Xuancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Weicheng East District.

Lianju's figure appeared in the monitoring room of Xuancheng pharmaceutical. There were more than ten cameras outside Xuancheng pharmaceutical with hundreds of square meters. They were simply installed to more than 30 by Lianju, and the dead corners that could not be found before were installed by cameras. The technique is very professional.

In the monitoring room, there are five people sitting seriously, each responsible for six cameras. They must stare at the screen without blinking. Lu Haotian can't get into a loophole, especially at the door of the company's warehouse. Since yesterday, people have been arranged for four hour shifts to ensure that these people don't miss any important situation because of dozing off.

This time, in order to completely kill Lu Haotian, Lianju and Xuancheng worked together to design. First, they pretended to get a batch of medicine, which was very valuable. The news was revealed to Mu ruoxian through the mouth of the insider, and then mu ruoxian instructed Lu Haotian to enter the pit. The situation here is closely linked. If there is a slight difference, Lu Haotian and others will find it.

In order not to be found abnormal by Lu Haotian's master Mo Chi, as long as Lu Haotian leads him out and kills him, he leaves Huyang city early. This is also one of the plans. In order to make mu ruoxian believe that this thing is true, Xuancheng group has held more than ten secret meetings, of which insiders have participated in no less than five times and deliberately disclosed it to insiders many times, This is not true. Finally, after the ghost determined that the matter was true, he immediately sent a message to Mu ruoxian.

The greatest confidence in Xuancheng's implementation of this plan is that xuanbingcheng, the cat's father in the old courtyard of the capital, sent five powerful patrol guards to Xuancheng.

The patrol guards were handed down by the Xuan family hundreds of years ago. According to the family tree of the Xuan family, the Xuan family has 18 patrol guards. Each patrol guard is a strong and powerful one. The age of each generation of patrol guards is only between 25 and 45. After this age, they will be brushed down or injured, their strength will be weakened, and their consent will be brushed down.

The patrol guard was raised in the Xuan family from childhood. They are basically orphans or beggars on the street. Whenever they find someone qualified to practice martial arts, the Xuan family will secretly take him back to the Xuan family, instill them with the idea of being a servant from childhood, and make them firmly believe that the Xuan family is their master, that is, let the Xuan family let them die, They have to die without blinking.

Some people who know the origin of Xuanjia patrol guard call Xuanjia patrol guard a killing machine. It's a cold killing machine without any emotion.

The biggest feature of the patrol guard is that it will wear a mask when it is on a mission. After killing the target, it will put its mask on the target's head. No one can explain why. Some say it's a ceremony, others say it's a sacrifice

The five patrol guards of the Xuan family stood in a corner. Their standing posture was even more standard than that of the soldier brother in the army. They were mainly wearing masks. In front of strangers, the patrol guards never took off their masks. As for eating and bathing, it was unclear whether to take them off or not.

The breath of the five is almost in the same rhythm. If you close your eyes and listen with your ears, you can't hear the breath of the five people breathing at the same time. The breath from the patrol guard is colder than that from even the body.

Lianju wondered that he was evil cultivation, and the smell emitted from him was cold. That was because the cultivation skills were too evil. Of course, these patrol guards did not rule out that the cultivation skills were also evil Kung Fu, which may be the same as Lianju's skills, You know, the ancestor of Xuanjia took an evil skill from the door of earth robbery.

As for who to practice, I still leave it aside. I don't know the company!

In order not to attract attention, Lu Haotian and Liu Ciqiu dress up a little and dress up as a close couple. They hold their arms and go to Xuancheng pharmaceutical. Lu Haotian will be pinched by the woman Liu Ciqiu every few steps.

Last night, the shower in Liu Ciqiu's room broke down. She went to Lu Haotian's room to take a bath. When Lu Haotian had diarrhea and went to the bathroom, it was embarrassing. Anyway, Lu Haotian promised to change her room, and she didn't say anything. But when her stomach was uncomfortable, she had to go to the toilet, but the toilet was blocked again, so she had to turn back to change the room

Lu haotianleng didn't open the door for her. Finally, how did Liu Ciqiu solve it? What happened is not enough for outsiders. The final result is that Liu Ciqiu has been making trouble with Lu Haotian since he got up early in the morning. Although they came to claim that the pharmaceutical industry needed to pretend to be a couple, secretly Liu Ciqiu wanted to strangle her "boyfriend".

What happened yesterday left Lu Haotian nowhere to reason. Lu Haotian didn't open the door for her, but fell asleep after returning to the room. He didn't hear it at all. Liu Ciqiu's "abuse" can only be endured by Lu Haotian, but he still has to resist when he can't bear it!

How could the angry Lu Haotian easily let Liu Ciqiu go and hold Liu Ciqiu's small hand so that he wouldn't have a chance to break free? Lu Haotian doesn't care that Liu Ciqiu's face is mixed with shame and anger at this time. Who let her make trouble just now, she just left several fingernail seals on Lu Haotian. This time, Lu Haotian will find it back with interest, Didn't she say she was a rogue?

Well, Lu Haotian will show her the hooligans!

In full view of the public, Lu Haotian suddenly hugged Liu Ciqiu's small waist, then looked at Liu Ciqiu with a smile, and deliberately exposed his row of fairly white teeth.

Liu Ciqiu's body froze. She never thought that Lu Haotian would do such a rogue act. It's in public! Liu Ciqiu's beautiful eyes stared big, full of incredible expressions, and there was a touch of shame in her stunned look.

Liu Ciqiu never walked close to a man. Lu Haotian hugged Liu Ciqiu's big hand, like magic. A crisp numb feeling passed from Lu Haotian's palm to Liu Ciqiu's body. Some pictures of shame flashed in Liu Ciqiu's mind, which made Liu Ciqiu more ashamed and angry. He wanted to find a hole in the ground immediately!

"Let go of me! Lu Haotian, you bastard!"

Liu Ciqiu bit her silver teeth and her eyes were a little flustered. Liu Ciqiu thought that Lu Haotian should never notice the difference in his body, otherwise he would laugh to death

Lu Haotian said expressionless, "don't move. Follow me. There's a camera here. If you want the task to fall short, move around!"

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