Book page collection catalog set up millions of testimonials during the day

2021-02-18 Author: Changhong Pozhu

Millions of testimonials

It has been a while since the book was opened, and nearly one million novels have been updated.

I haven't reported the results, so let's talk about it now.

At present, the starting point has been collected over 10,000, and the bookstore collection has also exceeded 5,000.

The starting point of subscription has been close to 400 from 130 to the present (no statistics in the bookstore), and close to 1,300 for high-end subscriptions. The total subscriptions have already exceeded 100,000.

Although this achievement is still far away from the Great God's book, I am very happy and full of passion.

From the beginning of this book until now, my enthusiasm for writing has not faded in the slightest, even the more I write, the more excited I am

Many of the books in the same period of time with me have been over for various reasons, but my book has just begun.

After the Nets meet Kidd, Martin and Jefferson, the protagonist goes to the Cavaliers to start his own history.

Here, Shentong and James still have a lot of stories to write.

Also in the Cavaliers, the protagonist will break his wrists with the other four shooting guards.

I hope you will continue to support this book.

I will also try my best to write this book well with better stories and better competition.

In addition, I want to thank the book friends who have always supported me. Thank you for your support and subscription. It is your subscription, referral ticket, monthly ticket, and reward that let me stick to it step by step.


I am the dividing line -----

Thank you very much to the following book friends who rewarded: (from 6.1 onwards, the statistics are arranged according to the chronological order of rewards)

Kael'thas Sunbreaker, MING, Thirty Three Children, Book Friends 150314141729873, Qingshan Swordsman 008, Tenber., Fudo Ruyue, Hu Saner, Big Fat Worm Can't Fly, Sword Slashes Three Lives, Love Zhang Yalin, I am really an anonymous, book friend 20190723120307951, Fengliuqi Tang Bohu.

Thank you very much to the top three book friends on the monthly ticket list:

1. Merry Tang Bohu

2. Gujianliu

3. Diligent

Thank you very much to all the book friends who voted for the book recommendations and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

I will continue to work hard to create quality and quantity.


I am the dividing line -----

Finally, I hope everyone supports the genuine, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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Fifth shooting guard

2021-02-18 Author: Changhong Pozhu

Millions of testimonials

It has been a while since the book was opened, and nearly one million novels have been updated.

I haven't reported the results, so let's talk about it now.

At present, the starting point has collected over 10,000, and the bookstore has collected over 5,000.

The starting point of subscription has been close to 400 from 130 to the present (no statistics in the bookstore), and close to 1,300 for high-end subscriptions. The total subscriptions have already exceeded 100,000.

Although this achievement is still far away from the great god's book, I am very happy to write and full of passion.

From the beginning of this book until now, my enthusiasm for writing has not faded in the slightest, even the more I write, the more excited I am

Many of the books in the same period of time with me have been over for various reasons, but my book has just begun.

After the Nets meet Kidd, Martin and Jefferson, the protagonist goes to the Cavaliers to start his own history.

Here, Shentong and James still have a lot of stories to write.

Also in the Cavaliers, the protagonist will break his wrists with the other four shooting guards.

I hope you will continue to support this book.

I will also try my best to write this book well with better stories and better competition.

In addition, I want to thank the book friends who have always supported me. Thank you for your support and subscription. It is your subscription, referral ticket, monthly ticket, and reward that let me stick to it step by step.


I am the dividing line -----

Thank you very much to the following book friends who rewarded: (from 6.1 onwards, the statistics are arranged according to the chronological order of rewards)

Kael'thas Sunbreaker, MING, Thirty Three Children, Book Friends 150314141729873, Qingshan Swordsman 008, Tenber., Fudo Ruyue, Hu Saner, Big Fat Worm Can't Fly, Sword Slashes Three Lives, Love Zhang Yalin, I am really an anonymous, book friend 20190723120307951, Fengliuqi Tang Bohu.

Thank you very much to the top three book friends on the monthly ticket list:

1. Merry Tang Bohu

2. Gujianliu

3. Diligent

Thank you very much to all the book friends who voted for the book recommendations and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

I will continue to work hard to create quality and quantity.


I am the dividing line -----

Finally, I hope everyone supports the genuine, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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