The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 16 An encounter at the Medieval Art Museum

Mr. Qin?

Mr. Qin? What's wrong with you?

Tamada Kazuo looked at Qin Zhibo who was suddenly stunned and asked with concern.

Qin Zhibo, after being stunned for two seconds, replied with a forced smile: No, it's nothing.

Mr. Tamada, then I will take the first step.

See you.

By the way! I'll be waiting for you in the library warehouse after closing on Tuesday.

no problem.

After saying goodbye to Tamada Kazuo, Qin Zhibo opened the map in his field of vision, set the target location as the Medieval Art Museum, and then quickly rushed to his destination according to the route marked above.

The previous two main missions had a time limit of 1 hour, and Qin Zhibo tried his best to complete the mission.

But this time there were 24 hours. Of course, Qin Zhibo hoped to complete the task quickly so as to get better rating rewards.

As for supernatural events, Qin Zhibo, who has a Will of 90, doesn't care.

But when he arrived at the entrance of Zhongshi Art Museum, Qin Zhibo still missed the opening hours, and the art museum had long been closed.

I still don’t dare to break into a facility like an art museum, so I can only enter after it opens tomorrow.

It seems that the task time limit given by the system is not given in vain. 24 hours is almost the entire business hours of the art museum tomorrow.

Back at the office, Qin Zhibo turned on his computer to search for supernatural events about the Medieval Art Museum.

However, the wise saying If you have a problem, look for a girl is not very applicable in this era. There is no discussion page on the Internet about the supernatural events in the Medieval Art Museum.

The only thing related to the Medieval Art Museum on the Internet is an advertising page for a hotel.

It says that a company will build a high-end hotel on the former site of the Medieval Art Museum. It will break ground on X, month

Stay tuned!

Qin Zhibo looked at the time for the groundbreaking, and there was less than a month left.

Qin Zhibo didn't know what this had to do with the supernatural events at the Medieval Art Museum, but he kept this information in his mind for the time being.

The next day.

As soon as the Zhongshi Art Museum opened, Qin Zhibo bought a ticket and entered as the first visitor of the day.

It's really rare. There were already audiences here as soon as the doors opened today.

As soon as Qin Zhibo stepped into the hall of the art museum, an old man standing in the center of the hall spoke to Qin Zhibo.

This old man has exaggeratedly thick white eyebrows and a white beard, and he looks a bit like a Schnauzer.

Next to the old man's head, Qin Zhibo saw the following words floating.

Name: Ochiai Juquan

Sex: Male

Age: 67

Occupation: Art Museum Director

Social Credit: 4500

Although he saw these words, Qin Zhibo still pretended not to know and asked: Are you...

Ah, I am the director of this art museum, my surname is Ochiai.

“During the decades I have been running this museum, I personally introduce each exhibition hall of the museum to the first visitor entering the museum every day.”

I hope you won't refuse.

Qin Zhibo nodded. He was originally here to investigate supernatural events. With the curator by his side, it would be more convenient to ask about the situation.

So under the leadership of Director Ochiai, Qin Zhibo visited the three exhibition halls of Earth, Sky, and Haiyuan.

To be honest, Qin Zhibo is not interested in these works of art.

And in Qin Zhibo's opinion, the quality of this art museum is really not high.

Although it is an art museum with a medieval theme, the artworks displayed in each exhibition hall are not necessarily related to the Middle Ages. Many of them are just a make-up.

And the earth, the sky, the ocean.

Why is the theme of the last exhibition hall hell?

Shouldn't it be a forest?

Standing at the door of the Hell Exhibition Hall, Qin Zhibo, who had been patiently listening to Director Ochiai's explanation of various works of art, finally couldn't help it anymore and asked what he wanted to know most.

Director Ochiai, I heard that there have been some supernatural events happening in your museum recently, such as armor moving on its own.

is this real?

After hearing Qin Zhibo's question, Director Ochiai was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst into laughter.

Haha, you won't believe those are true, right?

But thanks to those rumors, there have been a lot more visitors to the art museum recently.

Qin Zhibo felt that his IQ had been ridiculed.

At this moment, an employee named Kubota walked up to Director Ochiai and said, Director, Mr. Manaka has arrived.

Oh. I know.

Director Ochiai nodded, then turned to Qin Zhibo and said, Sir, I have some things to do, so I won't be accompanying you in this last exhibition hall.

It's okay, you can do it yourself.

Director Ochiai followed Kubota out of the corridor leading to Hell, leaving Qin Zhibo alone in the exhibition hall.

When you push the door and enter, the entire exhibition hall is particularly dim, with dots of lights dotting the pieces of black soul-style artwork.

Armor, armor, armor.

There are various kinds of armors on display here. These armors are all standing on both sides of the passage with human figures holding swords and axes, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Coupled with the bright red carpet, it can give people the illusion of walking in a blood pool hell.

Even Qin Zhibo's will jumped at this scene.

90, 89, 90

really not bad.

As a haunted house, it's quite interesting.

Qin Zhibo nodded and admired the innovation of this hellish exhibition hall.

At the end of the passage, Qin Zhibo saw the treasure of the hell room, a painting called Heaven's Punishment.

The painting was not by a famous painting artist, and the scene depicted above was rather bloody and bizarre.

An armored knight walks with his back in the lower left corner of the frame, while the upper right corner is almost blurry in the dim lighting conditions and cannot be seen clearly at all.

Out of curiosity, Qin Zhibo looked around and saw no one around, quietly took out his nuclear lighter and lit it in a safe area.


Under the dancing firelight, a demon with a knight's sword piercing its body appeared.

The shape of this demon is very strange and blasphemous.

It looks like an ape or an insect, with pieces of skin hanging down from its body.

There is no expression on the wrinkled head, but there is a pair of vestigial sunken eyes, and there are huge open claws on the two forelimbs of its body.

What's even more strange is that not a drop of blood flowed from the chest of this demon pierced by the knight's sword.

But looking at the knight, the bright silver armor was stained by splashes of blood.

This painting, which seems to be about justice punishing evil, may contain some shocking malice.

After walking out of the Hell Room exhibition hall, you returned to the central hall of the museum.

The dim environment suddenly turned into a bright place, and Qin Zhibo rubbed his slightly uncomfortable eyes.

When the vision in his eyes became clear, Qin Zhibo saw several familiar figures at the main entrance.

Conan, who had just passed the main entrance ticket gate, also saw Qin Zhibo standing in the hall.


Why is it him again?

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