Chapter 128 Winter Soldier (Part 2)

“How is this possible?” After watching the content in the video, Carter’s whole body was trembling, and she had never thought that the Howards were murdered.

“It’s them.” Carter quickly understood what went wrong. Howard, as one of the founders of SHIELD, had an accident with their husband and wife. It must be the focus of SHIELD’s attention. Strangled. In this case, Carter was reported to have died in a car accident. Carter only needs to think about this problem and he will understand what it means. Such a problem will only arise when she is emptied.

Carter felt that there were some problems in S.H.I.E.L.D back then, but at that time she thought the problems were not very important, so she didn’t go deep into it, but unfortunately it was too late to understand.

But even Carter now doesn’t really realize the seriousness of the problem, that is, SHIELD is completely rotten, and Fury is the same. Although SHIELD’s problem is very serious, Fury still wants to turn the tide until the end. There was no way, and I decided to expose everything.

“Does Tony know about this?” After a long silence, Roar sucked Carter several times and finally calmed down.

“I haven’t found a suitable opportunity yet.” Shen Fei said directly, this is the truth, he has obtained this information for a while.

“Bring things to me, I’ll go talk to him.” When Carter spoke, his eyes gradually became cold. Anyway, Howard’s hatred must be reported.

“The reason why I haven’t told Tony about the matter is not the main reason. The real reason is because of this person.” As Shen Fei said, he picked up the remote control on one side, pressed it, and killed the Howards. The figure of that person appeared on the big screen.

“Who is he?” Carter understood the meaning of Shen Fei’s words at once.

“Barn Buckys, he was brainwashed by the people of HYDRA and became their killer, the Winter Soldier. I just learned this news from other people recently.”

Telling Carter about the Winter Soldier is to avoid a split between Tony and the captain, which would cause a civil war. Even if Shen Fei has a good view of Captain Steve, he is also a little dissatisfied with his handling of the Winter Soldier. It is true that Winter Soldier Bucky It’s his friend, but so is Howard.

Strictly speaking, if there is no help from Howard, Steve may not be the captain. Even if Steve goes to rescue Bucky, it is because Howard flew to help him privately. Without his help, Steve may not be able to rescue Bucky in time. .

In this case, Steve only considered the situation on Bucky’s side, and completely ignored the situation on Tony’s side. It was a bit too much. It can be seen that even a godly righteous person like Captain is not a perfect person.

“What?” Looking at the information of Barn Buckys displayed on the screen, Carter called out in shock. As a person who used to fight alongside the captain, Carter knew exactly what Bucky meant to the captain. Bucky is a Winter Soldier. Kill Howard’s people, in this situation, even Carter, who is always smart, didn’t know what to do at the moment.

Once this video is leaked, people in the whole world may be able to see Captain Iron Man.Speaking of it, the people of HYDRA are also stupid. It was a waste of their large organization, and they didn’t even think about exposing this video. If they did that at the time, HYDRA might not be destroyed so quickly.

The people at HYDRA didn’t think of it, but Zemo took advantage of it, and the superhero split up without any blood.

“Don’t let Tony and Steve know about this for now.” After considering it for a long time, Carter finally made a decision.

“If this problem is dragged on, once it breaks out, the problem will be even greater. Let us tell Tony that it is better than the people at HYDRA to leak this out.”

No one at HYDRA in the original book thought of this approach, but HYDRA in this world may not be unexpected. There are many fools in HYDRA, and there is no way for fools to develop the organization so big. Shen Fei can say that HYDRA’s people are short-sighted, and that’s because he stands. From the perspective of God, try it in the game instead.

“I know, I will find a way to communicate with Tony.” Carter pressed his eyebrows with his hands, and Carter had used countless troubles in his life, but he didn’t have this trouble.

“Okay, but put this thing with me first, you take it back, if the captain sees it, it will be in trouble.”

“Do you have his whereabouts here?” Carter said as he gestured to the big screen in front of him. It would be better if he could catch Bucky now.

“No, I only got these things from other people.” Shen Fei shook his head and said.

Then Carter left with a heart full of thoughts.

“Speaking of treating Phil Coulson well now, or waiting for him to find the temple of the stranger, hey, Whitehall seems to have killed early, but this way, Phil Coulson may have to cry for a while, um, By the way, Sunil can send the obelisk.”

The obelisk that Carter confiscated from Reinhardt at the time was naturally returned to his hands after Whitehall was released. Although Whitehall did not make much progress in studying the obelisk and aliens. , But in other areas, there has been considerable progress, that is, the split bomb.

This is a very terrifying bomb. It is simply a necessary medicine for killing people during home travel. What kind of corpse water is far worse than this.

During this period of time, Shen Fei was slowly receiving the scientific and technological achievements of Whitehall through Sunil, and Rongke Industrial Company is almost his.

This company is high-tech, but it is very powerful. The death soldier’s mechanical body is made by this company. Recently, the company has received many orders from Quinn International Group.

Before Shen Fei had been busy with other things, he didn’t pay much attention to these. After checking relevant information, he found that Sunil had already played against Phil Coulson’s team.Through this information, let Shen Fei know some information about the centipede warrior, this laboratory formed by Garrett pretending to be Acute eyes and secretly set up, although in Shen Fei it is completely foolish, but who made this the Marvel world Well, the Centipede Warrior Project really achieved certain results.

The reason why Shen Fei feels that the Centipede Project is a mess is that the strengthening agent is a hodgepodge of all the relevant viruses on the market now, including viruses from the Cheritas.

The reason for this situation is very simple. Garrett is anxious. The reason why Garrett set up these laboratories is not to study the death fighters, but for himself. He himself belonged to the HYDRA death fighters. The first batch of experimenters, this project has been stopped within HYDRA, because it failed, they do not know that it will continue to consume manpower and material resources.

HYDRA’s plan to stop has nothing to do with other people, but for Garrett, the experimenters of the first death fighters, it’s a disaster. Speaking of which, Garrett can live to the present and become an eighth-level agent. It is already a special case, but all the death fighters in the same period have died.

For his own life, Garrett had to start the Death Warrior project again. In HYDRA, although he is considered a middle-level and high-level person, he does not have that much power. He uses HYDRA’s manpower and material resources to establish a laboratory, so what should he do.

So Garrett thought of using his eighth-level agent authority in S.H.I.E.L.D to install an omnipotent Acute eyes to fool those wealthy investors. In this era of big data, the eighth-level authority of S.H.I.E.L.D is very powerful.

Garrett relied on this to fool many rich people, even Ian of Quinn International, a man worth nearly tens of billions, was foolishly fooled and invested all his wealth in it.

Garrett bought Rongke Industrial’s mechanical body with money from Ian. Even if they are both HYDRA, they must spend money to buy each other’s items.

In fact, Garrett’s ability to live so long and climb into the position of the eighth level of agent has a lot to do with his identity as Acute eyes. Garrett pretended to be Acute eyes very early. It’s just that at that time, his authority was relatively low, and he could only lie to some small rich people. When he had high authority, he would lie to big rich people like Ian.

Garrett relied on the research in these laboratories to survive until now, but now his body seems to be reaching its limit, so he focused on Phil Coulson, the dead and resurrected man.

Shen Fei didn’t care too much about Garrett’s idea of ​​playing Phil Coulson. Although he had a good impression of Phil Coulson, he was not Phil Coulson’s bodyguard, not to mention that he himself was very busy now.

“In this way, Mind Gem can create Ability Ability, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver. It should be the sublimation of spiritual power.”

Through the research and understanding of absorbing people, plus the power of the operation fruit, Shen Fei has already speculated on the power of Mind Gem, and for the sake of experimentation, Shen Fei has also done some experiments on animals such as mice. Similar experiment.

Although none of the mice survived at the end of the experiment, a few of them also gained strengthening.

“That is, if you can withstand the power of the Mind Gem, you should be able to gain super-Ability, but to what extent can this be considered to be able to bear it. With my current recovery of Ability and the power of the fruits of surgery, Can you support it?”

Physical fitness, or ability, this thing is really illusory.”It seems that I should get sister and brother Wanda to have a try. Although Vision is unlikely to appear, Scarlet Witch, such a strong main force against Thanos, would be a shame if it disappears like this. I hope private detectives can find them soon. Sister and brother.”

“Speaking of how bad luck it is to get that powerful force from the Space gem.” Through researching Shen Fei, one thing is confirmed, that is, the luck of the team is simply too good. You must know that Space gem is originally It is not for strengthening people, otherwise Red Skull would not only use Tesseract to make weapons instead of making strengthening people. With the style of HYDRA, they would not care about sacrifice as long as there is such a small possibility.

Just look at how many people Baron Strucker sacrificed just for the experiment.

“It seems that after all, my strength is too weak. If my strength is stronger, the effect of the operation fruit will definitely be stronger. Unfortunately, the development of Devil Fruit’s Ability depends only on physical fitness.”

Shen Fei’s current physical fitness is already very powerful. In addition to the Hulk, there are Protoss such as Thor and Loki, others are really inferior to him, but even this is nothing more than that.

The strengthening of the body in the Marvel world is mainly a variety of strengthening agents, and there is no special training method. Shen Fei’s physical fitness is improving very slowly now.

“By the way, if I go to the world of One Piece now, will there be two surgical fruits, and what will happen to Awakening with surgical fruits? Forget it, now is not the time to consider so much, keep working hard.”

Shen Fei was thinking wildly in his mind, while constantly hitting the wooden stake in front of him. The Ability of the Devil Fruit is based on physical skills. For physical skills, Shen Fei has never given up training. There is always a dedicated place in the villa. His training ground.

Fortunately, he has the spell to restore as new, otherwise it will take a lot of time to clean up after daily practice. For the current Shen Fei, hitting the sandbags has no effect. Wooden stakes and iron stakes are his mainstay. Practice object.

It has to be said that compared to the practice of magic, the practice of physical skills is very tiring. No wonder that in modern society, martial arts are becoming less and less practiced. The development of science and technology has made most people unable to bear the hardship.

“Hi, Mr. Banner, how have you been recently.” This day, Shen Fei found Banner. Because of the contribution of the previous Battle of New York, Fury was the security. The military is no longer hunting down Banner, so now Banner will never be pursued anymore. I needed to hide in the deep mountains and old forests, and found a house in the suburbs of New York to live in.

The reason why I live here is not in the urban area, but also at the request of some officials, just in case, in the suburbs, even if something happens, the impact will not be too great.

There have been so many disasters in New York, but there can be no more accidents. Now the government has issued a lot of relevant preferential policies to deal with the problem of large international groups moving out of New York.

After all, without these international conglomerates, New York’s international status will definitely decline.

definitely Banner living here is only temporary. Shi Stark is already preparing to move the Stark Building out of New York, and is going to move to a place far away from the city, which is The Avengers Base at the back. In this way, once it happens again In war, there will be no such great damage.

The official did not do anything to hold back in this regard, and even gave the land to Avengers for free. In any case, superhero did save New York.

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