Chapter 336 New Empire (End)

“It turns out that this is the case. The first emperor was really powerful, but this one is really sad.” With the study of the Supreme Imperial Equipment and other Imperial Equipment, plus the knowledge obtained from Dotya, The addition of the power of the fruit of the operation allowed Shen Fei to further his research on Teigu.

I have to say that the first emperor of the empire was indeed very powerful. He was thinking of concentrating the power of the whole country to build the emperor, but the decision he made later was a bit sad, because in order to continue his empire, he even used the top craftsmen of the time , The alchemists were all killed, and the manufacturing materials of Tegu and all the advanced technology at that time were destroyed. As a result, after a thousand years, the technological level of the empire was not as good as it was a thousand years ago.

This kind of result reminded Shen Fei of seclusion, and of technology that had not made much progress in feudal society for almost two thousand years.

Shen Fei supported the State of Qin during the Mingyue of Qin Shiming and Yingzheng. He just didn’t want to see this result. Think about a certain first emperor who built the Great Wall into outer space in two thousand years. The historical feudal society has been two thousand years old. Men farming and women weaving.

The four great inventions were so important that they were abandoned. Looking at the emperors who benefited the mighty powers in history, even if they claimed to be in the wise and martial arts, what they did was only to strengthen their own imperial power.

In this respect, Qin Shihuang is worthy of being the Emperor of Qian Ancient One. In fact, if there weren’t hundreds of schools to ban and respect Confucianism in history, then there would definitely be another result. In the case of Confucianism, there is no contending of a hundred schools of thought at all, it is completely stagnant.

“The next step is to execute the little emperor.” The little emperor should have been executed together with Minister Ornest and others, but because Shen Fei needed his blood to study the Supreme Emperor, definitely can’t kill him like this. As a royal family, it is impossible for people to be so thin, but who would let Minister Ornest take advantage of various accidents to get rid of other royals.

Regarding the execution of the little emperor, Shen Fei did not intervene, but handed it over to Najiexitan. Although the little emperor himself was good, he was only fooled by the minister, but who made him the emperor of the empire, this identity, It was destined to die, even if Najie Xitan knew the truth, he could only be executed. Only in this way could a new empire be established.

The little emperor quickly accepted this. The drastic changes of the empire, during the period of imprisonment, the dark truth of the empire, had already let him know. The only requirement of the little emperor was that he could use his death. Let the empire rejuvenate, this request, Na Jie Xitan agreed.

Today’s empire is nominally dominated by Esders, but it is mainly responsible for military and political matters, mainly by Najie Xitan. According to Shen Fei’s original vision, the first prime minister of the new empire , Na Jie Xitan will take over.

And Esdes is the new queen of the empire. Shen Fei has no way to assume this throne. He can only rule behind the scenes. No way. In terms of prestige, he is far from Esdes, the strongest general in the empire. Esthers, even the revolutionary army is like a thunderbolt.

But no one knows who Shen Fei is. If he wants to be the king of the new empire, there will be even more voices of opposition. It can be said that the new empire cannot be established without a series of large-scale killings. This thing is very important at this time.

But Shen Fei didn’t care about this. In fact, Esther didn’t care either. If it wasn’t for the overall situation, Esther didn’t want to take the throne at all.

Regarding the organizational form of the new government, Shen Fei himself considered a lot, and also discussed with Najieshitan, Esthers and others, and finally gave up the democratic system. It is not that democratic system is good, but The current situation in the empire is simply not suitable for implementing this system.

It’s like Wang Mang, who is known as the most like a traverser. Why did his system fail in the end? In addition to encountering the great magister, it is also too advanced. If Wang Mang was not so advanced at the time, then it was a challenge. When it comes to the Great Magister, it may not necessarily lose.

In the world of Qin Shi, Shen Fei did not participate too much in political affairs, and the same is true. The progress of a country is very different from that of individuals. Individuals can progress beyond the limit, just like Shen Fei, if he wants to, in the world of Qin Shi , It’s easy to get to the moon, but the country has no way to make such progress beyond the limit.

It’s like Shi Stark, with the help of Shen Fei, has now mastered a lot of interstellar technology, and the spacecraft also has it, but no such information has been published. When the people have not yet done well to enter the interstellar age, he rashly Announce these things, and the result will only cause greater confusion.Not to mention that there are so many villains in the Marvel world. If these advanced technologies fall into the hands of these people, the consequences can be imagined.

The technology that Shen Fei currently masters, especially the technology from the umbrella company, if he wants to, can completely allow the humans on Earth to complete the Elementary level evolution.

In the Marvel universe, biological transformation can be said to be very advanced. The Cree people are very good at this. And the Sovereign, whose energy and genetic technology are very famous in the universe, even if the Cree people are not. Dare to provoke them at will.

Sovereign is completely determined by your genes. In this country, you can say that your life is doomed once you are born. However, because of the development of genetic technology, there are no poor and weak in this country at all. With the powerful interstellar driverless technology and the big eyes, most people will not provoke them at will.

For other interstellar countries, the war must have suffered heavy casualties, but for Sovereign, there will be basically no loss of life, because the interstellar war is just like playing a game. All the soldiers are on their own planet. The unmanned spacecraft was remotely controlled to attack the enemy, and the spacecraft under his control was destroyed, which would not affect its body at all. It would be a big deal to change to a console and continue.

For Sovereign’s technology, even Shen Fei is very envious, especially the kind of remote unmanned technology with almost no distance limit control, which is simply the standard configuration of war, but Shen Fei did not recklessly provoke. They, because these people are really too small-minded, in order to be able to create the magical Adam out of the batteries stolen by the Guardians of Galaxy.

Coupled with its unique energy technology, even Shen Fei, who has the door to the secret method, can’t run to his planet without knowing it.

In the Marvel world, even if the Ancient One leaves now, Shen Fei can only be presumptuous on the earth and stars, wanting to rampage in the universe, the difference is too far, there is no way that the water in the Marvel world is too deep, Thanos, Yi Ge, Mephisto and others seem to be very awesome, but for those real bosses who are hidden, they are nothing at all.

“You are very clever, I promised you.” Looking at the respectful Dotya in front of him, Shen Fei did not kill her after thinking about it, but planned to stay to protect the empire.

Although Dottya is not a good person, but who makes her level of alchemy very high, some aspects of the technology, which surpasses the Doctor of Fashion, such a character, it is a pity to kill.

If Doctor Fashion hadn’t done too much evil and was not tolerated by Night Attack and others, Shen Fei might have left him, =




Replace it later,,,,,,, sorry,, it will be changed soon, just refresh it after looking at the genuine one

=As for watching pirated copies, sorry, something happened recently.



With their figure, Ornest cried out immediately.”It’s you.” When the visitor turned around, Ornest called out immediately. The visitor was Shen Fei. As the hunter’s deputy captain, Ornest definitely knew him.

“Who is he?” the little emperor asked on the side.

The little emperor had not met Shen Fei. Although logically speaking, as the deputy captain of the hunter, he should have visited the little emperor. However, Shen Fei did not want to pay a big gift to the little emperor, so he refused to see him.

“The hunter’s deputy captain.” Minister Ornest raised his left hand as he said, and fired several shots at Shen Fei on the high platform above.

“There are many obstacles.” When Ornest reached and raised his left hand, Shen Fei also raised his right hand, holding the wand’s right hand, and pointed to the front.

Bang bang bang.

All the bullets shot by Ornest were blocked by a transparent barrier not far in front of Shen Fei. With the improvement of his personal strength, Shen Fei’s magic also improved. After all, Kamar-Taj is a magician.

It can be said that the power of magic alone, even Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald are not his opponents.

Bang bang bang.

Seeing that his own was not working, Minister Ornest not only did not stop, but directly tilted the bullet in his hand.

“Why, you are all betraying me, what did I do wrong?” The little emperor stood up suddenly and shouted at Shen Fei.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, but who made you a royal family? You fainted.” When Shen Fei spoke, his wand pointed directly at the little emperor, and a red light flew out from the front of the wand and hit the little emperor. .

With a bang, the little emperor fell directly to the ground.

“You want to go there, Minister Ornest, cut your bones.” Looking at Minister Ornest, who turned and fled after the little emperor stood up, Shen Fei chuckled lightly, and then his wand Means, the three heart-piercing curses of the three unforgivable curses were used against Ornest.

Speaking of it, this is the first time that Shen Fei has used the Three Unforgivable Curses. Although in Harry Potter’s world, the Three Unforgivable Curses have changed the sight of many necromancers, but for Shen Fei, these three unforgivable curses. The forgiveness spell is not that useful.

The Avada gnawed the melon, and he has never used it once. Instead of using this curse to kill, he doesn’t need to use a firearm.

However, the mighty power against Minister Ornest, Shen Fei made an exception today and used a heart-piercing curse specifically designed to torture people. This spell was specifically used to torture people.

People who have been hit by this curse will feel pain all over the body, as if their own heart has been pierced. If you repeat this spell on a person, the other person’s will is not an unsteady person. The result is either madness or death.The Death Eaters are so frightening, not because Avada gnawed the melon, but because of the curse.


Ornest, who was hit by the drill curse, immediately rang his painful voice in the underground space, and his physical pain kept him rolling on the ground. As the minister of the empire, one person is more than ten thousand people. When did Nestor suffer this kind of pain?

“This curse seems to be stronger than I personally tortured.” The pain of Ornest caused Shen Fei to nod lightly.

Although in this short period of time, Shen Fei’s main energies were focused on the promotion of physical skills, mind, and true energy, but he did not ignore the promotion in magic.

In any case, he is now the supreme magician of Kamar-Taj.

“With his physique, there should be no problem after adding it a few times.” Shen Fei thought this way, and the wand in his hand immediately pointed to Ornest, who was rolling on the ground, and added a few heart-boring spells.

“The scepter flies.” Then Shen Fei waved his magic wand, and the scepter beside the little emperor who collapsed on the ground immediately flew into his hands. This scepter was not an ornament, but the activation key of the Supreme Emperor.

However, Shen Fei did not activate the Supreme Digu now, because it is not necessary, the Supreme Digu may be very powerful in the world of Beheading Sisters, but if you get the world of Pirates, its power will be greatly reduced, even if its power is very powerful. The same is true for big, because it is too big, for those strong, such a big body is basically a living target.

Although its defense is strong, it is only aimed at this world. There are too many strong people in the Pirate World, which can be broken. Its only function is to let Shen Fei research.

The attack method of Supreme God is very similar to that of pacifists, that is, laser, laser attack, which makes Shen Fei very interested.

“It actually froze the entire palace.” Shen Fei, who walked out of the underground base of the palace’s backyard, looked at the frozen environment around him, and there were people who couldn’t help but shook his head gently.

“Although the range is very large, it is about the same as the green pheasant, but the power is still much worse than that of the green pheasant.” The green pheasant can freeze the volcanic island where the volcano is about to erupt in an instant. This is theoretically. It can be done, but if it is frozen for a while, the ice will break, but the ice of the green pheasant will not.

As the palace was frozen, the resistance of the entire empire came to an end. Because of Minister Ornest’s reckless actions, it can be said that there are not many people in the imperial capital who are truly loyal to the empire. Those who are truly loyal to the empire are not assigned to the border. It has been killed.

At the moment, on the streets of the imperial capital, there were no pedestrians, none of them were fools. At the moment of such turmoil, if you go out or get killed, you can only say that you deserve it.

“Spare me, don’t care about my business.” From time to time there was a yelling and cursing voice on the street, it was soldiers from the Northern Army who were arresting people.

The imperial capital fell into the hands of the Northern Legion, and the ministers and those who were still loyal to the empire were all the objects to be cleaned up. This was a change of dynasty, not a pure emperor’s side.

In fact, the detained definitely were not only the ministers and those who were loyal to the empire, but also the demons and demons of the imperial capital, who were also the targets of being killed.

If you switch to other forces, you may not do that at this moment, and focus on stabilizing the hearts of the people, but for Shen Fei and Asides,

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