The First Sword of the Earth

Vol 3 Chapter 190: yin and yang

Sometimes it’s not a good thing that the sword is too fast.

For example, this time, when Wang Sheng made his move, he saved the life of the person with the highest cultivation level of the opponent, and ended the evil cultivation of the male and female in the Unborn Stage.

However, it was discovered afterwards that the male Xie Xiu who was killed by Wang Sheng was a Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect "Hun Yuan Xian" who had information on his body. The one who had his legs cut off was just a thug. 'Sad God'.

This can't be blamed on Wang Daochang, after all, no one had asked him to keep alive for these evil cultivators before, let alone who was the person in charge of this place.

The last time the immortal stele led the battle, the Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect killed and injured many Hunyuanxian, and Hunyuanxian's position was mainly engaged in ‘team building’ work.

Therefore, the Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect had no choice but to choose some unborn realm cultivation bases, but the more clever evil cultivation filled the vacancy of Hun Yuanxian.

The cultivation level can be improved, but it is more troublesome if the brain wants to open up.

The five members of Wang Sheng went to the local police station with the police team. They will wait for a few hours, and they will continue to attack in the middle of the night to smooth out another group of evil cultivation strongholds that are not Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect.

The Taoist chiefs stayed in the conference room on the second floor. Wang Sheng and the others were led to the conference room on the fifth floor, apparently deliberately separating them.

Although Wang Sheng's five people are low in seniority, they are insiders of the ancient demon's plan to attract evil. Those Dao leaders will stay here later to prevent evil repairs from taking the opportunity to fight back. Wang Sheng and the others are going to rush away. One of the supporting and ambushing teams near Dajian Mountain.

A brand-new banner is hung on the wall of the conference room-‘Actively carry out anti-illegal and non-specific work’.

A young police officer brought coffee and supper, and Mou Yue also thoughtfully prepared a few cards and cards; however, Wang Sheng and the others did not take it easy to continue playing this time.

Mu Wanxuan stood out of the window with some thoughts, watching the streetscape of this small city, Wang Sheng also contemplated from time to time and looked at the night sky from time to time.

The remaining three people are whispering what's wrong with the elder sister and brother.

"I have quarreled, it must be a quarrel," Shi Qianzhang said in a rather determined voice.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan looked at each other, and the two smiled tacitly.

Naturally, they were still unable to calm their minds because of Lu Zu's suicide note.

Wang Sheng touched the material on the sleeves of Liuxian's robe, thinking about something less marginal.

Da Da Da Da...

The sound of high-heeled shoes colliding with the ground reverberated in the corridor, and the sights of the five people gathered towards the door at the same time, and Mou Yue hurried over with a laptop.

"Everyone has worked hard tonight. This operation did not cause any casualties on your side. It is a complete success!"

"It's not hard," the monk Huai Jing asked hurriedly, "how's it going? What's going on in other places?"

"Three-quarters of the action team has successfully completed the predetermined goal. I came here to share with you the results of the battle tonight." Mou Yue snapped his fingers, put the laptop on the table, and turned the screen to five people. .

Wang Sheng and the others leaned in immediately, forming a half circle and looking at the map of Dahua on the screen.

There are more than fifty green light spots flickering everywhere on the map, and each green light spot represents a place of action to eliminate evil cultivators.

"So far in the operation, thirty-two evil cultivators have been arrested, and 642 evil cultivators have been killed;

Among them, there are more than 260 people from the Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect, most of them are in the Evil Cultivation Stage, but it is enough to make them feel the pain. "

Shi Qianzhang smacked his lips and whispered, "Is the monk of the fetal knot so worthless?"

Monk Huaijing smiled and said: "You take into account the population base of Dahua Country and the number of our two principles of righteousness and evil. At this stage, monks in the Unborn Realm may be a treasure abroad, but there are indeed a lot of them in Dahua Country. "

Shi Qianzhang rolled his eyes, then tried to find a sense of superiority, and then asked: "Where is the other party's Concentrating Spiritual Cultivator?"

Mou Yue explained: "Just like a few years ago, the Concentration Realm disciples of the Righteous Path were not allowed to go down the mountain. These evil cultivators have also begun to cultivate their strength in secret, and the cultivators in the Spiritual Realm are not very good at going out."

"The main plan is still to come," Wang Sheng said solemnly, "In fact, it seems to have gained a lot tonight, but it is actually the intelligence gathered by the investigation team over a long period of time, which has been transformed into the current results."

Mou Yue's gaze was a little approving, and she said with a serious tone: "The Chief Wang said that it is right. This operation has almost exhausted the effective information our special investigation team currently has about the evil cultivation base.

In fact, we must also consider two-handedly. If the plan of "ancient devil attracts evil" this time is to draw water from a bamboo basket, these gains during the preliminary work can also be used for the above. "

"Understandable," Liu Yunzhi nodded slightly, and the monk greeted a few people to sit down and talk.

Mu Wanxuan blinked while sitting beside Wang Sheng, looking down at her empty hands, she suddenly lost her mobile phone and felt quite uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there are juniors who can play...

The elder sister secretly grabbed a strand of Wang Sheng's hair, and began to braid it when she was bored there.

Mou Yue closed the notebook, "Let's have a simple meeting next, anyway, the main task at this time is to wait for the order."

Each of the five nodded their heads, all looking at Mu Yue with serious expressions. Mu Yue blinked and thought about it for a while. She didn't know how to have a meeting with several Taoist chiefs. She always felt that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing...

It was Wang Sheng who took the initiative to speak: "Why don't we deduct, if we are now the Yin Sect Master of the Yin-Yang Thousand Things Sect, what arrangements will be made."

"I'm here, I'll play the Yin Sect Master!" Shi Qianzhang volunteered to raise his hand and waved his hand.

Liu Yunzhi sneered, "If the Yin and Yang Sect of All Things is so easy to deal with, as for the government to spend so much effort fishing?"

The monk Huai Jing smiled and said, "Why don't you let the little monk try, two, give a play?"

Shi Qianzhang and Liu Yunzhi were also interested immediately, and they discussed a few words, one playing the role of the messenger and the other acting as the think tank.

Wang Sheng and Senior Sister were in the audience with Mou Yue, and the three of them also watched these three playing treasures with great interest.

Shi Qianzhang ran out of the door, knocked on the door lightly, then bent over and lowered his head and stepped forward, squeezing his throat and shouting: "Sovereign, the big thing is not good! The Dahua State officials suddenly took action, and the United Righteous Way was within two hours. More than a dozen of us have been knocked out inside, and our people have suffered heavy casualties!"

"Huh!" The monk Huai Jing slapped the table, and then there was a moment of silence, interpreting the complex emotions in his heart with rich micro expressions.

Liu Yunzhi opened the mouth and said: "Sect Master, don't be impulsive. You should let all the people who have not been officially discovered immediately hide, and save your strength as the top priority."

"Save strength?" Monk Huaijing patted the table, then got up and flicked his sleeves, paced back and forth, and roared: "Go and ask the Great God Yaqi!"


Mou Yue and Shi Qianzhang covered their mouths and laughed almost at the same time. Wang Sheng also smiled, unaware that there were a pair of sinful little hands beside him, and they had quietly stretched out his long and dashing hair.


In the east of Great China, a prosperous city near the sea, there is a relatively ordinary residential building on the roof.

Several figures are standing here, facing the night sky to the west.

The first person wore a mask, surrounded by black smoke, as if he would melt into the night at any time.

Behind him, two people lowered their heads and said:

"Sect Master, fourteen Hun Yuanxians were killed or captured by Dahua Country. Within two hours, we lost nearly 15% of our strength."

"Sovereign, the UOB government has been preparing for a long time, and we will definitely continue to attack us. Although we have tried to hide, it is really difficult to find a place to hide now. UOB's Skynet monitoring system is already pervasive."

"Well," Sect Master Yin replied casually, "I see, let the ministries continue to hide, tell the elders to stay hidden, and no matter what happens next, don't show the slightest movement.

We have received accurate information. Dahua Guo just wants to put pressure on us and entice us to gather strength and take action.

Go ahead. "

"Venerable Sect Master Order."

The two were respectful, and then each backed away.

Soon, Sect Master Yin was left alone on the top of the building, and he continued to stand motionless, as if he was asleep.

If the special investigation team could hear what he said just now, I don't know how it would feel.

The so-called plan of the ancient demons to attract evil has been seen through by the Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect.

Hum! Hum!

The phone suddenly vibrated twice, and the Yin Sect Master took out a relatively old-style phone. He raised his finger and seemed a little hesitant. He hovered for a few seconds before pressing the hands-free button.

The sound from the phone only hovered around him, and did not reveal the slightest.

The Yin Sect Master, who couldn't see his face, said indifferently: "How come you suddenly contacted me."

There was a chuckle from the mobile I just changed my mind, it is better to take the plan this time, eliminate some righteous vital forces, and prepare for our follow-up plan. "

"You want to shoot?"

"Well, this is indeed a good opportunity, and even if it fails, it won't consume too much of our strength.

I have been to Ziyan Temple and observed the layout there. The ancient demon should have recovered some strength in the past few years.

We just need to pretend to be the bait, let their masters gather there, and then release the ancient magic, these righteous monks will naturally go up and desperately. "

Sect Master Yin thought for a while and said, "Since you have decided, just do it."

"Well, act by chance and try to contact as little as possible."


The communication was disconnected, and the Yin Sect Master of the Yin-Yang Wanwu Sect looked at the number on the phone, and then slowly received the phone in his arms.


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