Chapter 418

  If even the Lord of Arakawa can't see through this illusion, it is indeed a bit terrifying for Seimei.

  Lord Arakawa's original illusion has already been practiced to the point of perfection, and he can't even recognize the illusion, who is it?

  It's just that Kagura seems to have some eyebrows. After all, Lord Arakawa's illusion has always been learned from Yuan Boya.

  "Didn't you learn your illusions from Lord Yuan Boya all the time? If that's the case, is it possible that this illusion was performed by Lord Yuan Boya?"

  Kagura's words made Seimei feel a little overjoyed. If they really found a clue now, it would be the best.

  "Yeah, if this is really the illusion of Lord Yuan Boya, it's just to prevent others from finding me!"

  Even Hyakumoku and Ibaraki Doji felt that there was some truth. At this time, the two-faced Buddha was still in Baihuazhuang, and they couldn't waste their time.

  At this moment, Seimei felt that the barrier of Baihuazhuang seemed to have been attacked.

  If the spiritual barrier was really attacked, he would definitely not be able to stay in this forest.

  "Baihuazhuang seems to be in danger, let's find Lord Yuan Boya as soon as possible, and then go back to Baihuazhuang as soon as possible!"

  Seimei frowned, if there is another problem with Sakura and Peach Blossom, they will be really in trouble.

  The two-faced Buddha is still locked in the Baihuazhuang. Are those guys here to rescue the two-faced Buddha?

  "Okay, let's find Lord Yuan Boya first!"

  Seimei originally walked forward with an uneasy mood, but at this time, Ibaraki Doji stopped him.

  He felt that Seimei should not continue to move forward, but should go back to Baihuazhuang first.

  "Master Qingming, isn't the matter of Baihuazhuang very important? If you don't go back now, it will only be more dangerous!"

  "Anyway, Master Yuan Boya is in this forest, and her illusion is unparalleled, even the Lord of Arakawa can't see through it!"

  "Otherwise, let's send people back to Baihuazhuang, and then we can continue to search in this forest, shall we?"

  These words made Seimei nodded, the matter of Baihuazhuang was indeed very important.

  "Lord Kagura, you follow the others and continue to search here. I have to go back to Baihuazhuang. After all, this is a very important matter!"

  Seimei turned around and left Kagura and the Lord of Arakawa knew very well, but at this time Ibaraki Doji and Hyakumoku went back with Seimei...  

  When they returned to Baihuazhuang, they saw some monsters surrounding the Baihuazhuang, but they couldn't break through this spiritual barrier at all.

  This spiritual barrier was united by Seimei and Kagura, so how could they be able to destroy it?

  "I feel that there should be nothing wrong with Lord Kagura now. If the illusion is really unstoppable by Lord Yuan Boya, then it seems that his ability should not be bad!"

  Ibaraki Doji explained it to Seimei, and the Lord of Arakawa nodded.

  After all, if Yuan Boya really had such a great ability and set up such a big illusion, then no one could hurt her now!

  Yuan Boya should have just been seriously injured and was cultivating.

  Besides, there are puppets by Yuan Boya's side to protect her all the time.

  There is no need to worry about Yuan Boya's affairs for the time being. It would be better for them to temporarily solve the problem of Baihuazhuang.

  Seimei also agreed with this, so he hurried back to Baihuazhuang immediately. .

Chapter 419

  Kagura woke up from the nightmare not long ago, but her spiritual power has always maintained such a strong level.

  In this way, Seimei was once again convinced that Kagura was absolutely impossible to be easily defeated by those monsters.

  Looking around the forest, he could indeed realize that this was an environment created by a very powerful spiritual force.

  Seimei understood, Yuan Boya must be near here, it is impossible for Kagura to admit it.

  "Looking at the source, Lord Boya is nearby. If he can be found, I think the Evil Spirit Swamp can be solved this time!"

  No matter how difficult these 19-type gods are, now the Two-Faced Buddha will definitely do whatever he wants in Baihuazhuang.

  "These shikigami, kill them first!" Seimei felt very angry when he saw these guys.

  The two-faced Buddha has indeed broken free now, and the cherry blossoms and peach blossoms have passed out in the Baihuazhuang.

  Seimei walked up. This time, he did not use the magic talisman, but the element of heaven and earth. He had cultivated the element of water to the extreme before.

  Recently he is studying how to cultivate the fire element.

  If the fire element and the water element are combined to cultivate, they can also improve their ability to a level.

  The overall color of the fire element looks like red, but the burning temperature is not as good as that of the water element.

  "The core of chaos is not something that ordinary people can cultivate. Once it is mixed with the fire element, it is very likely to be confused!"

  Ibaraki Doji also wanted to remind Seimei of this, because he had stayed with Seimei for so long and had never reminded him.

  Seimei shook his head. Whether it is water or fire, as long as these heaven and earth elements are absorbed by the Chaos Core, they can become stronger.

  "Do you know why other people's water element is water, but mine can be cultivated into fire?"

  Seimei glanced at Ibaraki Doji with a smile, Ibaraki Doji shook his head, he naturally did not know why Seimei was so powerful.

  Seimei's power is like an abyss, with no end in sight!

  There is a person who wants to guess how powerful Seimei is, which is impossible, and the two-faced Buddha is also scared to tremble when he sees Seimei coming back.

  "Why did you guys come back so soon, didn't you mean you were trapped in a fantasy? How could you come out?"

  At this time, the two-faced Buddha was so frightened that he could not see his soul. He did not expect Seimei to break through this illusion so quickly.

  However, what the two-faced Buddha doesn't know is that others may be trapped by that illusion, but Seimei still has Kagura, which is absolutely impossible for him.

  Because this illusion was originally set by Yuan Boya, if it was the illusion of Onmyoji, how could they be trapped?

  "So you really already know what's going on in the forest, and you left us on purpose, didn't you? You just want to destroy Baihuazhuang?"

  Seimei was already angry, and he just wanted to try the fire element that he had cultivated for two days, what kind of power it was.

  "Fire element! Chaos shell!"

  Seimei's hand began to burn with a fiery red color, but the fire didn't seem to have much power.

  Two-faced Buddha didn't understand why Seimei didn't use the water element.

  "Do you think these fires can burn me to death? I told you that most monsters are afraid of water, but most of them are not afraid of fire!"

  The cultivation of the elements of heaven and earth has made Seimei realize that these monsters have become stronger. .

Chapter 420

  If these monsters continue to be so powerful, there will be a very terrifying leap forward in the Swamp of Evil Spirits.

  The power of the evil spirit swamp has become stronger by collecting the souls of monsters and onmyoji.

  If Yuan Boya doesn't wake up again, then they will really break free of the seal.

  Seimei had to grab the two-faced Buddha immediately, but before Seimei could make a move, the two-faced Buddha knelt down.

  When Seimei was wondering, Ibaraki Doji laughed, after all, this guy actually knelt down to Seimei.

  "You were so arrogant just now, I thought you were very capable, but I didn't expect that the first time you met, it was like Lord Seimei kneeling down!"

  Ibaraki Doji smiled very happily, Seimei also put away his fire element, and he didn't know what the hell the two-faced Buddha was trying to do now.

  Of course he knew that the two-faced Buddha had not shown his true strength several times before, and even Seimei didn't know what his true strength was now.

  But no matter what the real strength of the Two-faced Buddha is, he can't beat Seimei anyway, so he can only kneel down and beg for mercy.

  "Seimei-sama, I didn't even think about dealing with you, nor did I want to deal with you, and I'm not a monster ¨.!"

  "But the Evil Swamp has been dealing with it all the time. I heard that I was dead and was resurrected by them!"

  "That's why I have no choice. If I don't deal with you, the monsters in the Evil Spirit Swamp will kill me!"

  He is very clear that the monster has been chasing and killing Two Faced Buddha. If he is in this forest, he will surely die miserably.

  Seimei really collected the fire element this time, but at this moment, the eyes of the two-faced Buddha suddenly became sharp.

  The two-faced Buddha rushed over, as if he had picked up a short knife and was about to kill Seimei, and Seimei had already realized it.

  "Flame illusion!"

  Seimei quickly used the fire element to transform into a flame beast, which immediately rushed towards the two-faced Buddha.

  It seems that the two-faced Buddha has not gotten any advantage, because he did such a performance just now to deceive Seimei.

  But how could Seimei be so easily deceived by him, so he quickly transformed into a fire element and killed him.

  The two-faced Buddha fell to the ground and was dying. He didn't seem to think that Seimei would be so smart.

  "As expected, Seimei-sama couldn't deceive you, but that's fine, then I'll be free!"

  The two-faced Buddha gradually fell to the ground, he didn't say a word, or he was speechless now.

  It was only at this time that Seimei discovered that he had a curse on him!

  Ibaraki Doji didn't laugh anymore. After all, watching a monster die in front of him, he was also very sad as a monster.

  He stepped forward, and the curse gradually began to dissipate, and it seemed to get worse again.

  "." This (Qian Wang Hao) is a curse, right, Lord Seimei, how could there be a curse on him?"

  Could it be that this two-faced Buddha, as he said, was wronged?

  Or, is this curse given to him by the big monsters in the Evil Spirit Swamp?Ibaraki Doji looked at Seimei.

  Seimei has also been frowning, it seems that the two-faced Buddha's begging for mercy just now is true, but he is forced to shoot at Seimei Rain.

  "It's the Curse of Binding!".

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