Chapter 107 The Death of Whitehall (Part 1)

If someone else dared to make a deal with Fury, Fury would absolutely ignore it, but since Shen Fei had provided information about the captain before, Fury decided to listen to it.

“This.” Shen Fei said as he threw a badge on the table in front of Fury.

“It’s impossible.” Seeing the badge pattern on the table, Fury’s eye without a blindfold almost protruded, because the badge pattern is a HYDRA, even if someone else sees the HYDRA Will care too much, after all, this is a myth, but for Fury, he knows what HYDRA stands for.

“They were wiped out.” Fury said firmly.

“Cut off one head and grow two more heads. I don’t think you will forget this sentence.” Shen Fei said with a smile. Since Alexander Pierce dared to trouble him, he definitely won’t make him feel better, and let Fury by the way. There is not so much time to stare at him.

“Are they there?” Fury said anxiously. After seeing Shen Fei’s silence, he immediately continued, “If it is really theirs, I will agree to your condition.”

“Do you know this person?” Shen Fei took out a photo from one side and placed it in front of Fury. The photo was of a handsome middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

Before Fury could speak, Shen Fei continued, “His name is Daniel Whitehall and he is the chairman of a high-tech company.”

“He’s from HYDRA?” Fury spoke slowly after staring at the photo for a while. After all, it was SHIELD’s chief. The anxiety before was only because of the subconscious reaction of hearing that the evil HYDRA is still there. Calm down.

“He has another name, I think you should be very interested.” Shen Fei ignored Fury’s question, but took the drink in front of him in time and looked at Fury with a meaningful smile.

“Walner Reinhardt, I think this name should be familiar to you.” He thought it was an organization that maintains world peace, but it was parasitized by the world’s largest terrorist. Every time he thinks of this result, Shen Fei Want to laugh.

“What are you talking about?” As soon as Shen Fei’s words fell, Fury stood up instantly, his left eye almost protruding. If you change to an ordinary person, you may not care about the name at all, but Fury is different. This is what it was back then. HYDRA’s number two character is second only to Red Skull.

“Walner Reinhardt.” Shen Fei repeated it word by word.

After a pause, Fury immediately said nothing, picked up the photo on the table, turned and walked outside, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number quickly.

“That’s interesting. Pierce hopes you won’t be dragged out of the radish.” Whitehall is too involved. Whether Fury can catch him or not, the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D will be exposed.

Originally, HYDRA Shen Fei was going to be a chicken that can lay eggs and slowly slaughtered it, but now that Pierce dares to do something with him, the situation is different. If it weren’t for the insight of the three sky motherships planned, he would probably even Things about Pierce also leaked out.

These three aerospace motherships were completely destroyed by the captain and the others. It was a bit too wasteful. That represented billions, or nearly tens of billions of dollars.

“Fury, what are you doing here?” In an ordinary apartment in New York, the two-stayed captain and Carter saw the appearance of the black big bald head. Both were very surprised. It is said that the captain can now live such a leisurely biochemistry. , Thanks to Carter’s regained youth.For Fury, the captain has such a powerful combat power. It is too wasteful to be idle. Just looking for a righteous name can drive the captain to do things. Unfortunately, because of Carter’s appearance, all this has been lost.

Captain and Carter rarely meet again after more than sixty years, so they plan to go out and travel around the world.

“Something happened.” Fury said to Carter solemnly.

“If something happens, you can solve it. You are now the director of SHIELD. What are you coming to do with us? Do you still want us to be on the battlefield with a lot of age.” Carter said impatiently. For the sake of this world, she and the captain I dedicated my whole life, and now I finally have a second spring. I definitely don’t like to waste it.

“Walter Reinhardt.” Fury said the name immediately.

“What did you mention him.” Carter looked at Fury with a puzzled expression.

“This is not him.” Fury said and passed the photos he got from Shen Fei to Carter. As a veteran agent, Fury was very cautious. After realizing that there might be a problem inside SHIELD, he immediately put aside SHIELD, I’m looking for Ms. Carter who grabbed Reinhardt with her own hands.

“What the hell is going on?” After looking at the people in the photo, Carter immediately slapped an angry palm on the tempered glass table in front of him. In an instant, a dozen cracks broke out on the entire glass table.

“This is from…” Fury immediately told the information he had obtained from Shen Fei.

“You, go, and meet him.” Carter pointed at Fury with an ugly look, and immediately stood up.

“Um, you are back.” Looking at Fury who was returning, and there were more captains and Ms. Carter, Shen Fei was shocked, but then Shen Fei guessed the reason.

“What’s going on?” Carter’s mood at the moment has become impatient because of the involvement of Walter Reinhardt.

“This, this is the information I overheard from the predecessors who came to play last time. I think you should be interested.” Shen Fei said.

“Someone from your side is here, how many people are here, why are they here?” Fury on one side hurriedly asked after hearing what Shen Fei said.

“It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you.” Shen Fei said blankly while looking at Fury.

“You.” Shen Fei’s words made Fury’s complexion stiff involuntarily.

“You should know who you are, if your abilities are exposed, what will happen.” Fury said after taking a deep breath.

“Then what do you want? Let them apply for a tourist visa.” Shen Fei looked at Fury with a faint smile, and then continued, “Even if they need a tourist visa, the person they need to find will not be SHIELD, just say something. If it’s ugly, SHIELD doesn’t have this qualification yet, and your SHIELD can’t represent the earth star.”

“S.H.I.E.L.D is an organization authorized by the United Nations, and definitely can represent the earth star.” Fury stared at Shen Fei and said word by word.”Do you know what I feel most uncomfortable about SHIELD.” Shen Fei looked at Fury with a smile on his face, “That’s your self-righteousness. You think you can know everything and control everything. In fact, you don’t know anything. I can’t control it. The times are different now. Do you know how many aliens there are on Earth? You have the ability to find them all and ask them to apply for visas.”

“Okay, now is not the time to talk about this.” Fury just wanted to say something when Carter on one side immediately interrupted him.

“Do you know any information about him.”

“No, I know so much.”

“Thanks a lot.” Carter said and left with the captain and Fury, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

“Sure enough, people are very greedy and insatiable.” Shen Fei said to Fury’s back.

“You’re satisfied.” On the invisible Quin fighter, Carter looked at Fury and couldn’t help but sighed deeply. Carter definitely knew why Fury did this. He was testing Shen Fei, but it turned out to be very surprising.

“Okay, Peggy, what should I do now?” the captain on one side asked.

“I’ll talk about it here. I’ll catch Reinhardt first.” Carter said and sighed again. If it wasn’t for HYDRA and Reinhardt, she didn’t want to care at all. Now I will stay with the captain. The two-person world is the first thing that must be done, but since the matter involves HYDRA, neither she nor the captain will let go.

“Fury is really used to bullying honest people.” After the three of Carter left, Shen Fei shook his head slightly. Fury has a criminal record in this regard. Phil Coulson is dead, so he should be pulled back and continue to replace him. Does he work? Other Black widow and Hawkeye are always on duty.

But I think Stark, Hulk Banner, Fury can only be moved with love and reason.

Before, Fury just wanted to test Shen Fei’s bottom line. After all, Shen Fei has always been showing a good attitude towards S.H.I.E.L.D, such as telling the whereabouts of the captain, as well as information about Reinhardt this time, and so on.

“What? Are you kidding me.” A beautifully decorated luxury villa, Whitehall, who was tasting the wine he bought back then, almost threw the wine glass in his hand when he heard the voice on the other side of the phone. NS.

“This kind of thing, you thought I would be joking with you, leave as soon as possible. There will be no delay here.” He hung up on the other side of the phone, which caused Whitehall to throw the wine glass in his hand severely. Immediately began to summon his subordinates to prepare to leave.

Even Fury, Carter’s actions were very cautious, but because they didn’t know the extent to which S.H.I.E.L.D was infiltrated, their actions leaked out immediately before they even started.

“What’s going on, boss.” Whitehall’s right-hand man Sunil Bakshi looked puzzled after receiving the order from the boss on the phone.

“S.H.I.E.L.D discovered this place and immediately wiped out all the materials and started to retreat.” Whitehall said and hung up the phone.

“Carter, it’s you again.” Whitehall, who hung up the phone, always had a leisurely and content expression. At the moment, he was a little distorted. He didn’t expect that he was so low-key that he was discovered.

It is not the stage when S.H.I.E.L.D is disintegrated, so Whitehall has always been in a deep and simple manner. Unless necessary, he usually does not go out, but conducts his research in his own villa.Seeing that his research was about to come to a critical point, S.H.I.E.L.D appeared. How could this not make him angry? If you change the place, you will have to start from the beginning if the research is not easy.

“Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have listened to him.” Alexander Pierce’s office on the top floor of the S.H.I.E.L.D Trident headquarters, At the moment Pierce walked back and forth in the office with an anxious expression.

If he hadn’t penetrated the SHIELD headquarters so deeply, and the action team was almost all his people, I am afraid that his trouble would be big this time. Once Reinhardt is caught, he can pull out a large area through him. He is probably not immune.

The several branches of S.H.I.E.L.D have different goals because of different bosses. Alexander wants to rule the whole world with insight plans.

Whitehall is obsessed with the myth that the Kerry people create strangers, thinking that this will bring him supreme power and rule the world.

Baron Strucker is mainly studying Super Ability, and he is the one who created Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Gideon Malik wanted to welcome back the honeycomb from HYDRA thousands of years ago, so as to help the power of the honeycomb to rule the world.

The methods are different, but the purpose is the same.

Originally, Pierce was not very concerned about Carter’s sudden regaining of youth. In his opinion, it would be best for Carter to leave with the captain, so that it would save trouble.

As for the hatred between Carter and the Captain and the HYDRA organization, what does it have to do with him? At that time, he was not HYDRA. He was not obligated to avenge the older generations who died in the Captain and Carter.

It’s just that he can’t stand Whitehall’s persuasion. After all, this is to restore youth. For the upper class, there is nothing more attractive than this. After having power, definitely has to enjoy power, but to enjoy power. , You need a long life, otherwise you will still enjoy a ghost when you die.

If it weren’t for this reason, Walter Reinhardt might have died in SHIELD’s prison. The reason why Reinhardt was released at such a great risk and provided him with a large number of subordinates for him to find strangers. , That is, other branches of HYDRA want to regain their youth after ruling the world, so that they can continue to rule.

It’s a pity that although the idea is good, but things didn’t go towards their set plan, let alone Whitehall’s side also exposed, this is simply a steal.

Rongke Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company located in the United States. The company looks small on the surface, but in fact it is a very powerful technology company. The so-called superficial situation is just for the purpose of covering people’s ears.

After the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D, this one blatantly used the HYDRA banner. This is difficult for Shen Fei to understand, but it is very normal in a capitalist society.

At that time, it was not only this company that showed up publicly, but also HYDRA, a company that played Pickham. They wanted to buy an Ant-Man battle suit.

As long as there is enough interest, even a world-type evil organization like HYDRA, the U.S. can cooperate, just like Ian Quinn, and Garrett who wants to sell the centipede warrior to the U.S. army. On the other hand, the U.S. military also has generals to negotiate the same terms.

“Quick, hurry up.” At the moment many employees at the top of Rongke Industrial Technology Company are erasing data in the data room, because the data are all paper files, even if it is set on fire, it will be difficult to solve them all at a time. .

HYDRA is also very desperate to cover people’s eyes and ears. In this high-tech era, computers have replaced almost everything. They still use paper files here because they are afraid of leaks on the computer.

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