The First Sword of the Earth

Vol 3 Chapter 177: The scenery is so good here

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Wang Sheng had never heard of any international exchange meetings in his life.

However, foreign practitioners came to Dahua to find the method of practice. This matter was mentioned by the investigation team several years ago by Wang Sheng.

Such incidents were not originally under the supervision of the investigation team. It seems that Dahua has set up a special international non-natural affairs processing center to protect its own country's intangible cultural heritage.

On the way to this exchange meeting, Wang Sheng and Mou Yue inquired about some basic information, and Mou Yue naturally knew everything and could say nothing.

Before the return of vitality, thanks to the efforts of the great Chinese nation for decades and generations, it has become a prosperous country with a relatively stable domestic environment, and it can be regarded as one of the top places in the public security environment on the earth.

Of course, there is still no way to compare crime rates with some countries with small populations, but to put it all together, after all, Dahua has a huge population base.

At the beginning of the recovery of vitality, Da Hua Guo had already made various arrangements. After all, this matter was officially made by Da Hua Guo, and it was impossible to let it go.

Unite the Daoist sects, suppress the evil Dao, set up three organizations of ‘investigation’, ‘war preparation’, and ‘research’, and established various related policies at the earliest possible time.

These policies are not only internal, but also part of the external.

Prior to the various unofficial visits by foreign practitioners, Dahuaguo had all been expelled as illegal entry; and in the second year when the vitality of the world began to recover, it issued strict orders on the various inheritances of the Daomen.

The admission of disciples depends not only on the character and morals, but also on the national background.

Just two or three years after the recovery of vitality, all kinds of chaos have appeared in parts of foreign countries.

The current status of the Internet in foreign countries is already rampant in various ways of cultivation, both true and false, with different principles. Most of them are based on the two methods of'strengthening oneself' and'enhancing the power of mind', and the techniques of witchcraft and curse are popular.

The current situation of the people abroad is that almost half of the people in the world have been affected by the word ‘cultivation’ to varying degrees in their original lives.

There were also small countries that publicly promoted the so-called practice methods and followed the path of religious practice. The domestic economy quickly collapsed within two years, and the rebels quickly occupied the city...

When the official power of the great powers began to suppress practitioners and tried to control the resources of practice in their own hands, they found that the military of various countries had unknowingly filled the practice wind, which was quite chaotic.

In short, compared with the relative stability of Dahua Country, the official can still control the degree and frequency of the fight between the righteous path and the evil cultivation, which has made many people abroad jealous.

"Cha Lemon".

Compared with the increasingly messy environment on the earth in the past two years, Dahua Country really seems too calm.

The combat readiness team stationed at the national border is constantly being spied on by foreign forces; Dahua already has a tyrannical army composed of practitioners, and all countries know this well.

Many international organizations have been ignorant of how many times they have called on the Great China to stand up and let the Great China announce its monastic methods and the state of the monastic world.

However, this Eastern country with the most complete heritage among the four ancient civilizations on the earth has always refused to admit that there is practice in this country.

Don’t ask, the question is, ‘No’, ‘Impossible to exist’, ‘I don’t speak strangely,’ and ‘Everyone, please continue to promote the culture of science and technology, and take the path of science and technology to rejuvenate the country and sustainable development’.

Until last year, some countries and organizations that knew about the existence of the Dahua National Road and engaged in espionage activities for decades used the intelligence they collected to promote the "Dahua Brothers Threat Theory" around the world.

With the changing trend of international public opinion, Dahua can only stand up and say:

‘We promise not to give priority to the use of the army of practitioners, to adhere to the five basic principles, and to adhere to the principle of non-proliferation of ‘cultivation’, and to respect the right to survival of every individual life on earth. ’

In fact, most of the messy environments are originally unstable countries, but in large countries with a longer history, changes are quietly proceeding.

The families of ancient inheritance gradually raised their heads, and the forces that mastered the ‘secret techniques’ gained more power to speak.

Especially in the West, where the religious atmosphere is strong, theocratic power is showing signs of rising again. The few people who have mastered most of the social resources have begun to do whatever it takes to get their own way of practice.

Basically, there are two completely different states in Dahua Country.

For those countries and organizations that want to obtain the practice of Dahua from official channels through various channels, the Dahua official ignores them all.

As a result, some people dig a few Dao masters back to promote the techniques of Taoism, but they secretly dig out only some casual or evil cultivators, and after they get to the place, these casual cultivators quickly lose their temper.

Even if these people understand what ‘Tao’ is and exactly how to cultivate Dao, it’s quite difficult to enter the meditation state.

There seems to be some unexplainable limitation.

In the end, foreign countries came to the conclusion that if you want to obtain the method of cultivating the Tao, you can only start from the official Dahua country; but the Dahua country’s expression is very euphemistic, and the diplomatic language is quite particular, just those few sentences over and over again.

In short, we must adhere to the non-proliferation principles of ‘nuclear’ and ‘practice’.

When Wang Sheng listened to Mou Yue's introduction of the road, he also felt that his vitality was restored, which gave Dahua a new development opportunity.

As long as the combat readiness team is able to guard the country well, the research institute promotes universal exercises as soon as possible, increases the lifespan and receives the medicine according to the ID card. Above.

Don't cause trouble, and don't be afraid of trouble.

Taoist Taoism is a kind of inheritance, and it is also the accumulation of thousands of years. It emphasizes quietness and inaction, cultivates the heart and cultivates virtue. It is not just a matter of digging out a few monks to popularize the Taoist cultivation.

The exchange meeting was in an economically developed city along the coast, and it was also the second international exchange meeting that the official promised, but it is certainly impossible to give the other party any method of cultivating the Tao.

Although he was caught in the eye of the ‘Ancient Devil’s Inducing Evil’, Wang Sheng had already agreed in a vague way, and he could only rush to help.

Originally, the investigation team only prepared six Taoist leaders, who were the most able to talk... ahem, led by the best eloquent, unspoken, evergreen, and talked with each other.

But the purpose of the Sakurashima, Gran Empire, and Jinta Kingdom this time is to learn about the powerful practitioners of the Great China Kingdom.

As the spokesperson of the right way and free cultivator, the head of the truth did everything possible to satisfy them. For the three challengers who stood up to challenge, they slapped and stunned.

Sakurajima is named after the cherry blossoms and the four islands. It is the land of the ancient east and it is considered the country that has the deepest understanding of Taoism in foreign countries.

As soon as Qingyanko took the shot, the old man from Sakurajima spotted the fact that he had "condensed the golden pill" and "lived 800 years", and shocked the members of the Three Kingdoms Cultivation Delegation.

The Gran Empire, also known as the ‘hard’ Gran Empire, has been known as a ‘gentleman’ in the world for a long time, and can also represent a branch of ‘faith and practice’;

The Golden Pagoda is also one of the four ancient civilizations, but its heritage has been destroyed seven or eighty-eight. It is famous for its ancient domestic "Gold Pagoda", but the method of practice only emphasizes the power of mind;

How do they understand what is golden core? Can only appreciate the meaning of life span.

Qing Yanzi just smiled calmly about this, and didn't say much.

The strength gap between the two sides was too great, and the exchange meeting immediately fell into a deadlock; then, the delegations of the three countries proposed that the younger generation could exchange ideas.

It goes without saying that the leader has already taken action. The first thing that the investigation team thought of was Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan. Mu Yue made a call, and Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan hurried to the road and took the transfer to the exchange meeting.

They still have one night to prepare, so they don't have to worry about it.

In fact, Wang Sheng has always had a few doubts in his heart.

In the pre-Qin period, Taoism and Taoism began to spread, and the land of China in China became a holy land for monasticism.

At that time, almost every corner of the earth was inhabited by human beings. Why didn't these places pass down the tradition?

Judging from the known mythological systems, are the major foreign mythological systems all imagined out of thin air?

Isn't that, what is the inner connection between the gods in these foreign mythological systems and the immortals who appeared thousands of years ago and disappeared thousands of years ago?

If you can ask the female corpse these questions, maybe you will get the answer.

However, whether the female corpse was successfully reincarnated, or failed to reincarnate and fell somewhere underground, these doubts may become a mystery for modern monks.

After arriving at the reserved hotel and meeting with Master, Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan were called to a meeting.

Said it was a meeting, it was just a few Taoist leaders drinking tea together, talking about the practice system abroad, and introducing Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan who their opponents would be tomorrow.

These Taoist masters were already quite confident about the strength of their elder sisters and brothers. Knowing that Wang Sheng was already in the virtual pill realm, they felt that they were quite stable, and gradually they talked about other places.

Wang Sheng asked the doubts in his heart.

Several Taoist leaders looked at each other, and then each laughed.

Dao Chang Hengchu from Laoshan smiled and said: "In the pre-Qin period, there were barbarians outside of China. Although this is a somewhat arrogant claim by the ancestors, it does have some basis."

Qing Yanzi sighed, "You should read more books when you are practicing Taoism."

"It's," Wang Sheng quickly bowed his head and agreed.

A long-time cultivator Liu Can in the virtual pill realm said warmly: "Some of my friends have also investigated this matter in the past two years, and discovered that in fact, each ethnic group has its own practice. But a thousand years ago, the vitality was still there. Most of the techniques of practice are in the hands of theocratic powers, and they are all over each other.

Unlike our Taoist schools, they pay attention to the prosperous times to avoid the world and the chaotic world. If anyone goes to trouble the chaos, they are the people of evil ways. "

Wang Sheng nodded thoughtfully, but Qing Yanzi laughed and sent some photos to Wang Sheng on the phone.

"Look, there are a few foreign girls who are quite individual in these three envoys. Tomorrow, you might be impressed by your swordsmanship."

Several Taoist chiefs suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. This is how this silent master teaches his apprentices on weekdays?

Wang Sheng was also a little embarrassed, and Master was getting more and more boundless.

However, Qing Yanzi was observing quietly and secretly, and it was also because of her two apprentices that she broke her heart...

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