The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 54 Belly Luminous Technique

In the brightly lit villa, Qin Zhibo was patrolling back and forth with a crowbar.

Suzuki Ayako, Sonoko, Mao Lilan, and Conan were sitting quietly and chatting in the living room of the villa.

Seeing Qin Zhibo patrolling the villa so enthusiastically, Suzuki Ayako nodded affirmatively.

Xiaolan, your detective friend makes people feel safe.

Before Mao Lilan could answer, the garden next to her started to mess around.

Really? Right?

It's rare to see such a handsome man who also makes people feel safe, sister.

What are you talking about? Sonoko. Suzuki Ayako shook her head in embarrassment.

In the garden of Love Brain, as long as two people truly love each other, the age gap and identity gap are not a problem.

Otherwise, Yuanzi would not come to a class reunion where the average age is 7 years older than her in an attempt to find a handsome boy to be her boyfriend.

But in the traditional concept of Suzuki Ayako, both the right person and age are very important.

At the same time, this is also Suzuki Ayako's consciousness as the princess of the Suzuki Foundation.

To a certain extent, Suzuki Ayako has made sacrifices for Sonoko’s free love.

Because one of the two sisters must become a victim of family marriage.

Conan on the other side of the sofa sneered at what Sonoko said.

First of all, Conan does not think that Qin Zhibo is patrolling the villa, but is looking for key evidence to solve the case.

It's not like Conan has never seen Qin Zhibo's crime-solving method before.

In the previous cases, Qin Zhibo just wandered around the crime scene for a while and then solved the case quietly.

Secondly, Conan was fed up with Yuanzi's random behavior.

If it weren't for the fear of losing his virginity in front of Xiaolan, Conan would want to say that when he first met Qin Zhibo, he felt that Qin Zhibo was at least four years old.

However, in the last few meetings, Conan felt that Qin Zhibo seemed to have become much younger and in good spirits.

Without that first impression, Conan would have felt that Qin was only thirty years old at most.

However, this may also be attributed to the fact that mixed-race faces look relatively younger.

On the balcony on the second floor, Qin Zhibo was indeed searching for the investigation point.

But so far, Qin Zhibo has only found one investigation point, which is in Mao Lilan and Conan's room. The content is that the floor of the room and balcony is extremely clean, and there are no traces of intrusion by outsiders.

This shows that the person with the bandage is very likely to be someone who lives in the villa.

Apart from this, Qin Zhibo had nothing to gain.

At this moment, people started to come out of the darkness of the woods.

Standing on the balcony, Qin Zhibo had an excellent view, and he could tell at a glance that none of them were suspicious people. They were the three men who had just gone out to look for Chikako Ikeda.

Among the three men, the distance between Ohta Masaru and Kakutani Hiroki is not far apart. Only the chubby Takahashi is slightly farther away from the other two.

The three of them waved their flashlights to each other at the edge of the woods, and then gathered in the open space in front of the woods and chatted about something.

Although I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, I could probably guess that they were talking about things like “Did you find it?”, “No, what about you?”, “Neither did I.”

After that, the three of them walked towards the villa together.

But at a certain moment, Qin Zhibo saw that Takahashi Ryoichi, who was walking at the back, had a slightly shiny belly?

When they returned to the villa, the three of them found Chikako Ikeda.

Not only that, Ota Masaru and Kakutani Hiroki also discovered that the suspension bridge over the valley had been cut down.

He wanted to call the police, but the phone in the villa couldn't get through, and Qin Zhibo's own phone had no signal.

Everything seems to be developing towards the model of Blizzard Villa.

So Suzuki Ayako, as the host, suggested that everyone stay in the living room and go down the mountain until dawn.

It doesn't matter if the suspension bridge in the valley is broken, just go down the mountain along the long route that Qin Zhibo took when he came.

At this time, Takahashi Ryoichi among the crowd took a peek at the balcony on the second floor of the living room.

Now that everyone is here, it’s time to start the show.

Although I was only in charge of props when I was in the film club and may not be very good at acting, this performance was basically performed with props, or it was a puppet show.

All he had to do was use the bandage dummy he had carefully prepared and use the head of Chikako Ikeda to flash past the living room window, and then let everyone see this scene through his own reminder.

Then the alibi that he and the bandage weirdo appeared at the same time would be established.

Next, he will lead everyone to the woods where he dumped the body just now. The path of those body parts will further deepen the impression that outsiders committed the crime.

This plan is perfect!

But just when Takahashi Ryoichi was about to stand up from the sofa and take the initiative to ask Ying to repair the roof, a solid and powerful palm pressed on Takahashi Ryoichi's shoulder.

Takahashi looked back and saw that it was Qin Zhibo.

At this time, Qin Zhibo had a kind smile on his face: Takahashi, I heard that you are good at repairing things?

Takahashi Ryoichi was a little stunned, wondering when he became Qin Zhibo's classmate, but he still nodded.

That'll be easy.

When I was inspecting the villa just now, I found that there is a window in the kitchen that doesn't seem to close tightly. Please go and help repair it.

Everyone around him looked at Takahashi expectantly. At this moment, Takahashi had never felt so needed.

Takahashi also felt that this step would not have any major impact on his plan. The windows could be simply repaired, so it would be more natural to ask Ying to repair the roof when he came back.

So Gao Qiao agreed to go to the kitchen with Qin Zhibo to repair the windows.

The two came to the kitchen, Qin Zhibo stood at the door of the kitchen, and Takahashi entered the kitchen first.

A big family's house is different. There are several windows in the kitchen alone.

Mr. Qin, which window is the broken one?

Regarding Takahashi's question, Qin Zhibo pointed to the innermost window of the kitchen.

So Takahashi walked to the innermost window and opened and closed the lock on the window.

Um? A perfect fit?

Just when Gao Qiao was about to turn back to Qin Zhibo to confirm whether the window was broken, the lights in the kitchen and the corridor at the door of the kitchen suddenly went out.

So others would have panicked in this situation, thinking it was the bandage weirdo who put out the lights.

But Takahashi was the bandage weirdo himself, so there was no need to panic and he asked directly: Mr. Qin, why did you turn off the light?

It was indeed Qin Zhibo who turned off the lights in the kitchen and hallway.

At this time, Qin Zhibo was standing at the door of the kitchen, looking at Ryoichi Takahashi, who was spinning in circles in the dark kitchen.

However, in Qin Zhibo's field of vision, Takahashi Ryoichi's body was not completely dark.

On Takahashi Ryoichi's belly, a few faint white lights shine through the holes in the oversized loose light blue sweater Takahashi Ryoichi wears.

Qin Zhibo is no stranger to this kind of soft light.

This is the light that belongs to the investigation point!

Thanks to Bihai Minyue for the tip!

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