Chapter 373: Biyou Village (End)

“This sacred machine is really powerful.” Any of the six temporary workers that can be used everywhere is considered a strong person in the foreign world. This includes Zhang Chulan, but facing Ma Xianhong, even if they are besieged by seven. , Did not take any advantage, but was injured by Ma Xianhong several people.

At the moment, Ma Xianhong’s high level magical weapons are all out, the defense has a black armor, the body has three gems, there is a soul ring for soul attacks, an empty cry for sonic attacks, a free combination of attacking Liuhezhu, and can absorb The opponent attacked Heqi’s Thieves Tunmon.

Although Ma Xianhong is a craftsman, his original Qi content is not low. In addition, he is supplemented by the Qi of the thief swallowing beast to absorb opponents, so even if he is facing the siege of seven temporary workers, he can hold on for a long period of time. time.

That is to say, Ma Xianhong originally had no combat experience. If he had the skill of any temporary worker on the scene, relying on this magic weapon, he could completely beat all the temporary workers to the ground with one enemy seven.

“Be careful, he can complete the objects on our body in an instant.” After tearing up his shirt, the clarinet immediately reminded the other temporary workers.

The morphology is the ability that the refiner possesses, and it takes a long time for the general refiner to complete the morphology. However, Ma Xianhong can directly complete the morphology during the battle. This kind of ability is already comparable. Plug-in.

This is the power of the divine machine. As long as it is a non-living object, it can be completed, even the clothes on your body are the same. Think about the clothes on your body when you are fighting, suddenly attacking yourself like steel. You know how horrible it is.

During the battle, Bao Baofeng’s weapon, the kitchen knife, Okamoto 0.01, which had been with her for a long time, was also directly destroyed by Ma Xianhong and was eventually damaged.



==Wait for replacement. =



“Zhang Chulan, hello, you are fine.” Ma Xianhong said, and rushed towards Biyou Village with an angry expression. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and saw that there was no signal on the mobile phone. He immediately threw the phone angrily. go out.

“Master Ma, you really believe me, but now I can only be sorry.” Soon after Ma Xianhong left, Zhang Chulan walked to the side where the tools were placed, took out a sledgehammer from it, and prepared to The self-cultivation furnace was destroyed.

For Zhang Chulan, whether Ma Xianhong chooses to stay to deal with him or rush back to save other people, it is within his calculations. Choosing to stay, Zhang Chulan can hold him for a longer period of time so that other temporary workers can solve the village. Rushing back to the village, Zhang Chulan can take the opportunity to destroy the self-cultivation furnace.

Although Ma Xianhong is easy to believe in people, he is still very careful about the outsiders of the company.

“I said that I just called myself an uncle, and I ruined his hard work in an instant. I really don’t want Bilian.” Just when Zhang Chulan was about to do it, Shen Fei suddenly walked out from one side and appeared in Zhang Chu in a blink of an eye. In front of Lan, he had to step back a few steps, and distanced him from Shen Fei.In terms of pulling relations, Zhang Chulan is the number one in the world.

“It’s you.” Zhang Chulan’s face changed immediately after seeing who came. Don’t be covered by Bilian and Zhang Chulan. Under the cover is Zhang Chulan, who is both wise and brave, and Shen Fei, a root tool like this, suddenly appeared here. , And never appeared, combined with the voice just now, it seemed that Zhang Chulan understood something.

“Master Ma, who are you all around you?” Zhang Chulan vomited Ma Xianhong in her heart.

“It seems that you are hiding by the side of Master Ma, don’t have a purpose.” Zhang Chulan was silent for a while, and said immediately.

“I don’t deny this. I came here for this, so it is impossible to watch you destroy him. You can leave now.” Shen Fei pointed to the self-cultivation furnace on the side, and straightforwardly stated his purpose. .

“Then I’m sorry, my task is to destroy him.” Zhang Chulan looked at Shen Fei, and her expression became more serious.

“So you are ready to do it with me. At the end of the technique, the origin of the Qi body, I just happen to be a little curious about these Eight Wonders, come on.” Shen Fei said and hooked his finger at Zhang Chulan.

“You are really joking. I have the origin of the Qi body, which has been determined on Longhu Mountain.” Hearing Shen Fei mentioning the origin of the Qi body, Zhang Chulan’s pupils shrank slightly, and then suddenly it became With a smile on his face, it was a perfect switch, and there was no discordance at all.

“There is no origin of the Qi body, what about the old farmer’s work?”

“Who on earth are you?”

As soon as the three words “Old Nong Gong” came out, the smile on Zhang Chulan’s face immediately converged, and at the same time a ray of thunder began to appear on her body.

“Don’t be so nervous, I have no interest in the origin of the Qi body. Instead of worrying about me here, you might as well worry about it. Your partner, Bao Bao Feng, Wang Zhenqiu is very curious about her. Without you by your side, you Do you think he knows something from her?”

“You know about Sister Bao’er.” Zhang Chulan looked a little nervous when she heard Shen Fei utter the three words Wang Zhenqiu, but he did not go back immediately, but asked Shen Fei about Feng Bao’s affairs.

“Don’t worry, just as I am not interested in the origin of your qi body, I am also not interested in Feng Baobao. You should worry about other people who are interested in her instead of worrying about me.”

“Xunlei member.” After a moment of silence, Zhang Chulan suddenly burst into a powerful thunder light, and then rushed towards Shen Fei at a lightning fast speed, with a shining thunder light in her right hand.

Zhang Chulan rarely takes risks, but if necessary, she will be put to death and reborn. Her secrets are so clear that an outsider knows her. For the safety of herself and Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan decided to fight. Can you kill Shen Fei?

The speed under the blessing of Yang Wulei can greatly increase Zhang Chulan’s speed in a short time. In the original work, Qi and Tang Wenlong in the Tang Sect’s battle, relying on this to seize the opportunity, finally won the victory.


Zhang Chulan, who rushed to Shen Fei’s side, didn’t wait for the thunder in her palm to hit Shen Fei’s body. She immediately felt a pain in her throat, and then realized that she was caught by someone’s neck and lifted it up.

“Take a shot at me, are you really surprised that Qi Origin is the strongest stunt in the world.” Looking at Zhang Chulan, who was pinched by her left hand, Shen Fei’s face showed a sneer.boom.

Shen Fei shook his left hand and threw Zhang Chulan directly to a place ten meters away, and then said, “This time it is for the face of the Heavenly Master Longhushan. Forget it, remember that there is no next time, let’s go. ”

“Cough, cough, cough.” Zhang Chulan, who fell to the ground, immediately used her right hand to give her neck an air. After coughing for a few times, Roar really returned to normal after breathing. After that, she left without saying anything. .

The opponent’s strength is far stronger than herself. Zhang Chulan definitely won’t seek a dead end on her own, and will continue to do it. He is not Luffy’s stick.

“Next is Qu Tong.” After Zhang Chulan left, Shen Fei immediately waved a huge wrapping cloth and wrapped the self-cultivation stove. After it was reduced, he picked it up, and then hurried in the direction of Ma Xianhong. go.

Because of the effect of the incredibly convenient and large scarf, Ma Xianhong’s backhand placed on the self-cultivation stove was not triggered at all. Those flowers, black puppets, and white puppets were all swept away by Shen Fei.

Ma Xianhong attaches great importance to the self-cultivation furnace, especially this further self-cultivation furnace made with the help of Zhuge Qing. After all, this is related to whether he can restore his memory.

In order to protect the self-cultivation furnace, Ma Xianhong arranged a lot of sacs around the self-cultivation furnace, which contained a large number of flowers, as long as someone touched the technique, it would trigger a counterattack.

“Sure enough, my brother Xiao is amazing, and a model of not many people who say nothing.” When Shen Fei rushed to the confrontation site between Ma Xianhong and the temporary worker, At the moment the root organs had been completely wiped out, and only the transforming person was still there. No matter how Ma Xianhong persuaded them, they were not there and clamored to help Master Ma.

Until Xiao Zizai appeared with Zhao Guizhen’s head and spine, the scene immediately became silent. This kind of impact should not just transform people. Even in the foreign world, not many people have the opportunity to see temporary workers. It’s not an ordinary person, so I don’t care at all.

After a brief silence, these transformed people immediately fled towards the bottom of the mountain under Xiao Zi’s grinning expression.

“Come on, let’s go together, I want to see what the company wants?” Looking at the temporary workers around, Ma Xianhong immediately appeared a black and red armor, a high level magic weapon, Wudou armor. Effect.

“Zhang Chulan, hello, you are fine.” Ma Xianhong said, and rushed towards Biyou Village with an angry expression. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and saw that there was no signal on the mobile phone. He immediately threw the phone angrily. go out.

“Master Ma, you really believe me, but now I can only be sorry.” Soon after Ma Xianhong left, Zhang Chulan walked to the side where the tools were placed, took out a sledgehammer from it, and prepared to The self-cultivation furnace was destroyed.

For Zhang Chulan, whether Ma Xianhong chooses to stay to deal with him or rush back to save other people, it is within his calculations. Choosing to stay, Zhang Chulan can hold him for a longer period of time so that other temporary workers can solve the village. Rushing back to the village, Zhang Chulan can take the opportunity to destroy the self-cultivation furnace.

Although Ma Xianhong is easy to believe in people, he is still very careful about the outsiders of the company.

“I said that I just called myself an uncle, and I ruined his hard work in an instant. I really don’t want Bilian.” Just when Zhang Chulan was about to do it, Shen Fei suddenly walked out from one side and appeared in Zhang Chu in a blink of an eye. In front of Lan, he had to step back a few steps, and distanced him from Shen Fei.

In terms of pulling relations, Zhang Chulan is the number one in the world.

“It’s you.” Zhang Chulan’s face changed immediately after seeing who came. Don’t be covered by Bilian and Zhang Chulan. Under the cover is Zhang Chulan, who is both wise and brave, and Shen Fei, a root tool like this, suddenly appeared here. , And never appeared, combined with the voice just now, it seemed that Zhang Chulan understood something.

“Master Ma, who are you all around you?” Zhang Chulan vomited Ma Xianhong in her heart.”It seems that you are hiding by the side of Master Ma, don’t have a purpose.” Zhang Chulan was silent for a while, and said immediately.

“I don’t deny this. I came here for this, so it is impossible to watch you destroy him. You can leave now.” Shen Fei pointed to the self-cultivation furnace on the side, and straightforwardly stated his purpose. .

“Then I’m sorry, my task is to destroy him.” Zhang Chulan looked at Shen Fei, and her expression became more serious.

“So you are ready to do it with me. At the end of the technique, the origin of the Qi body, I just happen to be a little curious about these Eight Wonders, come on.” Shen Fei said and hooked his finger at Zhang Chulan.

“You are really joking. I have the origin of the Qi body, which has been determined on Longhu Mountain.” Hearing Shen Fei mentioning the origin of the Qi body, Zhang Chulan’s pupils shrank slightly, and then suddenly it became With a smile on his face, it was a perfect switch, and there was no discordance at all.

“There is no origin of the Qi body, what about the old farmer’s work?”

“Who on earth are you?”

As soon as the three words “Old Nong Gong” came out, the smile on Zhang Chulan’s face immediately converged, and at the same time a ray of thunder began to appear on her body.

“Don’t be so nervous, I have no interest in the origin of the Qi body. Instead of worrying about me here, you might as well worry about it. Your partner, Bao Bao Feng, Wang Zhenqiu is very curious about her. Without you by your side, you Do you think he knows something from her?”

“You know about Sister Bao’er.” Zhang Chulan looked a little nervous when she heard Shen Fei utter the three words Wang Zhenqiu, but he did not go back immediately, but asked Shen Fei about Feng Bao’s affairs.

“Don’t worry, just as I am not interested in the origin of your qi body, I am also not interested in Feng Baobao. You should worry about other people who are interested in her instead of worrying about me.”

“Xunlei member.” After a moment of silence, Zhang Chulan suddenly burst into a powerful thunder light, and then rushed towards Shen Fei at a lightning fast speed, with a shining thunder light in her right hand.

Zhang Chulan rarely takes risks, but if necessary, she will be put to death and reborn. Her secrets are so clear that an outsider knows her. For the safety of herself and Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan decided to fight. Can you kill Shen Fei?

The speed under the blessing of Yang Wulei can greatly increase Zhang Chulan’s speed in a short time. In the original work, Qi and Tang Wenlong in the Tang Sect’s battle, relying on this to seize the opportunity, finally won the victory.


Zhang Chulan, who rushed to Shen Fei’s side, didn’t wait for the thunder in her palm to hit Shen Fei’s body. She immediately felt a pain in her throat, and then realized that she was caught by someone’s neck and lifted it up.

“Take a shot at me, are you really surprised that Qi Origin is the strongest stunt in the world.” Looking at Zhang Chulan, who was pinched by her left hand, Shen Fei’s face showed a sneer.


Shen Fei shook his left hand and threw Zhang Chulan directly to a place ten meters away, and then said, “This time it is for the face of the Heavenly Master Longhushan. Forget it, remember that there is no next time, let’s go. ”

“Cough, cough, cough.” Zhang Chulan, who fell to the ground, immediately used her right hand to give her neck an air. After coughing for a few times, Roar really returned to normal after breathing. After that, she left without saying anything. .

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