haotian understood what Jiang Yangshuo meant.

Good guy, there must be about a hundred people in the stands of the football field, one by one, flower shirts, killing Matt, wearing earrings, and some women with heavy makeup.

Jiang Leilei asked, "who have you provoked this time? Why are there so many of them?"

Jiang Yangshuo shook his head helplessly: "just now I said it was better not to come. This is not to be beaten. What is it?"

Mu ruoxian approached Lu Haotian and asked quietly, "Haotian, can you handle it?"

"Have you ever seen a human being who can defeat hundreds with one?" Lu Haotian said with white eyes, "if it's me alone, it's no problem. The key is that if there's a real fight, I have to take care of you."

Mu ruoxian nodded weakly.

Lu Haotian stood under the stand and shouted, "who of you is going to beat Jiang Yangshuo?"

It can be said to be "Hula". All at once, the people in the stands ran down one by one and surrounded them.

One of the flower shirt men pushed aside the crowd and went to Lu Haotian and asked, "are you brother Jiang Yangshuo?"

Lu Haotian took out a cigarette from the cigarette box and handed it to him. He said with a smile, "man, can this matter be big and small?"

The man stretched out his right hand and his index finger kept clicking on Lu Haotian's chest: "please see if the current form is good. We have more than 100 people and five people beat one of you. You want to turn big things into small things. What can I do for you?"

"Jiang Yangshuo, you find this grandson to help you fight. You have to say, I need such a big battle!"

The speaker is only sixteen years old, with a childish tone. He is not handsome. He is barely energetic. However, the woman around him is very beautiful, with small smoky makeup, half sleeves and shorts, showing her long legs.

Just as Jiang Yangshuo wanted to refute something, he was stopped by mu ruoxian and Jiang Leilei at the same time. He could only hold his breath and blush, staring angrily at the ground.

"Ha, young and vigorous?" Lu Haotian laughed it off.

If you step back, the world will think you are bullied. When you step back, the world will move forward. Take a step back to the vast sea and sky, endure the calm wind and waves for a while, and more often fall into narrow hutongs and face stronger storms.

"You said you brought such a coward and wanted to compete with me for a girlfriend?" the boy pushed an inch.

Lu Haotian raised his head to look at the man in the flower shirt and asked with a smile, "it's not good for children to fight and make a fuss. It's not good for people to get involved."

He looked down at the boy, smiled and said, "you have to ask my brother."

"There's no way to turn a big thing into a small one. Jiang Yangshuo must apologize to me today." the boy said reluctantly.

"It's impossible to apologize," Lu Hao said neatly.

"Then there's no way." as soon as the boy's voice fell, his drooping right hand slowly clenched, as if ready to attack at any time.

Lu Haotian pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette box again and handed it to the flower shirt boy. He smiled and asked, "where are you? Who's the big brother?"

"Listen, my eldest brother is Xiao Wu, who lives half the street!" the man in the flower shirt blew his nose and stared, and his index finger was on Lu Haotian's chest.

Lu Hao's language was flat: "Oh, I know half the street. In this way, you give me face and take your people away. Let them solve the children's problems by themselves. What do you think?"

"Shit," he threw the cigarette he had just lit on the ground and said, "look what you said. I told you that the boss of half the street is right. I must apologize today, or I'll let you taste the feeling of a hundred fists on your body!"

"Half the street, you should have heard of Chen Shouye?" Lu Haotian asked.

The flower shirt man's tone dropped a few points: "yes, how do you know him?"

Lu Haotian's words were as light as water: "he is my brother. Will this give me face?"

At that moment, all the ruffians in the flower shirt laughed and laughed for a long time before he said, "who are you cheating here? Who doesn't know Chen Shouye in half the street? You are his big brother and treat us as fools!"

Lu Haotian, an old monk, said, "that's what you said."

"Fuck you..." the flower shirt man was about to punch when his cell phone rang suddenly.

He pressed the answer button and answered it obediently for a long time. He didn't "uh" or "ah". When he hung up the phone, his face turned white, as if he saw the impermanence of black and white.

He immediately picked up the cigarette just handed over by Lu Haotian, regardless of whether it was dirty or not, and directly held it in his mouth and said, "brother Hao, it's a small man who has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai. Your adult has a lot. Don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Lu Haotian smiled faintly. On his way to school, he had a phone call with Chen Shouye.

There is a saying like this: it's good to mix, but it's bad to mix. Chen Shouye belongs to the former, and his energy in some areas is still quite large. It's enough to frighten them to deal with third rate ruffians like flower shirts.

"Didn't you even give me face just now?" Lu Haotian at this moment spoke in a long and strange tone, which made people cold to the bone. "Yangshuo, apologize to this big brother!"

Hearing this sentence, the man's legs in the flower shirt were directly soft. Without saying a word, he knelt on the ground and begged: "brother Hao, it's a small clumsy eye. Don't worry about it."

Lu Haotian said, "then apologize!"

The child immediately looked foolish and took care of his face. He could scare his eldest brother into kneeling. How terrible was that!

If one bow is not enough, two bows, and one apology is not enough, two apologies. Jiang Yangshuo stood where he was. He really had face.

Lu Haotian said with a smile, "adults should try not to get involved in children's affairs. Tell me what's going on now."

He stood up slowly, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "what brother Hao said is, it's a wise saying!"

"Fart a famous saying, I'm not a great man." Lu Haotian said impatiently, "well, that's it. Two people shake hands. It's good to be classmates in the future!"

The boy held out his hand. However, Jiang Yangshuo didn't mean to reach out at all. He was embarrassed in the air for 15 seconds and withdrew his hand.

Just as he was about to retract his hand, Jiang Yangshuo raised his hand. He didn't react either. When Jiang Yangshuo lifted his hand in the air, he had dropped his hand.

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