The First Sword of the Earth

Vol 3 Chapter 323: Not a big problem

Wang Sheng was lying on the sofa with a look of fatigue.

Mu Wanxuan gathered her skirt and sat beside him, gently rubbing her little hand on her junior's forehead, and strands of cool breath bloomed at her fingertips.

Next to him, Wang Xiaomiao was wearing pajamas and pajamas with little monsters printed on it, and he stubbornly didn't know how to resolve the embarrassment just now.

"Xiaosheng, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?" his father asked worriedly.

"I'm overdrawn a little bit, it's not a big deal," Wang Sheng responded with a smile, while Mu Wanxuan calmly expelled him from tiredness.

Mother asked in a low voice, "You did all those things in the news?"


Before Wang Daochang had time to be humble, the senior sister aside had already nodded very seriously; it seemed that she was quite proud of her junior brother's many feats, and her small face was full of pride.

The other three family members fell silent.

Thirteen years ago, Wang Sheng died heroically; thirteen years later, Wang Sheng returned safely...

Then, just a few days later, I just ran to the Sakurajima Kingdom to level the rice empire military base, and made a big news that shocked the world.

- Exposing the dark inside story of the Garrington Group research room under the rice empire base.

Looking at Wang Sheng, who has begun to lie on the sofa, with beautiful fairy slender legs, enjoying the massage service provided by the senior sister, this always feels to parents...

This guy must be pretending to be rubbing welfare!

Cough, I always feel that ‘my son is already specious’, a little strange.

Wang Sheng's parents discussed this issue in the dead of night last night, and felt that their son had not changed much, and the strangeness should have been brought about by not seeing each other for too long.

In fact, as long as a monk maintains a firm heart, his temperament will remain stable.

Xiao Miao walked to the side with her hands behind her back, forgetting the embarrassment just now, and sat down not far from Wang Sheng, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, why are you back so soon?"

"When I'm done, I will come back naturally," Wang Sheng opened his eyes and smiled naturally. "The follow-up incident will be handled by the eldest sister, Huai Jing and Shi Qianzhang.

By the way, they will come here in the afternoon. Dad, you can order a meal to take home. "

"Okay! I'm going now!"

Wang Sheng's father immediately agreed, and took his cell phone to contact the restaurant he was familiar with.

However, Wang Xiaomiao smacked his lips and threw out the questions one by one. Wang Sheng smiled and answered his sister in detail as much as possible.

Although there are many problems... it's not like the kind that a young girl would care about...

for example:

"Brother, how do you know that there is a problem with that military base? But, if so much illicit material is not found, will this incident trigger an all-out war between the two powers?"

"Brother, the scene of your Seven Swords landing is so handsome! But, why don't you have such a big move directly, do you have to fight with the other party, and then proceed step by step?"

"The Sakurajima government will definitely put pressure on the rice empire due to the pressure of public opinion. If you do so, maybe Sakurajima will soon have a protest march, followed by a large number of practitioners against the rice empire in Sakurajima. The attacks on all military bases forced the rice empire to withdraw this part of its military power.

In the short term, this is good for us. In the long term, without the rice empire’s exploitation of Sakurajima, some people in Sakurajima can practice the techniques of our monastic world. Will they become our confidant? Brother...

Brother? "

Several pairs of eyes in the room stared at Wang Xiaomiao carefully. The latter shrank his neck and asked weakly, "What's wrong?"

Wang Sheng couldn't help groaning and fell asleep pretending to be dead.

The senior sister gave Wang Xiaomiao's approving gaze. She helped her younger brother caress her forehead with one hand, and summoned her mobile phone with the other, and typed a few lines.

‘When we acted, we didn’t consider so many consequences. Xiao Miao was really thoughtful.

However, all of these were thought by the teacher, and this action was also instructed by the teacher, and there shouldn't be too much problem. ’

"Yes," Wang Sheng whispered, "You can continue to fight what the teacher said."

The mother on the side reprimanded: "Xiao Miao, you don't usually study well in school, so you went to study the world's major events? How old are you! What do you care about these things! Why didn't you see you in the political exam!"

"Mom, our contemporary teenagers are quite concerned about what's wrong with the international situation!"

Wang Xiaomiao replied unconvincingly, but then smirked and put his mobile phone on display, "The video website barrage has an average per capita level. I see how many barrages are written like this."

Several people suddenly chuckled, and Wang Xiaomiao secretly rolled his eyes.

Although it is at home, the topic is still inevitable. It revolves around a series of incidents that happened in Sakurajima in the early morning. Wang Sheng's mother brought some fruits over, and remembered something, she took a bunch of Wang Xiaomiao's snacks...

At about one noon, a group of people arrived as scheduled, and the house suddenly became lively.

Master Qingyanzi, Master Jingyun, Daoist Master Jingyun, eldest sister Xilian, and Zhou Yinglong, Hao Ling, Shi Qianzhang, Huai Jing, who have all returned safely, and are exuding maternal glory. Yes... Aunt Mu Yue.

The living room at home was suddenly full, and the master, uncle and eldest sister naturally wanted to take their seats.

The visitor is a guest, so naturally I can't let everyone stand...

Therefore, when I go home, I will lie down on the elder sister's lap, with a style like an uncle. At this moment, I can only sit on a small bench with my senior sister, sitting in the corner and waiting.

Well-behaved, sensible, afraid to speak.

"Regardless of how things will develop in the future, Xiaosheng, you did a good job this time."

When Qing Yanzi spoke, Wang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Zong Qianfu's point and the world's scolding are far less powerful than the master's few sermons.

"But it's just a bit softer," Qing Yanzi frowned. "Those research staff who conducted this kind of human experiment were killed directly. They don't die. This kind of subject will definitely continue, and more people will be affected."

Wang Sheng thought for a while and nodded slowly and seriously.

Jingyun asked: "Xiao Sheng, you have summoned that Thunder Tribulation twice. It doesn't seem to be an ordinary method of thunder. Is there anything in it?"

"Uncle Master, if this matter can be said, I must know everything," Wang Sheng smiled bitterly, "This is what I realized by accident. When I first realized it, I was warned by the sky. This method cannot be said or said. , As soon as he said it drew a Tianwei warning, and there was no way to continue to drill down.

If Tianwei warned three times, he would be abandoned by Dadao... His Royal Highness Yaoyun said that during his lifetime. "

Before death?

In the corner behind Wang Sheng, the sword box shook slightly, and a corner of the sword box hit directly on the back of Wang Sheng's head, causing a lot of attention.

"Ah," Qing Yanzi coughed, then turned his attention back, and said again, "Mou Yue tell me the latest news."

"Okay," Mou Yue took out her mobile phone and started to play, and soon said some information that had not yet been released by the media.

The rice empire is gathering fleets in the east and south of Sakurajima, as if they are at war.

The Dahua Nation's fleet has been prepared ahead of the Sakurajima Nation, and with the special combat readiness team, it is ready to hit the rice empire's fleet head-on.

But both sides know that this war is absolutely impossible to fight, and the rice empire puts on a arrogant posture, and in fact understands the terrifying aspects of the Dahua Country's monastic world better than anyone.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the great Chinese nation sends Wang Sheng again to destroy these fleets on the sea, it will definitely be easier than destroying their military bases.

With the strength of the peak of the Heavenly Palace Realm, Wang Sheng exerted the effect that a master of the immortal crossing stage could have. It was indeed beyond everyone's expectation, and it was an unexpected joy.

The Sakurajima country has made a solemn protest against the Rice Empire. The people in the Sakurajima country are angry, and more and more people are besieging the military bases of the Rice Empire. The four hidden villages of Sakurajima have issued a convening order to the whole world, so that people everywhere. The return of the writer seems to be a major event...

These are exactly the same as those predicted by a certain ‘barrage god’, and they also made Wang Sheng a little more surprised when he looked at his sister.

Mou Yue kept saying in a gentle voice:

"...In other respects, most countries have condemned the rice empire. The rice empire has already spoken to the outside world, saying that they have been deceived by the Garrington Group and are not aware of the research on the Garrington Group.

The basic routine is that their military will find a few more dead ghosts later, and announce to the public that they have removed the malignant tumor. In the future, they will move their support for the Garrington Group from the surface to the secret.

But the rice empire must have hated us this time, but don’t worry, we stand on the moral and righteousness, and we are ready to go to war at any time to protect our territory from being violated. "

Everyone nodded suddenly.

Qing Yanzi said: "Xiao Sheng, what are your plans next? As a teacher, I think you might as well practice with peace of mind.

These two tribulation warnings have been enough to deter the surrounding Xiao Xiao, and then you will not show up, but it is better than showing up. "

Wang Sheng pondered for a while, and said: "Master, what the disciple is worried about are the **** magic knives scattered all over the place... By the you take out the two **** magic knives in the laboratory. Yet?"

"Take it out," Shi Qianzhang greeted, "It's all to the eldest sister."

Xi Lian frowned and turned around silently.

On the side, Mou Yue already asked in a low voice, "Two? Isn't it one?"

"There are two in the live video," Xiao Miao also said.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the girl-like Xi Lian; the corner of the fox's mouth twitched, his chest was raised, and the fox's fearless spirit was not afraid of boiling water.

"Don't look at me, it's not with me, I gave it away!"

"Give it away? Who did you give it away?" Wang Sheng suddenly wondered for a while.

"Well, I don't think there is a cultivator from Sakurashima country that is very miserable, it is the'Akiyo Asashi' or something," Xi Lian squinted and smiled, "It just so happens, we know a little bit of refiner. He changed the characteristics of the magic knife to the soul of the person holding the sword, so as to temporarily exert the power of the magic knife.

However, the upper limit of power is the upper limit of the magic knife at this time, and it is probably able to display the strength of the practitioner equivalent to the peak of the golden core, and it will not cause much trouble. Just rest assured. "

Wang Sheng frowned and asked, "Master, is Sakurajima a master at the pinnacle of Golden Core?"

Qing Yanzi shook her head suddenly, "I haven't heard of it."

The desperate faces of Qiusheng Asashi appeared in front of him, and Wang Daochang couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Wang Sheng sighed: "This is a lot of fun. If that guy uses that magic knife to make some changes, he might be bloody."

"Shit," Xi Lian sneered, "What are you doing so much? Their internal friction is all about it."

"That's right," Wang Sheng shook his head, not paying much attention to the matter.

There will be no tigers in keeping a dog, and the problem is not that big.

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