After doing everything possible and still being rejected, Lin Yu could only give up this idea.

"Otherwise, let me build a castle here and stay here!"

Reluctantly glanced at the expressionless death angel Letitia.

It would be nice to be even closer to Miss Letitia.

Besides, he really dare not go back now.

Irene, this woman is terrible!

He was filled with fear when he thought of the current state of the students of Biyu theological descendants and Melaleuca Federation.

These guys have now become walking corpses one by one, seem to have completely lost themselves and become Irene's real lackeys.

Lin Yu shuddered at the thought of Irene's strange eyes.

What on earth this woman is thinking, Irene, he hasn't understood for so long.

It's just that Lin Yu has an instinctive fear of her.

This woman is too evil!

Lin Yu couldn't help but shudder.

He also had a period of memory blanking for a while, just after he joined the organization and Irene faced each other for the first time.

After that, for about a day or so, he felt completely muddled.

He couldn't remember what happened that day.

Only know that that day he had a strange admiration for Irene inexplicably, and he was going to dig out his heart for her.

Had it not been for a day later, he suddenly woke up, he wondered if he would simply walk to Irene to confess his infernal status.

He always remembered the moment when he woke up, the incomparable guilt in his heart.

If this continues, maybe he will commit suicide directly because of this guilt.

Or maybe he has already revealed his identity next to Irene.

No one knew what happened that day.

He suspected that he was able to wake up entirely because of his stronger soul power than others.

After all, he is now the sum of two people in terms of soul strength.

He has been acting since that day.

I'm afraid that others will find out what's wrong with me.

While acting while inquiring about Zhang Yifan.

Since he heard the name and deeds of Ainz Ur Gong, he has basically confirmed that this is Zhang Yifan.

Apart from Zhang Yifan, who can have such a strong strength?

Especially after hearing about the virus infection pattern of zombies, he confirmed this even more.

If others don't know, can he still not know?

This is clearly the racial trait of the zombie slime.

At that time he wanted to come over and join Zhang Yifan.

I was just worried that I would leave without permission and show my feet, and I have never dared to act rashly.

After all, in the area where his castle is located, going to the middle of the Ashan Continent requires several spheres of influence of the descendants of the Biyu **** family.

Once he was discovered by the other party as a twenty-five son, he was killed in minutes.

It was not until Irene issued a migration order that he finally found the opportunity.

"Yes, you take these resources..."

Zhang Yifan handed him a large bag of resources.

"Use these resources to rebuild a castle nearby. You can ask my housekeeper, Albedo, for some troops to temporarily guard the castle."

Albedo? The owner of that strange dwarf castle?

I heard that it was a pretty white banshee.

Looking jealously at Zhang Yifan,

Winner in life!

There are even housekeepers, it's really corrupt.

People always come to participate in the final special training. Why is it that people can make their lives feel like they are on vacation?

He randomly checked the amount of resources in his hand.

"Okay... a lot of zeros!"

Lin Yu couldn't help getting excited.

So many resources are enough for him to upgrade the castle to a tenth level building.

Was he qualified to call himself supreme at that time?

With that kind of force, what kind of hero unit can he not find?

At that time, he will also hire a heroic unit as beautiful as Letitia, the angel of death.

He glanced reluctantly at Letitia, the angel of death.

Although it was shameless to say that, it was indeed his first love.

Seeing Lin Yu's performance, Zhang Yifan curled his lips in disdain, and he was indeed a soil bun who had never seen the resources.

This little resource can be obtained by simply knocking down a supreme.

There are so many supreme in Yashan World, and some are opportunities to brush resources.

He nodded towards the angel of death, Letitia, and signaled that she could leave.

This time he asked the angel of death Letitia to focus on a realm of the undead race not far from him.

Since Irene is staring at the underground world, he might as well take the earth world in his hands first.

When the time comes, they will be crushed down to kill Irene and the other participants.

In addition, he also issued an order to the Lich King Gambou.

The magical technique that I learned not long ago can be used.

Lich King Gambooner'zhul: a deity of medium power

Race: Zombie Slime

Race talent: the virus replicates, swallows the corpse, and turns the opponent into the same race.

Divinity: 468

Clergy: Shadow, Void, Hatred, Fear, Space

Godhead: S-level higher Godhead

Divine power value: 3218

Magic: Walk in the void, spikes in the soul, explosion in the deterrence...

Innate ability: Supreme Faith

For the effect of the skill, the Lich King Gumbo is able to sacrifice to the Lord of Slime, and obtain any skillful magical skill after the sacrifice.

The power of magic is related to the value of sacrificed items, and the sacrifice can be made once a day.

Although it was weakened after entering the world of Ashan and became a level 0 hero unit, the level advantage was gone, but the original skills were retained.

Including the Supreme Faith.

These days, the Lich King Gambou has never let go of the opportunity to use the Supreme Faith every day.

Massive resources were used by him to make sacrifices.

It's just that the magic arts obtained are relatively ordinary.

Until this morning he obtained a divine ability of Zhang Yifan through sacrifice: reproduction.

Divine energy is born from divine nature and is the embryonic form of divine art.

Here it is also defaulted as a kind of magic.

Reproduction, a divine power born by the priest of Slime Lord, passive ability is to enhance the reproduction ability of slimes, and there is a small probability that population optimization will occur when splitting and breeding.

The use of 10,000 belief points can be actively used once to force a nondestructive split on the slime within the scope of the divine spell.

After entering the world of Ashan, it is no longer necessary to consume faith points to reproduce this skill, but to consume soul stones instead.

One million soul stones can be used once.

The Lich King Gambou decisively used breeding on himself.

A divine light flickered, and the Lich King Gumbo suddenly split into two exactly the same.

The Lich King Gambou is also a slime creature, and the **** of reproduction can also work on him.

Of course, it is limited to Ashan World.

In Ashan World, his life was templated, and his life level was greatly reduced, becoming a mortal thing.

Otherwise, as a powerful life form comparable to a deity with medium divine power, the reproduction of divine power is ineffective.

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