The Great Adventure

Chapter 5 - 5: The World

As Ike was consuming the spheres of divinity, elsewhere around the world, eyes were turned in his direction. Eating a sphere of divinity simply can not go unnoticed by the strong of this world.

In a grand castle on a floating island dominating a city where images and many statues of winged lions could be seen, the shadow of a throne and of a man sitting on it was drawn on the floor .

as Ike finished eating his first sphere of divinity, the lips of the shadow started moving,

"So another lucky one ...""

In another place where the shadow of "winged people" could be seen fighting in the sky in a grand war, two shadows opposing each other could be seen turning their heads in the direction of Ike's location without saying a word.

scenes like these could be seen around the world, some of these people sending men to see if they could find the "lucky one".

Without him knowing Ike caused a tremor in the world.

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