As usual, Qingkou group sent invitations to the big and small forces in Huyang City three days in advance, and some field bosses were also invited by Qingkou group. Long Dongsheng, the boss of Leping, who has been in the limelight recently, also received an invitation.

However, after long Dongsheng informed Lu Haotian, Lu Haotian felt the hidden crisis in this matter. He told long Dongsheng to keep a low profile.

"You can go, but Luo Tianhua is very gloomy... You should be careful." Lu Haotian didn't mention Du Chunsheng's death and the sacrifice of the two Qingkou groups he killed. He didn't want long Dongsheng to know these things.

Lu Haotian asked long Dongsheng to go to the Qingkou group for a banquet. He was not surprised by the result. In his opinion, "brother Tian" always doesn't like trouble. Let him go to the birthday banquet of Luohu king to see a group of hypocritical guys perform. He can't imagine Lu Haotian's egg pain expression.

Lu Haotian can get rid of the shopkeeper, but long Dongsheng, the bright boss of Leping, must get the field. Otherwise, he will be excluded by the major forces of Qingkou group and Huyang city. Everyone is here. If you don't come alone, you obviously have to sing the opposite tune!

A birthday party of King Luohu can be said to be a big party of underground forces in Huyang city. In previous years, many dead enemies sat on the same table. Some guys who couldn't help fighting and even alerted the police.

It happened that the place where Luohu king held the birthday party was under Qin Zhumin's jurisdiction. When Qingkou group sent out an invitation, Qin Zhumin had a headache. Now she's busy again!

Lu Haotian, who originally belonged to an outsider, was approached by sister 13 and dragged. She wanted Lu Haotian to accompany her to the birthday party of King Luohu.

Lu Haotian refused solemnly: "don't even think about it. As a three good citizen, how can I go to celebrate a gangster's birthday? You have to go by yourself!"

Thirteen elder sister's eyebrows stood up and her face was frosty. Although she had no feelings for her cheap father, she didn't want to hear someone speak ill of that cheap father in front of her, especially that he was a gangster!

Lu Haotian felt the emotion of sister 13 and suddenly made a 180 degree turn. He began to realize that sister 13 had an extraordinary relationship with King Luo Hu, the boss of Qingkou group. Lu Haotian murmured in his heart, could it be that this woman is still a junior raised by King Luo Hu, but it doesn't look like it! A man won't keep such a hot tempered woman!

Is the 13th elder sister the daughter of King Luohu who was born secretly outside?

Lu Haotian looked at sister 13 in amazement and felt that the answer was right!

Luo Jingjing said expressionless, "don't guess. Luo tiger king is my father. My real name is Luo Jingjing, but I still like others to call me thirteen elder sister. Doesn't it sound domineering?"

Lu Haotian turned his eyes and said, "it's none of my business for you to celebrate your father's birthday! Besides, I have nothing to do with you. Why should I accompany you to his birthday? Do you want me to be your boyfriend? Go to see Lao Taishan with you... I'm very busy, OK!"

Luo Jingjing glanced at Lu Haotian and said with a natural expression: "My father arranged many young people for me to give me a blind date. I must book a wedding for me at the dinner party. If I don't agree, I'll freeze my bank card. Now the only way I can think of to deal with the old guy is to find a boyfriend to show him and block his mouth..."


Lu Hao was as big as a fight, but said: "You want to find a boyfriend. There are so many men on the street. Just grab one at random. Besides, with the condition of your thirteen sister, I don't know how many suitors there are behind me. Just pick one here. Why don't you catch me? Bullying me is not the same. I dare not do this. I have a bottom line and integrity!"

Luo Jingjing looked at Lu Haotian and said seriously, "they don't like you, so I still think you're better, so you can't die. At least we're also comrades in arms on the same front!"

Your comrades in arms on the same front are also forced by you, okay!

Lu Haotian quickly shook his head and resolutely refused to agree to Luo Jingjing's wonderful request. The latter brushed the floor. He didn't know where to take out a dagger and stared at him fiercely. The latter raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "why? You can't move me. You're going to use strong? Come on. If you can beat me down, I'll promise you to accompany you to celebrate your father's birthday!"

Lu Haotian tried to fight Luo Jingjing for 300 rounds, but Luo Jingjing looked at Lu Haotian very seriously and said, "Lu Haotian, let me ask again, are you going or not!"

Lu Haotian turned his eyes straight. This is also a begging attitude. Can you be a little humble and low-key, and then lower your posture a little? Maybe I can consider it. Now, Lu Haotian still shook his head firmly, waved to Luo Jingjing and said, "come on, say it after two moves!"

Luo Jingjing holds the dagger and sneers, "how can I be your opponent, but... I have my way!"

As soon as Luo Jingjing's words fell, there was a scene that shocked Lu Haotian. Luo Jingjing took out the dagger not to compete with Lu Haotian, but to hurt herself!


The blade pierced Luo Jingjing's thigh, but she clenched her teeth and didn't let herself make any sound. When Luo Jingjing pulled out the dagger, a stream of blood flowed out of the wound and soon dyed the pants red!

Luo Jingjing bit her teeth, looked at Lu Haotian again, and asked persistently, "Lu Haotian, I'll ask again, are you going or not!"

what the fuck! Three sabres and six holes... All the old school's Jianghu tricks have come out!

Luo Jingjing's skill made Lu Haotian, who had always cherished the precious jade, waver. Just when Lu Haotian was still hesitant, Luo Jingjing ruthlessly stabbed herself. Looking at Lu Haotian's hair and bones, how could there be such a cruel woman in the world!

Luo Jingjing's face was pale, and her two knives almost made her stand unstable, but she still stood there stubbornly, staring at the landing Haotian, waiting for his answer.

"Go or not!"

Once again, Lu Haotian didn't say a word. Luo Jingjing waved his knife again and was ready to take the third knife. At this time, Lu Haotian quickly grabbed the dagger in Luo Jingjing's hand, hugged the tottering Luo Jingjing, and said helplessly, "can't I go? Why do you force me to go!"

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