The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 59 Strange noise in the middle of the night

The challenge task is relatively generous in time setting, that is, it will end at four o'clock tomorrow morning.

As soon as your eyes close and open, the mission is over.

But Qin Zhibo knew that it would never be that simple. As a challenging task, there must be something special about it.

Maybe there is a ghost in this cemetery?

Or are there creatures in the forest?

Compared with living things, Qin Zhibo actually hopes that it is ghosts.

Because ghosts are meaningless to a person with an iron will like him. As long as he is not afraid, ghosts will be useless.

But living things are different. This thing can actually hurt your body.

However, whether it was a ghost or a creature, Qin Zhibo determined the rules of action tonight.

That is If the enemy does not move, I will not move; if the enemy moves, I will move again.

In the coffin, Qin Zhibo's knees were slightly bent and his upper body was lying upright.

This situation made Qin inexplicably think of a movie he once watched called Buried Alive.

The movie tells the story of an American truck driver who was hijacked and buried alive in a coffin to die.

In the film, the actors' performances vividly convey the panic and mental frenzy of being in an extreme claustrophobic space.

At the end of the film, the feeling of falling from the paradise of hope to the abyss of despair is the highlight of the film.

But now Qin Zhibo is much more comfortable than the protagonist in Buried Alive.

Also lying in the coffin, Qin Zhibo's coffin lid had a gap for ventilation. Through the gap, he could see the moonlit night sky with few stars outside.

Moreover, the hiking backpack is placed on the legs, with food and water in it, and the crowbar is also on the right hand side, so you can use it at any time.

In this case, the coffin is not a coffin for burying people alive, but rather like a fortress that can give people a sense of security.

Time passed slowly, and suddenly, there was some movement outside the coffin.

This is a rustling sound made by the grass.

Hearing this voice, Qin Zhibo, who was already a little drowsy, immediately opened his eyes and stopped breathing for a moment.

The rustling sound was continuous and moved back and forth within two meters of Qin Zhibo's coffin.

It is certain that this is some kind of living creature that is in continuous motion.

Was it discovered so quickly?

Qin Zhibo thought of the grass he piled near the coffin to disguise himself during the day.

If the threat tonight was some non-intelligent entity, the grass near the coffin would serve as a camouflage.

But if it is an intelligent entity, it will serve as a reminder by changing the terrain here.

This pile of unnaturally stacked grass seems to be a reminder, There is something in here, come and take a look!

But even if he thinks of this now, Qin Zhibo can no longer lift the coffin lid to deal with it.

Qin Zhibo held the crowbar beside him and turned his sight to the guard totem.

As the guard's totem's vision turned, Qin Zhibo found the location of his coffin.

At first, he didn't see anything strange surrounding his coffin.

But suddenly, a black shadow swept out from the weeds next to the coffin.

This thing is neither small nor big, and it is bent on the coffin lid.

At the same time, Qin Zhibo heard some sounds like sharp nails scratching wood above his head.



Hearing this voice, Qin Zhibo's heart tightened slightly, and even his steely will wavered.

90, 89, 90

The tense state lasted for five seconds, and Qin Zhibo relaxed.

Because through the view outside the coffin provided by the guard totem, Qin Zhibo recognized that the black thing was actually a mouse.

The closer it gets to night, the more active this creature becomes.

But it’s hard to believe it. According to Qin Zhibo’s visual inspection, this mouse is almost the same size as a kitten!

The rat's claws and teeth kept tapping on the coffin, and short and trivial rattling and squeaking sounds kept coming.

If this continues, sooner or later the rotting coffin lid will be chewed through by this nasty rodent.

So Qin Zhibo, who was under the coffin lid, took the initiative to make some noise in an attempt to drive the fat mouse away.


“Go, go—”


Qin Zhibo's voice gradually increased, but he found that the mouse seemed not afraid of human voices at all.

Instead, as his pitch increased, the rat gnawed on the coffin faster and faster, as if chewing potato chips.


The louder I scream, the more excited you get?

Qin Zhibo guessed so.

And the character of this mouse really annoyed Qin Zhibo.

Qin Zhibo raised his two feet to slightly lift the coffin lid, and then adjusted the crowbar in his hand to stand it as high as possible.

Based on the position where the coffin lid made the sound, Qin Zhibo pinpointed the mouse and stabbed it with the crowbar in his hand.


The crowbar instantly pierced through the coffin lid, which had been chewed by the rat until a thin layer was left, causing the rat to slide off the coffin lid.

After getting rid of the annoying fat mouse, Qin Zhibo's ears were finally clean again.

In order to confirm whether the mouse still dared to come to Tai Sui to stir up trouble, Qin Zhibo returned to the field of vision of the guard totem.

But a strange scene occurred.

Qin was busy fighting with the mice just now, and he didn't notice that a layer of white mist had appeared in the entire cemetery from unknown time.

These white mist flowed strangely, as if the white liquid in the unreal world was flowing.

This made Qin Zhibo a little puzzled.

It was foggy last night because it had just rained, and there was enough moisture on the ground to make it foggy easily.

But it has been sunny all day today. Logically speaking, the water vapor should have evaporated, so why is there still fog?

Qin Zhibo turned the 360° view of the guard totem and looked around the entire cemetery.

Suddenly, a strange voice came from among the barren graves in the cemetery.

The sound was slightly urgent, as if a woman was crying.


Woo hoo——hoo hoo——

These short sounds sounded from different locations in the white mist of the cemetery each time, accompanied by the sound of rustling in the grass.

Was it the mouse just now?

But does a mouse make this sound?

Could it be a female ghost in the cemetery making such a sound?

The common sense in Qin Zhibo's brain was not good enough to judge the origin of the sound, so he could only use the guard totem to track the situation in the grass as much as possible.

The guard totem's vision rotates rapidly, as if it is controlling a surveillance screen that can rotate its perspective.

At a certain moment when his vision turned, Qin Zhibo suddenly saw something unusual.

That was something lying on the coffin where he was lying!

This is not a mouse.

It is much larger than a mouse.

Its back was covered with green spots, its gray limbs were lying on the coffin like a dog, and its unclear head was pointed at the gap in the coffin lid that was not tightly closed.

Qin Zhibo quickly took away the vision of the guard totem and used his own vision.

I saw a pair of eyes staring at myself lying in the coffin at the gap in the coffin.

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