The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 92 Mission location, Moon Shadow Island!

As expected, it is the last of the three magic skills for employment.

If you are a foodie, you cannot refuse this skill.

Because as long as you cook every day, you can improve your proficiency, and there is no need for deliberate training. It is not too convenient.

But Qin Zhibo is not a foodie, and there is not even a kitchen in the office.

On the other hand, Qin Zhibo has his own chef.

If you want to eat delicious food, you can bring your own ingredients and let Matsumoto Ryohei cook a good meal.

In the end, Qin Zhibo always felt that as long as he lived in Mihua long enough, corpses would come to his door with this common skill.

So based on the current situation, Qin Zhibo spent 2000 general proficiency and bought a night vision device and the holy sword of physics-crowbar.

[Night Vision × 2], [Holy Sword of Physics].

With these two things, Qin Zhibo couldn't wait to take them out and test them.

The first is night vision.

Turn off the office lights and turn on the night vision goggles.

A faint green field of view appeared, and the picture quality was obviously improved compared to the last time it was used in the Shijing family villa.

Noise has been reduced and lines are much clearer.

It seems that repeated purchases of night vision device stacks can indeed improve the night vision effect.

This gave Qin Zhibo an idea.

If we buy more night vision devices and stack them together, will it be possible to be as bright as day even in the dark?

Next is the holy sword of physics - the crowbar.

Qin Zhibo opened his right hand, and with a thought, a black crowbar appeared in his hand.

One end is slightly bent, and the other end is bent at a large angle. It has two iron teeth similar to a fork, which can be used to pry nails, door locks, etc.

Because these two iron teeth are a bit sharp and made of their own material, they can also be used as weapons.

Different from the brand new crowbars on the market, this crowbar has a lot of bumps and bumps on its surface.

This shows that it is an old thing and has performed tasks in the hands of many investigators.

Although it's not brand new, Qin Zhibo doesn't mind.

The surface is not smooth enough to increase friction.

After buying two props, Qin Zhibo still had 2920 general skill proficiency left.

The remaining props are either too expensive or not very practical.

Moreover, the props in the mall have just been refreshed, and I don’t know how long it will take for the next refresh.

So Qin Zhibo decided to use the remaining general proficiency to improve his skills after a long absence.

As an investigator, his natural skill [Investigation] cannot be improved through training or corpse investigation.

Therefore, general proficiency is most suitable for improving [Investigation].

As soon as I thought about it, I saw that the balance of proficiency began to decrease rapidly, and the proficiency value of the survey was rapidly increasing.

When the 2000 general proficiency points are completely integrated into [Investigation], investigation skills will also usher in new changes.

Name: Qin Zhibo

Intelligence: 75

Investigation: Investigation refers to your investigative talent. Improve

Level: 3

Proficiency: 0/4000

[Investigation level 3, unlock new investigation, secret word investigation]

[Secret word investigation: By investigating related things, there is a probability of successfully deciphering codes and riddles]

The first is the passive of the investigation skill. Every time it is improved by 1 level, intelligence +5.

With an intelligence of 75, he is only 5 points away from being on par with Kudo (Conan), who usually has the highest intelligence among all the people surveyed so far.

However, even if they have the same intelligence, it does not mean that they can keep in sync with Conan in solving crimes without using the investigation function.

The concept of intelligence here is relatively vague, and it is not specific to a certain aspect of logical thinking ability.

For example, scientists who are good at research and creation may not be as good at solving crimes as Conan, but their intelligence is not necessarily lower than Conan's.

For example, there is a person named Dr. Ali behind Conan.


If Conan's intelligence was high enough, why didn't he invent his own luminous watch?

So it is not ruled out that Conan is indeed a smart man, but overall, there are many people who are as smart as him or smarter.

In addition to the improvement of intelligence, there are also newly unlocked investigations.

Although Whisper Investigation does not provide permanent improvement like Corpse Investigation, it is at least a unique investigation skill.

But so far, it seems that we haven’t encountered any place that requires this investigation?

After the consumption, Qin Zhibo's general skill proficiency was still a pitiful 920.

Although I feel a little distressed, there is nothing I can do about it.

Fortunately, I got a new mission when I was exploring in the bungalow just now, which might be able to replenish my remaining proficiency balance.

[Main mission: Blessing of Yellow Mark - full moon spectacle]

[Task requirement: Go to the designated place at the designated time]

[Task reward: 3000 general skill proficiency, 400 weird mythological knowledge skill proficiency]

[Mission countdown begins]



From the mission mode, it should be the same main challenge mission as last time.

However, judging from the introduction, it is much simpler than the last main challenge mission.

There is no longer a requirement to survive the night, you just need to arrive at the designated place at the designated time.

Of course, the rewards have also been reduced accordingly.

Qin Zhibo opened the electronic map to check while praying that the designated location was not some barren land.

However, when the electronic map was opened, there was no marked mission location in Tokyo and the surrounding areas of Tokyo.

The map was further zoomed out, and a red coordinate appeared.

First, this red coordinate is located on the sea.

Secondly, the location of the coordinates is located in a range called the Izu Islands.

Finally, further zooming in on the place name revealed that the coordinates were on an island called Moon Shadow Island.

Moon Shadow Island.

If I remember well, it seems that Mao Lilan said that her family will go to Moon Shadow Island tomorrow, right?

Mao Lilan said this to Conan before midnight.

In other words, the Mori family is leaving today!

Since the designated time for this main mission is less than 48 hours away, the safest choice for me is to go to the island in advance to check the situation on the island and find out the situation at the mission location.

It seems that we have to collide with the Mori family.

Maybe I can even get a quest or a corpse?

Thinking of this, Qin Zhibo took the time to go to bed.

I can't wait to see the shocked expression on Conan's face when he meets him again.

early morning.

On the ship, the Maori family stood boredly on the deck blowing the sea breeze, waiting for the time for the ship to depart.

During this period, Conan's eye circles were slightly green and he kept yawning.

It was already midnight when I went back to the office to go to bed last night, so I definitely didn't have enough sleep now.

In addition, for some reason, Conan had a long-awaited nightmare last night, which made the quality of his sleep even worse.

This nightmare is very strange.

Even when Conan thinks about it now, it is still fresh in his memory and he feels uncomfortable all over.

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