The Great Adventure

Chapter 16 - sixteen

As the sea and the wind carried them on their next destination, the same sea brought them a sort of quiet and peace that the people on board needed.

On the ship, After a brief hello and exchange of names, brief exchange of name that was the start of a long discussion, the two spent the night talking about their dreams, their goals, finally reaching a clear ending and beginning.

" let's create a place, an independent city-state, a country where every citizens have equal rights and responsibilities, a place where the rights of men are respected, where there is not caste, a place where people can breath, when people hear and see how good it is to live in our city they will come and we will be the two elders, what do you think ? "

" It's not a bad idea, in the island of bloom, everything was organized depending on which social caste you were born In, so in this world this city will be an exception, let's call it the kingdom of Songes where adventure begin and end "

"that's a good name" said Maquia smiling, while thinking Ike was first hesitant but soon asked " How,..., in what state was the city of flower ? " Silence took place as Maquia was trying hard to find the words to describe what she witnessed and at the same time have her emotion under control.

" If its to hard you don't have to say it " .

After a brief moment of silence Maquia finally started speaking

" it was hell, the city of flower is no more, I think that maybe the great families are still fighting among themselves ", while listening to Maquia, Ike could observe sadness and numbness on her face, as her voice was visible shaking as she spoke.

Trying to cheer her up Ike said " We are from songes now, and are the two elders, don't worry if you need help you can count on me", like this the discussion continued .

As they crossed the territorial water's of the island of bloom near the city of flower, the darkened sky resulting from the explosion could be seen by all.

Next was the new destination "the island of trente". For the next three days the prisoners were peaceful as Grandpa Quid kept them in check and the voyage came to an end as they saw the island of trente, before coming near the territorial waters and meeting any potential patrol, they removed the pirate flags as to not cause any unnecessary trouble.

This proved to be a wise choice as a patrol passed by but left as they saw that they were refugees from the city of flower.

Strong winds surrounded the island of Trente, making it look like Trente was the center of a tornado.

The streets could be seen from far away and were paved with red stones, the building were of different colors, making of Trente a feast for the eyes.

In this manner an end arrived, a beginning started, this cycle of life could not be stopped.

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