
There was a small village within a forest called Peach Evergreen, and in that place lived a boy named Hei Long. At a young age, he had already known a lot of things—that a normal kid couldn't possibly imagine possible. His father started to train him every single day and night for him to become the most influential man in the village, and the neighboring communities, which he didn't even get.

However, as a child, Hei Long had always questioned the necessity of the training he'd received from his great father. "Why do I have to this, Father?" Only to receive the same answer—"You will know when the time comes"?—over and over again. How he wished to play, and live a life like a normal kid in the village instead of training every single time. Having spent all energy he has, Hei Long snuck out of his room, went to the forest, slept in the most beautiful, and biggest tree, which was his most favorite spot in the wilderness.

But one day, the small village that he loved the most was struck by a calamity. Bandits had pillaged the whole village he had always cherished ever since he was a child. Everything he had was lost in a single night's raid, everything he thought he wouldn't lose, vanished in a single day—his father, mother, friends, and family, buried in the sea of time!

By the time he woke up and came back to his home, the only thing that he could see, through his own green eyes, was a black world—Despair!@@

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