The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 588: Top hunter (four k)

   The Asian champions China and the European champions Greece met in the finals of the World Championships.

   The Chinese team in Japan won strong support from the fans in the venue in the final.

  , after all, represents Asia, so even the Japanese media are encouraging the Japanese people to support the Chinese players.

   Before the game, Yao Ming said in an interview with reporters: "Greece is a very strong team, but we have confidence in ourselves, and we look forward to the finals."

   As the coach of Greece, Yunus also believes that this game will be a tough fight for both sides.

"The Greek team is the European champions. They have a very deep lineup. They are very strong. However, I think the Chinese team is capable of defeating them. Because I am here and I understand this team. We will arrange our tactics well. Play in the best form."

As Yao Ming’s teammate in the Rockets, Spanoulis said in an interview before the game: “I have provided the team with Yao Ming’s play style and habits. We must control the Chinese team’s inside. They have several effects. The big man in the NBA, this is a bit tricky, besides their biggest trouble, we have to limit him. But I think as long as we can play our rhythm and style, the victory of the game will be on our side. ."

The captain of the Greek team Diamanditis said: "We have played against China in previous matches, but I know that the current Chinese team is completely different from before. They can beat the United States in the group stage, which is enough to prove their strength. , We will prepare for this game with the spirit of twelve points."


   The atmosphere at the finals was very warm. Many Chinese fans took a special flight from China to Japan to cheer for the Chinese men’s basketball team.

   Coupled with local enthusiastic Japanese fans, the Saitama Super Stadium has become the home stadium of the Chinese team.

   The starting line of the Chinese team has not changed from before. Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian partnered to start the inside line, flanked by Li Nan and Shen Tong, and point guard Liu Wei.

   The Greek team has personnel adjustments, and their nickname "Small Shark" Sophocles-Short Sanitis started.

   Anyone who has played basketball knows that tall and thin players are most afraid of short and stout players.

   Yao Ming is no exception.

   At the beginning of the game, Yao Ming used his height to win the ball for the Chinese team.

   For the first time offensive, Liu Wei hangs inside, and China first beats Yao Ming's height advantage.

   But after Yao Ming got the ball, he found himself still standing behind him.

   The center of gravity of this Sopho is really too low. The two thick legs are like pillars, firmly nailed to the floor.

   Seeing that the Greek players were about to form a double-team, Yao Ming quickly turned around and shot.

   But the ball made a three-pointer, and Yao Ming almost fell.

   Sophie's power confrontation obviously made Yao Ming's center of gravity not well controlled when shooting.

   This is the first time Yao Ming has cast a three-pointer in this tournament.


   Mention the nickname "Shark", people's first impression is that the NBA insider Big Mac "Big Shark" Shaquille O'Neal.

   But the performance of the Greek player Sopho in this World Championship shocked the world.

  Although he has never entered the NBA, in this tournament, he has not spared the inside players of other countries who are facing him to suffer.

   In the semifinals against the United States, he scored a double-double of 12 points and 12 rebounds, even surpassing the starting center Howard of the US team.

   And Bosh was even more invisible, only scoring 2 points on 1 of 5 shots.

   But judging from the data, it does not seem to be able to explain the horror of Sophie.

   The real scene is that Howard and Bosh have no ability to parry in front of him. If he takes more shots, he will definitely score 20.

   In that game, Sophie used his tonnage and strength to crush James and score a goal. You must know that it was James' unique bulldozer-style layup.

   James’ physical fitness is recognized as strong, but when facing Sophos, he also had to say reluctantly: "I tried my best."


   successfully defended Yao Ming and forced him to throw three non-sticks. The players on the Greek bench happily stood up and cheered for "Little Shark" Sofoe.

   Sophie was also excited, and the offensive end got stuck inside and asked for the ball.

After    got the ball, Sophos held the ball with both hands, directly pushed Yao Ming with his body, wiped it into the basket and lowered his left hand to the basket.

   While avoiding Yao Ming's block, the ball also hit the board into the basket.

   This defensive attack, and enough to make Sophie stunned.

After    after the goal, Sopho raised his hands, showed his strong biceps, and ran back quickly.

   Yao Ming showed a depressed expression.


   At this time, the person needs to stand up.

   Spanoulis stood in front of Shentong.

   When he played for the Rockets, Spanoulis knew Shentong’s name and his achievements in the NBA, but in Span’s heart, no one was his opponent.

  , he is the king of Europe, but he didn't receive enough respect in the Rockets and didn't get the enough playing time that he should have, so he didn't play that amazing performance on the world stage.

   So when he met fellow Rockets teammate Yao Ming and Cavaliers superstar Shentong, Span just wanted to win and prove to the world who is the real superstar.

  Shen Tong continued to dribble the ball down to make a breakthrough, and instantly passed Spanoulis.

   Spann did not expect Shentong to be so much faster than the American players!

   It's not to blame him. When the Rockets played against the Cavaliers, Spann didn't have a few minutes to play, let alone match-up with Shentong.

   Shentong, who broke into the post, faced the impenetrable defense of the Greek team, and used the Tai Chi step with no tricks.

   A smooth turn and wiped into the inside line, and jumped to face the basket.

   just gave Yao Ming a disarming Sopho at the beginning of the game and immediately rushed over.

   But he misjudged Shentong's ability.

   That's not jumping, that's flying...

   Suofu watched Shen Tong bouncing in place, then raised his head and watched Shen Tong fly past him, but he could only look at the ball and sigh.


   In the FIBA ​​arena, except for the dunk that Carter flew over the French player Weiss, this is the most exciting goal.

   Shintong almost straddled half of the shark's shoulder and smashed the ball into the basket with both hands!

   Although he didn't fly over Sophie's head completely, Shentong did dunk with both hands. The difficulty was almost as high as Carter's ball.

   After dunking with both hands, Shen Tong bent his legs and hanged for a while before getting off the hoop.

   Very arrogant!

   "Nothing, just say hello to Xiao Yao."

  Sopho: "..."


   half-turned, before leaving, Shen Tong suddenly turned around and said to Suofo: "Hey, little Suofo, do you want to play in the NBA?"

   For Shentong, Sofu naturally heard about it.

   nodded subconsciously.

   "Um...I am optimistic about you."

   What the hell?

   What's the matter with this fall?

   Don't say the little shark doesn't understand, even Yao Ming next to him is at a loss.


   The dunk that Shen Tong just made lit the court.

   Many Japanese girls on the scene cried out excitedly.

   That call, where seems to have heard it...

   The excitement of the Greek team just after the opening, with Shentong’s dunks, was in vain...

   This kind of thing that pours cold water on the excitement of others, Shen Tong has done nothing less.


   Shen Tong, who looked at his defense, was so brilliant when he made his debut. Of course Spann couldn't swallow that breath.

  His unique ball-handling rhythm is really difficult to defend.

   But Shentong's offensive gets sharper and he has more and more experience on the defensive end.

   does not look at the process, only the result.

   Shen Tong has been using his body to cling to Span, and then waited for his last shot.

   Sure enough, Spann got the trick.

   His breakthrough looked impeccable, and his dribble was dazzling. Shentong could only keep up, but couldn't start.

   Spann lowered and wiped into the inside, completed the air change, and sent the ball to the hoop with his left hand.

   But as soon as the ball was shot, Shen Tong, who had been waiting for an opportunity, immediately stretched out his big palm.


   slapped the ball out of the baseline.

   Spann: "..."

   He didn't expect that his brilliant breakthrough and perfect layup would be destroyed by Shentong.

   He didn't expect that the ordinary Asians in front of him would be so explosive.

   Many Japanese girls at the scene couldn't help closing their eyes when they heard the loud "pop".

   "Hey, Xiao Yao, did you see it? Don't care about the process, just wait for him to be the last one!"

   Yao Ming, who received Shentong’s on-site demonstration and guidance, nodded repeatedly.

   Spann: "..."


   is still the possession of the Greek team.

   The Shark Sophie got the ball inside and beat Yao Ming.

   Yao Ming is now learning to sell, he has been holding his center of gravity in front of him, observing Sopho's movements, and then grasping the moment when the opponent shot, he suddenly stretched out his slap and knocked the ball into the air.

   Shentong, Li Nan, Liu Wei three-line fast break.

   Regardless of the person throwing the ball behind him, Shen Tong Tianshen descended to the world, and he got the ball with both hands and turned back and dunked!

   The fans at the scene were intoxicated!

  When have you ever watched Asians play basketball with such an amazing style?


   But now, there is.

   That is the red Chinese dragon!

   After the first quarter, the Chinese team gave the Greek team a fierce predicament 24-14.

   Throughout the World Championships, Greece has never started so embarrassed.

   This half has the credit of Shentong, and half also has the credit of the former Greek coach Yunas.

   The targeted arrangement made the Greek team gradually restrained on the offensive end and couldn't show off.


   In the second quarter, the Greek team started defensively.

   Zone defense combined with full-court press tactics once caused the Chinese team's offense to fall into a quagmire.

   Yao Ming's inside line was forced to encounter the small sharks' bottom plate and other players' double-teaming, which was difficult to perform, and the outside line faced the Greek team's fierce close press.

   Seeing that the movement of the ball was not very smooth, Yunus decisively replaced Li Nan and replaced him with the tall Sun Yue.

   Although he is the second position in the Chinese team, Sun Yue played the main point guard when he played for the Beijing Aoshens.

   The double point guard tactics of the Chinese team eased the scene a bit.

   But the Greek team took advantage of the few minutes when China was uncomfortable, and played a small 8-0 climax. Span even scored 4 points and 1 assist in this wave of offense.

   Faced with Shentong, Spann, who returned with confidence, said: "Hey, I don't care which country you are from or how you play in the NBA. Now I am the FIBA ​​scene, and I am the king of Europe!"

   This sentence is so domineering, Spann's image can't help but become a bit taller.

   But a simple sentence from Shen Tong wiped out Spann's influence.

   "Hehe, your temperament, I seriously suspect that you will evade fares if you take the bus."

   Spann: "..."

   A gyro turn, Shen Tong swayed Span, and then completed a hand-to-hand pass with Yao Ming in the penalty area, deceiving the Shark's defense.

   Yao Ming got an open chance at the basket, dunked vigorously, and stabilized the situation for China.

   The most effective way to break the zone defense is to cast accurately.

   Shentong made two consecutive unreasonable three-pointers on the outside, which immediately forced the Greek team to change its defensive strategy.

   Shen Tong, who can cast Neng Suu, got red eyes.

   In the second quarter, they scored 15 points in a single quarter. Together with Yao Ming's 8 points, the two scored 23 of the 30 points of the Chinese team.

   China led the Greek team 54-35 by 19 points in the first half.

   The Chinese team did not make any mistakes in the second half and has always firmly held the initiative of the game in their hands.

   Whenever the Greek team fights back, Shen Tong and Yao Ming will immediately stand up to suppress the momentum of Greece.

   In the fourth quarter, Shentong and Yao Ming didn't even have much time to make their debut. Battelle and Wang Zhizhi's inside combination has been able to control the situation.

   Sophie did not expect that there are still people in the Chinese men's basketball team that can be more solid and stable than his own center of gravity.

  Battle has practiced wrestling after all. He even flicked Sopho with one hand while Sophie was holding his arm, and then picked the basket with the other hand to score.

   When the live broadcast was aimed at the faces of Spann and others who were sitting on the bench showing depression, the Chinese team led by 24 points with 3 minutes to the end of the game.

   When the time is over 5 seconds, the Chinese players can't wait to rush into the field.

   Liu Wei also inadvertently took time to control the ball, and directly threw the ball into the air vigorously.

   The Chinese team has created its own history in an unprecedented way!

   They won the Men's Basketball World Championship for the first time on the world stage!

we are the champion!

   Shentong jumped up and hugged Yao Then Wang Zhizhi and Battelle also rushed over.

   The three people sandwiched Shen Tong in the middle.

"let me out!"


   Yunus’s joy was beyond words, and he blew Niu Shengsheng to the sky at the press conference after the game.

   At this time, how to play the Chinese men's basketball team cannot be overstated.

   The American media revealed that many NBA teams have taken a fancy to the new champion players.

   Players including Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, Chen Jianghua, Zhu Fangyu, etc. have all entered the sight of NBA scouts.

   Among them, Yi Jianlian and Sun Yue are the two most promising players.


   During the interview, a reporter asked Shen Tong: "Mr. Shen Tong, did you think of this ending?"

   "What's the ending?"

   "The Chinese team won the World Championships."

   Shentong smiled slightly and replied: "The top hunters will appear as prey. They all think we are prey, but in fact we are hunters."

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